Chapter 19

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The Nie clan, Lan Clan, Jin Clan and Jiang clan all went to different sect to help the smaller clan. Wei Wuxian who is watching this is wondering why the other clan is helping the smaller clan.

"A-Ying," come Xiao Xingchen voice on the other side of the door, "come in Shishu." Xiao Xingchen open the door, he see Wei Wuxian making the resentment energy disappear.

"A-Ying, I want to take the boys to go on a night hunt. Will it be okay if Wen Ning come with us?" Xiao Xingchen asked as he went to sit down on the chair on the other side of Wei Wuxian.

"Shishu you don't have to ask me for permission. They are your students or more like they are your and Song Xiong disciple now," Wei Wuxian pour tea into Xiao Xingchen cup.

"The three of them have become very close to one another," Xiao Xingchen saw how Sizhui help Zizhen and Jingyi with their new style to fight. "Mn, the three of them did went on a night hunt together. Leave the next generation to the youngsters, they know better then the old generation."

"Your right on that, they learn from the old generation mistake. Then I will go tell them, what about you?" Xiao Xingchen asked Wei Wuxian. "Torturing those good for nothing sect leader.  The other clan went to help out the smaller clan. I don't understand why they are evening helping them."

"You mean the Nie, Lan, Jin and Jiang?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Even though I spared their clan, they shouldn't help the other clan."

"One thing i don't understand is, how come they help the small clan? Why didn't they help you back then?"

"They all think that I walk a different path a path of darkness. They all think this dark path is evil, not a cultivator at all. I think Lan Qiren call it "A Demonic Cultivation""

"The Lan clan hate Demonic Cultivation. That is why he said that but....sometime not all demonic cultivator are bad or evil. Like you for example, even though you are using demonic cultivation, your not bad or evil."

Wei Wuxian eye lite up, "Shishu."

"Shijie son isn't evil or bad, he is smart just like his father. Whatever you do, whatever you do to those good for nothing sect leader. I will stand behind you all the way."

"Thank you Shishu."

"Now, I am going to go take the junior for their night hunt. You be careful," after saying that Xiao Xingchen left from there.

'I think I will go see San Lang. I need a break from all of this, maybe I will torture them more ,' Wei Wuxian disappear from there. "Having trouble Wei Wuxian?" San Lang pour a cup of wine for Wei Wuxian as he walk to sit down on the other side of San Lang.

"You have no idea. What do you think I should do next?" Wei Wuxian asked San Lang.

"You can always give them nightmares?"

"Nightmares? Don't you have a ghost for that?" Wei Wuxian said this while drinking his wine.

"Not really. You can use your resentment energy to send it into their ear. From there, tell your dark energy to give them all nightmares."

"Oh, I didn't know that. I guess I can try it. I can let them see all of the wrong thing they did to me and to the Wen remnant."

"Hahahah, do your best. They deserve to have a bad nightmare."

"I will give them the worst nightmare. By the way how is Xie Lian doing? I barely see him around?"

"He busy. He is the prince of heavenly realm after all." Wei Wuxian stay for a while until it is time to head back home.

"Wei gege," A-Qing come into the room, "A-Qing, I thought you went with Wen Ning and the other," Wei Wuxian ask as he see A-Qing put down the food in front of him.

"Ning tell me to stay home. He doesn't want me to get hurt," Wei Wuxian smile at this, "Wen Ning is a kind person, he care about those around him."

"Mn. He is. By the way Wei gege, how will you torture those cultivator that cause Ning family death?"

"Give them their worst nightmare. I will let them see Wen Ning family torturing them."

After eating dinner Wei Wuxian went to do what he said that he will do. By night time Wei Wuxian check up on the other clan. 'Tsk! It look like the other clan is safe but not tonight.'

Wei Wuxian open up all five mirror, 'have a goodnight,' Wei Wuxian sent a lot of amount of dark energy into each of the portal that belong to the Yao, Ouyang, Jin, Lan, and Jiang.

'Give them their worst night mare. I don't want to do this to the Nie or the Jin clan but I need them  to see what they did wrong.'

Wei Wuxian watch as the dark energy enter into every sect and disciple ear. "Let the nightmare begin." 'This will be fun to watch, they will see all of the bad thing that they did. Especially to the Wen Qing family and to me as well.'

He waved his hand, all five bubble disappear. 'I will dispell the nightmare when I am ready. I wonder how long will I let this go? Maybe until they learn there lesson. Every night you will have nightmare. When you wake up, you will think about them.'

Cloud Recesse

The next morning the whole clan woke up screaming. They all went into the main room, "Shifu, Xiong Zhang, did you two have the nightmare as well?" Lan Wangji asked as he went to seat down next to Lan Xichen.

"Everyone said that they all have the same dream." 'I wonder if Wei Ying is the one who is doing this? We don't know anything about resentment energy. Only Wei Ying does. Wei Ying, do you really want to take revenge on all of us?'

"Wangji, why don't you try to go find Wei gongzi? You can get through him."

"But?" 'What if he doesn't want to see me?' "Xiong Zhang, I don't even know where he is at."

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