Chapter 14

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"Mingjue Xiong."

Nie Mingjue look at Lan Xichen who look so devastated and betrayed, "I told you so many time about Jin Guangyao. You didn't believe me. No matter how nice, kind and special he is, he not what you think."

Lan Xichen bit on his lips, "I for once shouldn't fall for Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan word as well. We did wrong to Wei Wuxian, Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao used us to fight against Wei Wuxian because he want to get his hand on Wei Wuxian Yin Hufu."

Everyone is listen to what Nie Mingjue is saying, "that's not all, he put that talismans inside everyone clothes beside the minor clan. Which mean he put them inside of the Jiang, Lan, Jin and Nie clan. He want everyone to accuse Wei Wuxian of something he didn't do while believing that Jin Guangyao is a nice person."

"Chifeng Zun, are you saying that from the very beginning Jin Guangyao has been manipulating us?"

"Not just Jin Guangyao but also Jin Guangshan. They two of them only want to take the Yin Hufu from Wei Wuxian. Many of our disciple got kill because of him."

"Now, that you mention it. During the fight against Wei Wuxian," the person who is saying this look beside Nie Mingjue, he see dark resentment energy coming out from Wei Wuxian, "I didn't mean to make it sound like that, I'm just saying. During the fight, Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan didn't even join the fight."

"Of course! The two of them are a coward! They don't care about other people life! They only care about getting the Yin Hufu for their clan!" Wei Wuxian red eye light up, "Isn't that the same for you all as well? You fight over my Yin Hufu? You kill other cultivator for it? And you blame me for killing thousand of people during that night."

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen who is hearing this become very angry, Song Lan have to hold Xiao Xingchen back from trying to kill those in front of him, "Xingchen calm down!"

"Don't you tell me to calm down, Zichen! They accused My Nephew! Of something he didn't do! They accuse him the second time for trying to kill Lan Wangji at the Guanyin Temple in Yunping town! They are a bunch of no good CULTIVATORS!!!"How dare they didn't try to find the truth before accusing MY NEPHEW of something he didn't do!"

Wei Wuxian turn around to head back to where his Shishu is at, "Shishu, is alright now. If they don't believe what they just seen, then I will put their whole clan through hell." Xiao Xingchen finally calm down.

Xiao Xingchen give Lan Wangji a death glare, "Lan Wangji," hearing his name been call by Xiao Xingchen, he look over to where Xiao Xingchen is at. He can see how much Xiao Xingchen hate him, "I won't hand Wei Wuxian over to you. You don't deserve him. When I first saw you...I know that you will be with A-Ying, stay with him, stand by his side, it look like I was wrong. Wei Wuxian doesn't deserve you."

"Shishu," Xiao Xingchen look back to his nephew, "we are heading home, Chifeng Zun, Nie gongzi, are you two done? We can send you back to your clan?" Xiao Xingchen take Wei Wuxian hand and Song Lan hand.

"Xiao Xingchen, we are done,"  Nie Mingjue looked at the people in front of him, "I believe in Wei Wuxian. Everything that happen at Qiongqi path, with Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun and what happen at the temple, he is innocent and so is Wen Ning family."

"Da ge."

Nie Mingjue put his arm around Nie Huaisang shoulder, "come, let's head home." Wei Wuxian open two portal, one for the Nie brothers to go back to the Nie clan, while the other one take Wei Wuxian and the other back to where Wen Qing use to live.

"Mingjue Xiong!" Lan Xichen run up to Nie Mingjue, "Mingjue Xiong," Nie Mingjue look at a sad Lan Xichen, "I always thought that you will believe in me rather then Jin Guangyao. We known each other since we were Huaisang age, how couldn't you not believe in me?"

Lan Xichen bit his lip again, "until you all think about what you did wrong? I don't think Wei Wuxian will let you go. Let's go Huaisang," the two Nie brother walk through the left portal.

"A-Ying, we are going too," Xiao Xingchen turn to look at the other, "Children's, A-Qing, A-Ning, let's head home."

"Wei Ying!" Xiao Xingchen turn around he used his hand to push Lan Wangji away with his spiritual energy, "You stay away from Wei Wuxian!" Xiao Xingchen take Wei Wuxian hand once more, they all walk through the right portal. The two portal close once they all walk through them.

"Wangji," Lan Xichen help his didi up, "Didi, you should go back to Jingshi for a rest. I think we all should need a good rest." Lan Xichen turn to look at his disciple, "Help the sect leader and their disciple to the place where they will be staying." The Lan disciple gave a nod, each disciple take the Sect leader and their disciple to a place where they will stay together as a clan.

"Come Wangji," 'I never see Wangji like this. When Wei gongzi was gone, it was the worst thing I seen in Wangji but this time... nothing can fix it until Wei gongzi forgive him.'

After helping his didi to get some rest Lan Xichen went to see Lan Qiren. "Shufu," Lan Qiren just pointed to the seat on the right, "We still couldn't leave?" Lan Xichen nodded his head.

"Shufu, what are we missing? Did he accuse Wei Wuxian if something he didn't do? Were we wrong?"

"Start from what happen at the Qiongqi path? Then to what happen at the temple in Yunping town. This is how we will find our answer. Even if we know that it was Su she who was there to control Wen Ning? Why did Jin Guangyao want to kill Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun?"

"Then let's start for there."

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