Chapter 9

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"Hearing you telling us what they been doing, they don't deserve your forgiveness. You shouldn't forgive Lan Wangji as well. I can tell that you two are soulmate, as his soulmate he should have trusted you. Right Zichen?" Song Lan gave a nod since he doesn't talk much.

"Oh by the way, three Junior is here. One is from the Ouyang clan and the other two is from the Lan clan. They don't want to be there anymore . Also, the younger generation doesn't know what happen. I show them what actually happen 16 years ago. I want them to make their own decisions."

"Xian gege."

"Wei Qianbei."

All three adult turn around to see Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui, "come have a seat children."

"Wei gongzi, A-Qing and I just finish making breakfast. Should we bring them?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

Wei Wuxian know how quiet the Junior is, "sizhui, Jingyi, Zizhen, this isn't something you three should worry about. The younger generation shouldn't blame themselves for what your clan did. Since you three are here, I want you to greet Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen."

All three look up, they were surprise to see a living Xiao Xingchen, "Xiao Xingchen! He alive!"

"Not only Xingchen gege is alive. So am I?" They turn toward the door to see A-Qing. "A-Qing guniang!" Wen Ning and A-Qing put down the food in front of everyone. Wei Wuxian smile at this, "Song Xiong and Shishu, can take you guys on a night hunt or teach you boys about their fighting style."

After eating breakfast the three Junior went to talk to Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. A-Qing and Wen Ning also follow them.

As for Wei Wuxian, he went back to watching those good for nothing cultivator. Wei Wuxian snapped his finger the vision disappear. 'Did you like what you just seen? Even if you did, I am sure that you still think I am a monster, demonic and vile person. Am I right Lan er gongzi?"

"No." Lan Wangji voice was soft, 'No? Don't make me laugh. You always hated me. Every since you found out that I'm walking a different path, you hated me of all people. Ah, now, I wonder what will the people of Caiyi town will think of the Lan clan. Once they find out that the Lan clan is not a righteous clan after all. They accuse someone without even finding the proof."

This make Wei Wuxian very angry, 'UNTIL YOU ALL FIGURE OUT WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG?! I WILL NOT LET YOU ALL GO! You all deserve to remain here for the rest of your life.'

Wei Wuxian voice disappear from there, "Still trap them in that dimension Wei Wuxian?" Step out from the shadow is San Lang. "Yeah. Oh that's right San Lang, is there a way to bring someone back from the die?"

San Lang went to sat down on the other side of Wei Wuxian, "who do you want to bring back?" San Lang asked Wei Wuxian.

"Nie Mingjue."

"nie Mingjue?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "But didn't he?"

"I know San Lang, he was force to be there. He listen to those good for nothing sect leader and Jin Guangshan word."

"*Sigh* i will see what i can do. Are you doing this for Nie Huaisang?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

"I think it was Nie Xiong who tell Mo Xuanyu to use the summon sacrifice to bring me back from the dead. He want me to take revenge for his brother and also figure out who it was that cause the death of Nie Mingjue."

"Nie Huaisang knew, but why didn't he tell Lan Xichen?" San Lang asked.

"If he tell Lan Xichen, I don't think he will believe him. He will only believe in Jin Guangyao. No proof, mean he won't believe in Nie Huaisang."

"That's make sense." San Lang look over at Wei Wuxian, "Wuxian, what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking, that time at Guanyin temple. We were all going against Jin Guangyao, when the rain start coming down we were all soak from head to toes. Jin Guangyao gave Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Jin Ling, Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang new set of clothes but not me. And then a minute later, everything change."

"It is like he already planned this or he did something to those set of clothes."

"Clothes?! San Lang, do you think?" San Lang nodded his head. Wei Wuxian disappear from there and so did San Lang.

Cloud Recesse

Wei Wuxian waved his hand, the resentment energy clear up, and the people below let out a relief. They take in a deep breath of air since they have been inside of the resentment energy dimension for a very long time now.

San Lang is on the other side, he is watching what Wei Wuxian will do next. "Don't think I will let you all go that easily," they all look up to see Wei Wuxian standing on top of the tree.

Wei Wuxian glanced around the place, his eye landed on Nie Huaisang. Wei Wuxian held his hand out, Nie Huaisang float up, "Wei Wuxian, what are you trying to do to Sect leader Nie?"

"None of your business. Huaisang," Nie Huaisang lifted his face up to look at Wei Wuxian, "Wei xiong."

Wei Wuxian doesn't like how Nie Huaisang voice come out, "I need you to come with me." Nie Huaisang slowly nodded his head.

Before Wei Wuxian disappear from there Lan Wangji eye went wide, "Wait!" Wei Wuxian glanced down at Lan Wangji, "What do you want Lan Wangji?" Wei Wuxian hissed Lan Wangji.

"Your back in your come?" Wei Wuxian eye turn red, "why? How come? Mo Xuanyu body is gone. Jin Guangyao didn't die, his body and spirit can't be reborn again. This body merely a ghost. That's right, you kill me Lan Wangji. You didn't kill Jin Guangyao. You let your soulmate die by your own hand."


Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang and San Lang disappear from there. Everyone in cloud Recesse is speechless, they don't even know what to said. They don't even know what to do now.

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