Chapter 23

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The next morning Wei Wuxian wake up somewhat refresh, he did have some nightmares but not a lot. "A-Ying," Wei Wuxian turn to his right to see Xiao Xingchen, "Shishu."

Xiao Xingchen help Wei Wuxian to sit up, "is there something wrong?" Wei Wuxian asked his Shishu. "No, nothing is wrong. A-Ying, A-Ning told me what happen to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you and save you. Your my Shijie son, I'm suppose to be the one to find you and take care of you."

"Is okay Shishu, you and Song Xiong have something to do remember? At that time you and Song Xiong didn't want to get involve in the war with the Wen clan."

"I know but this time, I will always stay with you and be by your side."

"You know, won't Song Xiong get jealous if he heard you said something like that?" Xiao Xingchen blush at what Wei Wuxian just said. "Xian gege!"

"Wei Qianbei!"

"Wei Qianbei!"

The junior went to Wei Wuxian side, "This is too early, what are you boys doing here?" Wei Wuxian asked as they take a seat next to Wei Wuxian bed. "Can you give us a lesson on sword fighting now? We learn a lot from Song Shifu and Xiao Shifu, we want to learn from you as well?"

"Boys!" Come a very angry voice coming from the door way, "Wen Shushu!" Wen Ning went over to the boys and dragged the three out of there, "Ying ge will teach you swordmanship later. A-Qing is waiting for you three to help with breakfast. Ying ge, Xiao gongzi, please come out for breakfast when you are ready."

Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian couldn't help but giggle at how Wen Ning is treating the three boys like they are his little brother.

"When are you two going to come out for breakfast?" The two turn to see Song Lan walking in, "we're coming."

"Xian gege, are you still planning to torture the other clan?" This got Zizhen to become sad. "I'm sorry Zizhen," Zizhen shake his head at this, "what my father did to Wei Qianbei is wrong. I don't approve of what he did to Wei Qianbei."

"What about the Lan clan?" Jingyi asked. "Are they the same as Zizhen clan?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Wei Qianbei, we don't mind. They deserve what they get."

"Especially, what they have done to Sizhui family. I heard that they were all just regular people. How could they treat Wen Qianbei family like that?" They all looked at Wen Ning.

"Jin Guangyao believe that if any of the Wen still alive they will form an army to attack all of the clan that went to war against the Wen clan. That is why during my time with Wen Ning and his family, Jin Guangshan said that I am forming a army to fight them which I am not."

"But Xian gege, didn't sect leader Jiang came to see you when you were in the burial mound?" Asked Sizhui.

"Yes he did. Why?"

"If he tell the other that there is children and non cultivator then the other clan won't attack us."

"Sizhui is right, A-Ying, did Sect leader Jiang said anything to them?" Asked Xiao Xingchen.

"I don't think he did. You see, Jiang Wanyin is afraid that if he tell other clan about it then they won't believe him. They will only think that he is on the enemy side not their side."

"I don't want to be mean to Jin Ling uncle but he is a coward, and weak, why is he even a sect leader anyway?" Said Jingyi who is quiet annoy with Jiang Wanyin. "He has always been weak. He always back down when his mother shouted at him or yelled at him. He can't even stand up for himself."

"It is no wonder he put bad thing about you into Jin Ling thought."

"I still don't understand though?" Everyone looked at Jingyi, "don't understand what Jingyi?" Asked Zizhen. "Since Wei Qianbei and Sect leader Jiang grew up together, why didn't he stand up for Wei Qianbei?" Jingyi asked.

"You see Jingyi, he is scare that if he stand up to someone like me then the other clan will call him a traitor and that he stand up to someone as evil as me."

"Wei Qianbei! You are not evil nor a bad person!" Shouted both Zizhen and Jingyi. "The boys is right A-Ying. You did save them many time right?" Wei Wuxian looked at Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen.

"Well it was your first night hunt by yourself right?" The three nodded their head. "Thank you boys." They smiled at Wei Wuxian, "how was your training with Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan?" Wei a Wuxian asked as they continue to eat their breakfast.

"Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu, the two of them are Awesome! We learn a lot from the two of them. They teach us something that we can't learn in our own clan. Right Sizhui, Jingyi?" Zizhen asked the two, they nodded their head.

"I'm glad you junior enjoy Shishu and Song Xiong teaching. How about the night hunt?" Wei Wuxian see Wen Ning eye lite up, "A-Ning?"

"Ying ge! There were awesome! I'm so proud of them. They got better then before. You remember their first time on a night hunt by themselves right?" Wei Wuxian nodded their head, "this time the junior did a great job!"

"Really?" The three boys nodded their head with a smile on their face. "Shishu, Song Xiong, what about you two?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Mn, we are proud of them as well. At first it was hard to see the three boys to fight the Yao and ghost by themselves. We stand to the side to tell them what to do. It was hard for them to understand but soon they got use to it. Right Zichen?"


'Mn? Song Lan and Lan Wangji is the same. I need to figure out if I want Lan Wangji to see me or not. Shishu did said that Lan Wangji want to talk to me? I guess I can let him see me. I want to know what he want to talk to me about.'

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