Chapter 33

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Soon they all arrive in Caiyi town, "Lan Zhan, we will stay here in Caiyi town. I don't want the boys to follow the Lan clan rule, especially Sizhui and Jingyi."

"I understand. I will head back to Cloud Recesse with my disciple first, then I will talk to my Shifu and uncle about me leaving the clan."

Wei Wuxian looked at a sad expression on Lan Wangji face, "if you have a problem, then come down here, I will go with you to talk to your uncle and brother. I won't take a no from them."

"Okay," Lan Wangji turn around to look at his disciple, "When we arrive back, make sure you write down what we learn on our journey okay? I will lol through it."

"We understand Hanguang Jun," the Lan disciple went over to said their goodbye to Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui. After the junior said their goodbye, Lan Wangji and his disciple went back to their clan.

Once Lan a Wangji and his disciple is gone Jingyi said, "I never like writing report about our night hunt. Either you get a good grade or a bad grade or even rewrite it. Sizhui always get a good grade from Hanguang Jun. Right Sizhui?"

"Well I do like to write and I do like to go on a night hunt with Hanguang Jun and our fellow disciple." Sizhui turn to look at Wei Wuxian.

"Xian gege, do you think Hanguang Jun will leave his clan?" Sizhui asked Wei Wuxian. "If they won't let Lan Zhan go...then I will take matter into my hand." He turn to look at the three boys, "Come on, let's go find a place to stay in. Have you guys wonder around Caiyi town before?" Wei Wuxian asked as they went to find an inn to stay in.

"No, can we go look around later?" Asked Jingyi, "you can."

On the next day Lan Wangji went to talk to his uncle first, "Shifu, there something I want to talk to you about." Lan Qiren point to the table next to him, Lan Wangji take that as a cue to sit down.

"What is it, Wangji?" Lan Qiren asked.

"I made a promise with someone...a promise to go stay with them. You know that our Lan clan is known for keeping their promise with the person they made a promise with right?"

"Did you see Wei Wuxian?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. "Did he want you to go stay and live with him?" Lan Wangji nodded his head again. "We heard that he lifted the dark dome around the other sect. Did you ask Wei Wuxian to do this?" Once again Lan Wangji nodded his head.

"There is nothing I can said to make you stay right?" All Lan Wangji can do is nodded his head instead of answering his uncle question.

Lan Qiren closed his eye as he breath in then out, "have you talk to your brother yet?" Lan Wangji shake his head no.

"Then you should go let Xichen know. Also Wangji, ask Wei Wuxian if you can come back to visit us every now and then. We are family after all right?"

"Yes Shifu. I will go see Xiong Zhang now," Lan Wangji got up, gave a bow, then he left from there. 'I wonder how Xiong zhang react when he hear what I have to said.'

Lan Wangji found Lan Xichen in his room, "Xiong zhang."

"Come in Wangji," Lan Wangji take in a deep breath, he walk, into his brother room. "I found Wei Ying." Lan Xichen hold his cup of tea freeze in his hand, he put it down while asking, "Did he avoid you?" Lan Wangji shake his head no.

"Usually, you come back from your night hunt early, since you have found Wei gongzi, did you two went on a night hunt together?" Lan Wangji can only nodded his head as always.

"Xiong zhang, do you know about the dome disappear from all of the other sect?"

"Mn. One of our disciple saw it on their way back from their mission. What about it?"

"I asked Wei Ying to lifted the dark dome from each of the sect but in return he want me to go with him."

"What? Go with him? What did you said?"

"I agree to go with him. I promise Wei Ying to go with him once he lifted the dark dome from the other sect. I can't break my promise, Xiong zhang."

"Will you come back to visit us then?" Lan Wangji can see how sad his brother is since he has always been in Cloud Recesse but never leave his home. "I will talk to Wei Ying about it. I know that Wei Ying will let me go back home to see you and Shifu."

"Okay, make sure you take care of yourself."

"I will Xiong zhang."

"Where is Wei gongzi right now?"

"Wei Ying is down in Caiyi town with Sizhui, Zizhen and Jingyi."

"How are they?"

"The two of them are doing great. They learn their cultivation from Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen. I can sense how much their cultivation have grown over the year, they even help train our disciple as well. They got the hold of the training coming from Jingyi, Sizhui and Zizhen."

"That good huh?"

"Mn.I was thinking Xiong Zhang, we should train our disciple on more about night hunting and fighting. They will never learn anything if they keep on writing rule or learn about our ancestors. They need to train, need to learn about night hunting and most importantly, they need to learn how to protect their fellow disciple."


"I saw how Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen protected each other back while they are fighting off the monster and other Yao. They even protected our disciple as well."

"I will talk to our uncle about it. When will you leave, Wangji?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Tomorrow. The disciple that went with me on the night hunt, I am waiting for their report."

"While you are waiting, how about we spend time talking to each other before you leave tomorrow?"


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