Chapter 29

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About an hour or so later Wei Wuxian and the three Junior finally found Lan Wangji and his disciple is camping near a lake. "Hey everyone!" Lan Wangji and the Lan disciple look up to see Wei Wuxian and the three Junior flying above them.

Once all four landed on the ground, the Lan disciple went over to Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen. "Oh that is a lot of thing! Did you get anything else?" Asked one of the Lan disciple.

"Just meat, tea, and seasonal."

"Meat but...." The Lan disciple looked at their Lan er gongzi. "Hanguang Jun, your disciple is looking at you?" Lan Wangji look up to see his disciple who indeed is looking at him.

He then see the meat in Sizhui hand, he understand what they want to ask, "Is okay to have some, since we are not in cloud Recesse right now so enjoy yourself." This make the Lan disciple very happy.

"Come on Sizhui!"

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian watch as Sizhui is seasoning the meat and other thing they got as well. "Here Hanguang Jun," Lan Wangji see Wei Wuxian holding a wine bottle in front of him.

Wei Wuxian see the scary expression on Lan Wangji face, he understand why, "Hanguang Jun, this isn't alcohol. This is tea, I asked the owner to put the tea into a bottle that look like a wine bottle. So this is tea, not alcohol."


Wei Wuxian nodded his head, "Here," Lan Wangji take the bottle, "Thank you."

"Wow, that smell good!"

Soon they were all eating, "Sizhui this is good! Where did you learn how to cook like this?!"

"From Song Shifu and Xiao Shifu, when we go on a night hunt together they not only teach us about how to fight but also teach us how to cook as well."

"Do you hunt animal on your night hunt?"

"We do. Just some small animal but not a big one. They said that if we end up alone somewhere on a mountain, we need to learn how to survive in the wild." Explained Sizhui.

"Why don't you give it a try, Lan Zhan?" Lan Wangji take the piece from Wei Wuxian hand and put it in his mouth.

"How is it?"

"Is good."

"Sizhui, why don't you three help train the Lan disciple? Don't train too long okay?" The three nodded their head. So the junior went off somewhere close by to train together.

Once the Junior is gone it is just Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. It was peaceful and quiet, this got Lan Wangji to fell asleep as his head fall on Wei Wuxian shoulder. Wei Wuxian couldn't help but lean his head onto Lan Wangji head.

'I will do anything you ask of me, Lan Zhan, just right now isn't the right time,' suddenly Wei Wuxian felt a ribbon slid into his hand. He look down to see a white ribbon, 'I never got to know what's the meaning behind the Lan forehead ribbon is? I think Sizhui and Jingyi know. I will ask one of them later.'

A minute later the junior came back from their training. When Wei Wuxian see them entering the camp site he put his finger to his lip, this mean they should keep their voice down. The Junior see that Lan Wangji is sleeping, so they didn't want to make any noise.

That night they all stay in the wood one more day before heading to the next town. That night, Lan Wangji did what he did this morning, put his head on Wei Wuxian shoulder while Wei Wuxian has his head lean against Lan Wangji head. Lan Wangji doesn't mind this at all, actually he like it.

The Junior doesn't seem to mind since they believe that the two of them are best friend. To Sizhui, he see that his Xian gege and Hanguang Jun is more then that. Sizhui went to sit down next to Wei Wuxian as he lean against Wei Wuxian right side. Then Jingyi lean on Sizhui and Zizhen lean on Jingyi.

On the other side, all of the lan disciple leaning against one another to get some sleep before they wake up tomorrow to start their journey again.

Before Sizhui can get his sleep he hear Wei Wuxian asked, "Sizhui?"


"What is the meaning behind the Lan forehead ribbon?" Sizhui opened his eye as he see Lan Wangji ribbon in Wei Wuxian hand.

"It mean One's headband must not be removed by anyone other than one's fated person." After telling Wei Wuxian that Sizhui went to sleep. 'Fated person?' Wei Wuxian think that to all of the time he has touched Lan Wangji ribbon.

Wei Wuxian finally understand now, inside of him, he is screaming, 'What have I done?! What have he done?! Why didn't he tell me?!' Wei Wuxian smacked his face with the palm of his hand.

He slides his hand down his face as he glanced down at Lan Wangji who is leaning against his shoulder, 'Lan Wangji Ah Lan Wangji, is that why you ask me what do I see you as back then during the hunt at Phoenix mountain?'

Wei Wuxian glanced at the Lan junior on the other side, he see that they already in a deep sleep so he did one thing. He lifted Lan Wangji head up and then he bend down to kissed Lan Wangji on the lips.

The kiss was short since he doesn't want to wake lan Wangji up, 'if you ask me one more time to lift the dark dome around the other clan and your clan, then I will. But in return, will you come stay with me?' In a quiet voice not to wake those that are next to him, Wei Wuxian said, "I am also tired of this. I only want to take revenge on those that did me wrong. And....."

He glance to his right as Sizhui, "to also take revenge for A-Yuan and Wen Ning as well. Even though they are still with me....But....Wen Qing....Grandma....Uncle fourth and everyone else is gone."

Then he glanced at Jingyi and Zizhen, 'Jingyi and Zizhen has become part of my new family now. Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen has become more like brothers to one another, they are very protective of each other as well. My second family is that I have a new family, I will protect them with all my might.'

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