Chapter 26

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Soon the two see many monster, ghoul and ghost enter into the field. "Jingyi! Zizhen! Now!" The big circle went small, small, small and smaller as the energy trapped all of them inside.

"Everyone send your sword inside! Take down each and everyone of them! Make sure to not let any of them stay alive. As for the ghost I will deal with it." Sizhui take out a spiritual pouch, he threw it inside of the circle. The spiritual pouch begin to suck in the ghost.

"Jingyi, you know what to do?" Jingyi nodded his head. Jingyi waved his hand in a circle movement, his one sword turn into many sword and soon he take all of the sword as it stabbed all of the monster and ghoul inside of the shield.

"Zizhen!" Zizhen threw in many of the talisman inside of the circle, and then all of the monsters disappear. Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen make all of the talisman around the area disappear as well. "As long as the talisman is inside of the tree, then everyone is safe from all of the monsters and ghoul in this area."

"Well done boy. You three have learn a lot from Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan," the other Lan Junior is shock and surprise, "You three learn thing from the two most famous cultivators?!" The three nodded their head.

"We are their students. We learn a lot from Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu," Jingyi is proud that he got the chance to learn from Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. 'We don't get to learn something like this in the Lan clan.'

"Well done everyone," the junior look up to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji above them.  The two landed in front of the Junior, "Wei Qianbei." "Hanguang Jun."

"You three did a great job. I didn't expect Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan to teach you three something like that." Wei Wuxian see a big smile on Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui face.

"Let's head to another town," Wei Wuxian walk in front while Lan Wangji walk behind him. "Jingyi, Sizhui," the two looked at Lan Wangji, "Zizhen, Junior, let's go first," so Zizhen and the Lan Junior follow Wei Wuxian.

"I want you two to know that what happen in the past, we all didn't have control of it. We were under Jin Guangyao manipulation. Sizhui, I'm sorry I couldn't save your family. I know that there nothing to change what happen especially for Wei Ying. Do you two want to come back?" Sizhui and Jingyi looked at one another then back to Lan Wangji.

"Hanguang Jun, I don't think we will return back to the Lan clan. As you can see, we aren't wearing our Lan clan uniform anymore. We are happy where we are at right now. We got to learn more about night hunting and other thing from Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu. Something we can't learn in Gusu." Sizhui look at the disappointment expression on Lan Wangji face.

Lan Wangji smile at what Sizhui just said, "I'm glad you two learn many thing from Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. You two and Zizhen have grown into a great cultivator. Continue to work hard and keep up your cultivation."

"We will Hanguang Jun."

"Let's catch up to the other," the two nodded their head as the three of them went to catch up with the other Junior and Wei Wuxian.

That night they all camp in the forest, "Zizhen, Jingyi, go put talisman around this area. We don't want anything to attack us while we are sleeping."

"Okay Wei Qianbei." Zizhen and Jingyi got up as the two split in different direction to go put talisman around the area.

"Sizhui, come," Sizhui follow Wei Wuxian. Once they are far enough, Wei Wuxian turn to look at Lan Wangji and the Lan junior. "A-Yuan, what did Hanguang Jun want to talk to you and Jingyi about?" Asked Wei Wuxian.

"Xian gege, Hanguang Jun want the two of us to come back to the Lan Clan."

"He ask you two that?" Sizhui nodded his head, "What did you said?"

"We told Hanguang Jun that we don't want to go back to Gusu. We have learn many thing from Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu, something we can't learn from the Lan Clan."

"That's true." Wei Wuxian put his hand on top of Sizhui head, "A-Yuan, even though you, Jingyi and Zizhen is stronger now. I want you three to be careful on your night hunting. I know that Shishu and Song Xiong is with you three but I also want you three to be safe as well."

"I know Xian ge ge."

"Right. Let's go find some firewood, the other will freeze to death if we don't have any firewood for tonight." Sizhui smile as the two of them went to gather many branch on the ground.

Soon everyone is sitting around the camp fire, "Wei Qianbei, where is Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan right now?" Asked one of the Lan Junior.

"Where do they living now?" Another Lan Junior asked Wei Wuxian.

"Xiao Shifu and Song Shifu is staying in a place call Yiling. Wen Qianbei is there too." Answered Jingyi.

"That's right, how is Wen Qianbei anyway?" Another Lan Junior asked Jingyi. "He doing alright. He help us a lot on our night hunt. Wen Qianbei is very smart you know, he always know what to do."

"I hear that Wen Ning is a human again?" Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian, "You saw him at your clan when we went there."

"But how is that possible?" Lan Wangji asked. "Someone helped Wen Ning to become human again."

Lan Wangji look at the Junior, "everyone it is time for bed, we will wake up early to head to our new destination tomorrow." All junior got up, gave a bow and they left from there.

"Shouldn't you head to bed as well? It is 9 o'clock after all?" Wei Wuxian said this while poking at the fire to make it more warmer around the place. "I will but what about you?" Asked Lan Wangji.

"I will keep watch. Go to sleep Lan Zhan." With one last look at Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji lean against the tree trunk and fall into a deep sleep. 'Goodnight Lan Zhan.'

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