Chapter 32

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When the two arrive back in town they see Sizhui and the other is waiting for them. "Oi Sizhui!" Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen turn to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is walking toward them.

"Xian gege!" They all run toward Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, "where did you go? We were so worry about you." Wei Wuxian patted Sizhui, Zizhen and Jingyi head, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you all to worry about me. I went around to look at all of the spot that I went to when I was still here."

"You got good memories but also bad one?" Jingyi asked, "I guess you can said that. Now, how about we go back to the inn and get something to eat?" All of the junior nodded their head as they all head back to the inn to get something to eat.

That night Wei Wuxian sat by the window as he watch Lan Wangji move about within his room, "Remind me again why are you in my room, Lan Zhan?"

"I don't want you to be alone. Here," Lan Wangji put down a plate full of different food on it in front of Wei Wuxian, "don't just drink, you need to eat something as well."

"Your avoiding my question, care to answer that again," Lan Wangji sigh, he know that he can't lie or avoid Wei Wuxian question. "You ask me to come stay and live with you, right?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"I already answered you back saying that I will but you still haven't taken down the dark dome yet. It is still there."

"Is that all?"

"Well I need to talk to my brother and uncle first before I can leave the Lan clan. I'm kind of afraid that they won't let me go."

"No need to worry about that, I already have a way."

"You do?"

"Mn. Now, since you already accepted my offer then," with a snap of his finger, all of the dome around each sect is gone. "What did you do?"

"Why don't you go up on to the roof and see for yourself?" Wei Wuxian pointed up on the roof, this got Lan Wangji to walk over to the window and jump up onto the roof. Lan Wangji look around the town, there he see the dome around the Jiang clan is gone.

'Wei Ying kept his word,' he went back inside, "so, I said that I will lifted didn't I?"

"You did. I will also keep my word."

"I know you will. It is getting late, why don't you take the bed?"

"What about you?" Lan Wangji asked. "I will be fine here. I need to go check up on Sizhui and his two sworn brothers."

"Okay," Lan Wangji got onto the bed, when he lay down he closed his eye just like that. 'I feel so relax now, everything has lifted from my shoulder. Wei Ying is here...he doesn't hate me anymore.'

Wei Wuxian see that Lan Wangji is fast asleep he went out of the room to go see Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen. When Wei Wuxian got to the room, he hear three voice from inside, "Zizhen, don't you want to see your father again?" Asked Jingyi.

"I do and I don't, if I go back then he will start to yell at me again. He will think that Xian Gege manipulated my mind to stay with him. I don't like how he make Sizhui loose his family and I hate how he treated Xian gege."


"He not old yet, he can still take over his clan as for family is here, my family is with you guys and our master."

"We understand." Wei Wuxian who is listen to this has on a smile. He knock on the door, "Come in," Zizhen,Jingyi and Sizhui all turn to see, "Xian gege." He went to seat down next to Sizhui, "I heard what you three were talking about."

"You think I should go visit my father?" Wei Wuxian reach over as he patted Zizhen head. "If you want too A-Hen. We can be there for you, you can said whatever you want to your father. Since you made a decision to leave the Ouyang clan, you can still make the same decision."

"But....but what if he pass away...then i has to take over the clan duty. I don't want to leave you all." Wei Wuxian can tell that Zizhen is about to cry. "Come here Zizhen," Zizhen went to sit down next to Wei Wuxian.

"When that time come, Sizhui and Jingyi can stay by your side if you like. Even your Shifu can be there with you or Wen Shushu as well. You know how protective Wen Shushu is when it come to the three of you right?" The three boys nodded their head.

"Then I will give it a shot, I will talk to my father and then can we leave?" Wei Wuxian smile as he nodded his head. "Now, we will leave early tomorrow. Go get some rest , okay?"

"Okay Xian gege."

"Jingyi, Zizhen, since when did you two begin to call me Xian gege but not Wei Qianbei?" The two boys smiled at one another then back to Wei Wuxian, "We are family now aren't we?"

"That's true. Okay, you can call me Xian gege along with A-Yuan. Now, off to bed you three."


The next morning Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and the Junior is ready to go. "Fresh air!" As they all pass by the Jiang clan, the junior noticed that the dark dome is gone. "Xian gege," the three boys looked at Wei Wuxian.

"It is a promise I made with someone. So, I need to keep my promise, beside the Jiang clan is related to Jin Ling and his parents as well."

"That's true."

"So where do we head next, Xian gege?" Zizhen asked. "How about we head to Gusu?" Wei Wuxian turn to his right to look at Lan wangji, "Does that mean our night hunt is over, Hanguang Jun?" Asked one of the Lan disciple.

"Hanguang Jun?" Lan Wangji looked at his disciple, "For now, then we will meet up with Sizhui and the other when we all go out for a night hunt again. How about it?"

"Then let's do that!" With that they all head to Gusu. 'I will take this chance to talk to Xiong Zhang and Shifu about me staying with Wei Ying. He kept his word, I will do the same.'

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