Chapter 25

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A minute later Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji finally found an inn for them to stay in. Wei Wuxian got a private room for them, this way they can talk to one another. Lan Wangji doesn't know what to said to Wei Wuxian now that he finally get to see Wei Wuxian again.

"Wei Ying?"

"Mhm?" Was all Wei Wuxian said as he drink his wine. "I saw it...I saw what you went through. Did you want me to understand how it feel to be you? How it feel to get betrayed by the person you call soulmate? Someone who should have stand up for you instead of going against you?"

"That's right. Well?"

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm sorry for what I did to you. I should have stood up for you...I should've break the spell that Jin Guangyao have over me. If I did....then....then...none of this would've happen. I know is too late for you to forgive me but," Wei Wuxian look at Lan Wangji.

"But what?"

"But I will do my best to ask you for forgiveness. Until then...can we start all over again?"

"That depend."

"Depend? Why do you said that?"

"To see if you really can change how you felt toward me. Also, there is Jingyi and Sizhui,  they won't forgive the other clan and your clan that easily."

"I know. I will talk to them."

"Wei Qianbei!" Jingyi

"Wei Qianbei!" Zizhen

"Xian gege!" Sizhui

All of the Junior went into the room, "so how did it go?" Wei Wuxian asked the junior. "Everyone said the same thing. There are monster up ahead in the mountain, many town people didn't want to go in there because they are afraid that the monster will attack them."

"Many people asked cultivator who come into their town to help them but all of them end up denying to help the town people." Add Jingyi.

"That's not all Wei Qianbei, they also said that there is ghoul around that area as well," add Zizhen.

"Zizhen, Sizhui, Jingyi, why don't you three asked Hanguang Jun what should you do?" All three boys glanced at Lan Wangji. "Wei Qianbei?" Jingyi asked Wei Wuxian.

"I know that you three are still mad and angry at what your clan did but your Hanguang Jun is working to get your forgiveness." Wei Wuxian glanced at Sizhui, 'Sizhui is the only person who won't forgive other people that easily since they are the one who hurt his family after all.'

"Why don't we eat first then deal with it tomorrow?" The other lan disciple all decide to call for food.

While they are eating their dinner Wei Wuxian look over at the Lan Junior, "Sizhui, Jingyi, everyone back home really misses you two. We all want to go with us but...I don't think master Lan, Zewu Jun and Hanguang Jun will let us go."

"Sizhui, everyone didn't know that your family went through something like that. We couldn't believe the Jin clan would go and do something like that to people who never have blood on their hand."

"I'm just glad that Shishu and I is the only family that is still alive." Sizhui is happy that his Wen Ning Shishu is alive and not a fierce corpse. "That's right, how is Wen Qianbei?"

"We also see that you three were with Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. Did they teach you three anything?" One of the Lan Junior asked Sizhui.

Zizhen and Jingyi have on a big smile, "yes! We learn a lot of thing from Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu! It will be a big help during our battle tomorrow."

"Song Shifu and Xiao Shifu even teach us about night hunting as well. We can tell everyone how to do it tomorrow."

"It look like some of your disciple is more understanding then the Jin clan. You should be proud of them, Hanguang Jun. You should forget about the rule, they deserve your compliments."


The next day, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and the Junior went into the direction that the town people told them about it. They all finally arrive at their destination, "Zizhen, Jingyi, Sizhui, split up in three group. You three will take the lead. Make sure what you remember your lesson with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen okay?"

"Okay Wei Qianbei!" Jingyi and Zizhen.

"Okay Xian gege!" Sizhui.

"Let's go up there. You will see how much the three of them have learn from Xiao Shishu and Song Xiong." The two jump up in a high place on the tree, this way they can watch over the Junior.

Soon the two see a black and white symbol appear in the sky, "Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen has become more powerful now. Have their cultivation become stronger?" Asked Lan Wangji.

"The three of them did train under two famous and strong cultivator after all. It is better then the Ouyang clan and the Lan clan," hearing his clan, Lan Wangji felt somewhat disappointed and embarrassed since all his uncle ever teach the Lan disciple is their rule and about their ancestors.

"Wei Ying, are you going to release the dark energy around all of the clan?" Lan Wangji asked as he watch the array spread throughout the forest. This way the array will trap the monster and ghoul inside of the array.

"Why are you asking me this, Lan Wangji?" Wei Wuxian asked in slightly angry voice. "Please Wei Ying, they already seen what Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan, Su She and Xue Yang have done to the cultivation world and what they have done to you."

"I will release them when the time is right. No, need to rush Hanguang Jun," 'I didn't know Shishu and Song Xiong teach the three of them something like this.'

"You don't want to forgive them, Wei Ying?"

"I won't forgive them. Not until I have my revenge."

"Wei Ying!"

"I won't argue with you, Lan Wangji. I thought you want me to forgive you, you don't want that?" Wei Ying asked without looking at Lan Wangji.

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