My Reveng Start Now

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'How did this happen? One minute Lan Zhan and I try to expose Jin Guangyao of what he did. Then the next thing we knew a group of black and red people in robes come charging into the temple at us. One of them said that it was me who tell them to kill everyone in the room. They even want to kill me but instead Lan Zhan jump in front of me and got himself stabbed by one of them.'

'The next thing I knew I woke up in cloud Recesse,' Wei Wuxian arm is bounded behind his back. His leg is been tied by a rope together by a metal pole that went from roof to floor.

'I will not them torture me! I will not let them put me through hell like 16 year ago at NeverNight. I will take my revenge on them!' Dark resentment energy come out of Wei Wuxian body. It cut through the rope that tie his arm and his leg.

Wei Wuxian stand up, his tore up clothes begin to change.

It change into something like this

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It change into something like this.

"That's more like it. Now, Chenqing! Suibian!" Both his sword and Flute appear in front of him. He put Suibian in his waist belt, and Chenqing on the other side. 'It is time to deal with those good for nothing sect and their leader,' Wei Wuxian disappear in a mist of dark smoke.

Cloud Recesse Orchid Room

The Ouyang, Yao, Nie, Jiang, Jin and Lan is all in one room. They are discussing what to do with Wei Wuxian.

"We can exile Wei Wuxian from the cultivation world."

"Why don't we torture him first before we exile him?" Then everyone hear, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!" They all looked at each other, they ran out of the room.

When all of them is outside, they see a mass resentment energy coming from the tree top, "who are you? Why are you laughing?" Shouted Lan Qiren.

The laugh died down, "You all want to do what to me?" The voice was malicious, angry and full of anger in them. "Ah that's right you all want to exile me from the cultivation world and torture me. Am I right?" He waved his hand to make the resentment energy disappear.

When the mist disappear they all see who it is, "Wei Wuxian!" Wei Wuxian smirk, his smirk is more evil then anything else. "That's right. It is me, Wei Wuxian. You all done deserve to said my name."

"How did you escape from the dungeon?"

"How did I escape? It is for me to know and for you to find out. Now, what should I do with you pathetic cultivator?" Wei Wuxian look from one person to the next. "How about this?" Wei Wuxian snapped his finger, the people on the ground is been surrounded by resentment energy.

"Wei Wuxian! You stop this instantly!" Come a very angry voice. Wei Wuxian turn his attention to two Lan outside of the circle. "Don't tell me what to do Lan Wangji! You don't deserve to said my name! Neither are they! You betray me! You said that you will always stand by my side and what do I get!? You stab me in the back with a knife! So don't you dare tell me what I can and can't do!"

Wei Wuxian surrounded Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji with the same energy. "The Lan is known for their righteous. Look at what they are doing now. Accusing someone of something they didn't do. They didn't even bother to find out the truth, they just went straight to the point and capture that person. Some righteous clan you are, how pathetic."

Wei Wuxian surrounded the whole clan with resentment energy, "Right now, everyone single one of you is pathetic. All of you clan have become a greedy person. The Jin, Yao, Ouyang and the Lan have become a greedy clan."

"What are you talking about?!" Shouted one of the clan leader. "Hahahah what am I talking about? Haven't you all forgotten? You all fight and kill each other over my Yin Hufu. How pathetic is that!"

Everyone in the circle felt stupid for fighting something over a tool that they couldn't get their hand on. "Feeling stupid? You should be because Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao just want to get the Yin Hufu for themselves. They are using you all for their guinea pig."

"Your lying!"

Wei Wuxian surrounded himself with resentment energy, "I'm lying? Then I will let you all experiment the true pain of what I went through and what Wen Qing and her family went through. I will let you all experiment your own fear!" Wei Wuxian surrounded them all with resentment energy.

He surrounded the whole cloud Recesse with resentment energy, "no one can escape my dimension. Even if you try to escape, you will end up in the same place. Show your fear. Show what you fear the most by yourself."

Everyone in the dark mist is all by themselves. No one is around to save them or ask them for help. Not only cloud Recesse is affected by the Nie, Jiang, Jin, Ouyang and Yao.

"Wei Wuxian let us go right now!" Shouted angry Lan Wangji. "Lan Wangji Ah Lan Wangji. I will let you experience what is like to actually loose the people you love the most. Let you see what you will do to kill your soulmate right before you very own eye. I won't forgive you Lan Wangji. You are forever a stranger to me."

"Wei Wuxian! Wei Wuxian!"

"Enjoy the experiment you greedy cultivator." Wei Wuxian voice doesn't come through the dark mist anymore. Everyone who is by themselves begin to call Wei Wuxian name over and over again.

Wei Wuxian left Cloud Recesse, he went down to Caiyi town, "Wei gongzi!" Wei Wuxian turn to see Wen Ning come running up to him, "Wen Ning."

Wen Ning look up he see dark cloud covering up Cloud Recesse, "Wei gongzi," Wei Wuxian sigh, "They blame me for what happen at the temple. This is my revenge on them. Wen Ning are you alright? Where did you go?" Wei Wuxian asked Wen Ning.

"You asked me to stay in front of them temple. Up ahead I see a dark smoke, so I went  toward it. I saw that it was Chifeng Zun sword. I didn't touch it or anything, I wrapped in a blanket. When I went back to the temple, everyone was gone."

Wei Wuxian look at the saber behind Wen Ning, "let's head to Yiling, we can stay in the place where you and your sister once stay in." Wen Ning nodded his head, so the two left Caiyi town to head to Yiling town.

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