Chapter 4

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" love me? When? When have you been feeling this way?" Xiao Xingchen asked Song Lan.

"Since I first saw you. Since we first started our journey together. I never want to leave your side. But when I saw Xue Yang with you, I got angry, angry that I waited for him. I want to kill him, I don't want that murder to be next to you."

"By doing that, he spread poison on you. That is why my sword think that you are a puppet. That is why I end up Killing you!" Xiao Xingchen shouted at Song Lan. "But your here now, aren't you?" Song Lan wipe away the tear that is flowing down Xiao Xingchen face.

"Didn't you think about what will happen to our friendship if you told me how you felt about me?" Song Lan sigh, "I did."

"Then can you give me sometime to think about my own feelings for you?" Song Lan nodded his head.

"You two sure know how to say love stuff to each other," the two turn to see Wei Wuxian sitting up, "A-Ying," Xiao Xingchen walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at. "I'm surprise you recognize me."

"Of course, come now," Xiao Xingchen help Wei Wuxian to stay up and out of the place he is laying in.

Wei Wuxian look around the place, "Shishu, where is Wen Ning?" All three left the room. That is when they see San Lang, A-Qing and Wen Ning walking back from their tour around San Lang underworld.

"Gege!" A-Qing ran over to hug Xiao Xingchen, "A-Qing, your alive?" A-Qing nodded her head. A-Qing let go of Xiao Xingchen, "Song gege, I'm sorry I couldn't help you. But I did warn Gege, about Xue Yang. I never thought Xue Yang, he....he....make you...." A-Qing then felt hand on top of her head.

"Is okay A-Qing. It was never your fault," A-Qing look up to see Song Lan smiling down at her.

"Oh that's right. It was thank to A-Qing that I found out what happen to the two of you. A-Qing, you are one brave girl." A-Qing is proud of herself.

"Alright alright are you all done with your reunion yet?" San Lang asked in an annoying tone in his voice. "Shishu, Song Xiong, Wen Ning, this is San Lang. He is the king of this underworld."

"Here Wei Wuxian, this dice will take you from here back to the mortal world. You can also come for a visit," San Lang handed over the dice to Wei Wuxian. "Then I will come visit you as much as I can and also, tell Xie Lian that I said hi." San Lang nodded his head.

"Wen Ning, Shishu, let's head home," everyone said bye to San Lang. "A-Ying, what happen to you? And Where is Lan er gongzi?" Xiao Xingchen asked as they walk through the portal.

Wei Wuxian kept quiet he doesn't want to talk about Lan Wangji. "Xiao gongzi, it is best not to said Lan Wangji name in front of Wei gongzi. A lot of thing has happened, I think Song gongzi know about it."

"Zichen?" Xiao Xingchen looked at his soulmate. "I will tell you once we arrive to the place that Wei Wuxian is staying in."


Once they arrive at the place where Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian is staying, Wei Wuxian said to Wen Ning, "Wen Ning, show everyone around the place. Take them to the room that they will stay in. I will be in my room."

"I will gongzi," with that Wei Wuxian walk away from there.  "I never seen this side of A-Ying before," Xiao Xingchen turn to look at Song Lan, "Zichen, what happen while I am not alive in this world?"

"Come have a seat," Song Lan take Xiao Xingchen over to one of the chair to seat down. "A-Qing, how about you help me with the tea?" A-Qing nodded her head, the two left to make tea for them to drink while listen to Song Lan story about what happen when they were gone.

A minute later Wen Ning and A-Qing come back to hear, "What?! How could they think A-Ying try to kill them?! Lan Wangji even betray my nephew!" Hearing about what happen to his nephew got Xiao Xingchen chi to come out from his body.

"Xingchen calm down," Xiao Xingchen turn to glared at Song Lan, "Calm down?! Calm down?! Those good for nothing cultivator accuse A-Ying for something he didn't do!" Song Lan can only sigh.

"Xiao gongzi, Wei gongzi is taken his revenge on them." Xiao Xingchen calm down when he heard what Wen Ning just said. "A-Ying take his revenge?" Wen Ning nodded his head.

"Wei Wuxian surrounded the Jin, Lan, Nie, Jiang, Yao and Ouyang clan with resentment energy. Also, he trap them all in cloud Recesse, no one can leave from there," Song Lan can see how much calmer Xiao Xingchen is.

"Well I won't stop A-Ying for taken his revenge out on them. But Wen Ning where are we?" Xiao Xingchen asked Wen Ning.

"Ah, this place use to belong to a clan, I think they left. They are afraid that someone will come after them. Wei gongzi want to live here since it is away from the town people. That's right, no one will see this place or feel this place. All they see is wood and tree."

"Then how will we find this place once we leave from here?" A-Qing asked Wen Ning. "Give me a second," Wen Ning left from there.

A minute later Wen Ning come back with three different stone color. One is white, black, and pink. "Where this? When the light show up, it will point the way for you," Wen Ning handed the white one to Xiao Xingchen, Black to Song Lan and pink to A-Qing. "Always keep it with you," the three nodded their head.

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