Chapter 31

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The next morning Jingyi woke up with a hangover, "Xian gege, I can't believe having a hangover hurt this much," Wei Wuxian and the other giggle at this beside Lan Wangji. "Here, drink this soup and you will feel better. We will stay here until you don't have the hangover anymore." 'Did Jingyi just call me, Xian gege?'

"Sizhui, why don't you order us something to eat?" Wei Wuxian winked at Sizhui, "okay!" Sizhui left from there with a big smile on his face.

"Jingyi, how are you feeling?" Asked Zizhen. "I think I need to get more sleep," Jingyi laid his head down on the table. "Jingyi, why don't you eat something first before heading back to your room," Sizhui came back with the food as he put down many different kind of dish in front of them.

That night the town that they are in is having a flower festival. "Oh, I forgot, we are in Tanzhou town."

"Isn't this our second time here?" Asked Zizhen. "Yeah, it is our second time here. It look like they are having another festival." Sizhui, Zizhen and the Lan disciple eye lite up, "can we go?"

"If we all go, who will look after Jingyi?" The junior look up, "oh." Lan Wangji see that the Junior really want to go, "Why don't you all go? I'll stay here in case Jingyi come back down from his hangover."

Sizhui and the other got up gave a bow and then left from there, "Don't cause any trouble Zizhen!"

"I won't!" Shouted back Zizhen.

"Doesn't this remind you of when we went on the hunt for the yin iron? We came here during there flower festival. That time we didn't get to stay for the rest of the festival until 16 years later, we were in Tanzhou again."


"So what is your answer Lan Zhan? The thing that I ask you about," Wei Wuxian didn't look at him, he just look outside at the festival that is going on in Tanzhou town. Lan Wangji doesn't know how to answer Wei Wuxian question.

"Remember what you ask of me Lan Zhan. I won't force you to come with me if you don't want too."

"I know. Can you let me think about it?"

Wei Wuxian sigh, "take your time. Just remember that after this night hunting, we will go our separate way."

Hearing Wei Wuxian said this got Lan Wangji to tighten his fist on his clothes, "I know. I will give you my answer by then."

The next day, they are all ready to head to the next town. Jingyi got over his hangover, "Next time Jingyi, no more wine for you. I wonder what will Song Shifu and Xiao Shifu said if they know about it."

"Come on Sizhui, don't tell them about it. You know strict Song Shifu is."

"Is Song Xiong and Shishu, really that strict to you three?" Wei Wuxian asked as they walk to their next town. "Actually, only Song Shifu who is strict. Every time we did something wrong, we will get a lectured by Song Shifu while Xiao Shifu calm Song Shifu down."

Wei Wuxian let out a chuckle, "They are lover after all."

"No wonder Xiao Shifu can calm Song Shifu down. We were lucky after all, right?" Both Sizhui and Zizhen sigh at what Jingyi just said.

The next town they arrive in is: Yunmeng. "Xian gege, why is this town so......"

"Quiet." Was all Zizhen and Jingyi said. Wei Wuxian pointed toward the dark dome the junior follow Wei Wuxian finger, there they see a dark dome around the Jiang clan. "What do you think Sect leader Jiang is doing in there?" Asked one of the Lan disciple.

"All we know is that Sect leader Jiang has a temper. He will do anything to get rid of it, they must be exhausted by now." Sizhui looked at Wei Wuxian, he didn't see him there, "Where is Xian gege?" Everyone look around them, they didn't see Wei Wuxian anywhere.

"Wei Ying," before they went off to go find Wei Wuxian, Sizhui said, "Hanguang Jun, we should go find an inn first. Then we can go in search for Xian gege." Lan Wangji breath in then out, "okay."

Once they found an inn, they all went around Yunmeng town to go find Wei Wuxian. The junior went together while Lan Wangji went by himself. He know where to go, 'How is it I know where to go?' The feeling take Lan Wangji into the forest. I

Wei Wuxian who is sitting on top of the tree branch hear rustling noise coming from below him, he look down to see Lan Wangji who is looking here and there around the forest.

"Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji look up to see Wei Wuxian looking down at him, he sigh with relief, "Wei Ying, you got me and the Junior to get worry about you. Why did you leave like that?"

"I'm sorry, this is the place that I ran away when Jiang Cheng threatens me with dog if I don't leave him alone."

"Why don't you come down?" Wei Wuxian look down at Lan Wangji, 'I wonder if he will catch me,' without thinking much more Wei a Wuxian lean forward as he let his body go.

Seeing that Wei Wuxian is falling out from the tree without warning Lan Wangji's eye immediately widened. He shot forward just in time to catch Wei Wuxian, or one might say, be caught by Wei Wuxian.

When Lan Wangji is about to let Wei Wuxian go, he felt Wei Wuxian arms tightly wrapped around his neck, preventing him from moving in the slightest. Lan Wangji couldn't see Wei Wuxian face, he couldn't see Lan Wangji face either but he didn't need to.

Wei Wuxian closed his eye, all he breathed in was the cold sandalwood of Lan Wangji's body. Wei Wuxian voice was hoarse, when he said this to Lan Wangji, "I'm sorry Lan Zhan. I felt like my whole world has gone down the drain when the person who I trusted the most betrayed me."

Lan Wangji wrapped his arm tightly around Wei Wuxian body, "I should be the one who should said sorry. If you want me to come stay and live with you, I will."

The two stay like that until it is time to head back to the inn since the junior will get worry about the two of them.

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