Chapter 6

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They couldn't believe it, not only did Jin Guangyao kill Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun but also his own father. "Jin Guangyao! How could you kill your own father?" Jin Guangyao woke up with a laugh, "how could I kill my own father? He never acknowledged me until now. He treat me like his slave, he never once treated me like his own son! He deserve to die!"

"Then how could kill my Da Ge?! He did nothing wrong to you!" everyone turn around to see a very angry Nie Huaisang. "Even if he didn't treat you right, he took you in! He is the only family I got left! You kill my brother! You deserve to die!"

"Huaisang," Lan Xichen try to calm Nie Huaisang down.

"Huaisang," Nie Huaisang hear Wei Wuxian voice, "you can kill him if you like?" A saber suddenly appear in front of Lan Xichen and Nie Huaisang, "Da Ge saber."

"Huaisang, I already clean the resentment energy from within Chifeng Zun saber. It is safe for you to use it. This decision is up to you."

"Huaisang, you don't have to do this. We can....."

"No! We can't do what we did to Wei xiong! You all tortured him. You beat him up. You didn't even give him a trail! Jin Guangyao kill many people already. And Wei xiong didn't."

Wei Wuxian who is listen to this have on a smile, "what a good friend you are Huaisang. I'm glad that we have become friend." 'Decision is up to you now.'

Nie Huaisang take his brother saber in his hand, "I don't care what you all think of me but this is my revenge for my brother!" Nie Huaisang throw the sword toward Jin Guangyao, it went straight into his midsection.

"Sect leader!" Shouted Su She.

'You also have a secret as well sect leader Su, shall I let everyone see it?'

"I won't let you!"

'Ah! You won't let me? Look at yourself, you can't even move. I will let everyone see what you have done.'

Wei Wuxian snapped his finger, a vision of what Su She did in the past 16 years. 'Do you all like what you just seen? *Sigh* I can't believe you all were used by Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangshan and Su She. True the Jin clan is rich and all, but they are a bunch of greedy, spoil brat and arrogant people. Some of you become just like them.'

"You think that's funny Wei Wuxian!"

"Of course is funny. I like to see how pathetic you all are. Following a Xiandu who is using you, who is evil, who only want their clan to be more powerful then any other clan then it is funny."

"Then let us out of here."

"Of course but I won't let you leave Cloud Recesse. If you try to flies out, you will end up in cloud Recesse. If you try to walk out of cloud Recesse you will come back to Cloud Recesse," Wei Wuxian waved his hand, the are back in cloud Recesse again.

"A-Ying," Wei Wuxian waved his hand to open the door, "Shishu, you look upset? Did something happen?"

"Xingchen!" Xiao Xingchen went into the room, he closed the door behind him. Wei Wuxian is confuse at to why Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen is fighting or angry at each other.

"Shishu, did you have a fight with Song Xiong?" Xiao Xingchen went to sit down on the chair without answering Wei Wuxian question. "Song Xiong, why are you two fighting with one another?" Wei Wuxian asked Song Lan through the door between them.

"I want Xingchen and I to head back to Baixue temple to fix thing like they were before. Xingchen said that he doesn't want to leave your side. Even A-Qing doesn't want to leave from here."

Wei Wuxian sigh, "you two aren't even marry yet, and yet you two fight like a marry couple." This for Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan to blush, "A-Ying!" Whined Xiao Xingchen.

Wei Wuxian opened the door for Song Lan to come in. Xiao Xingchen turn away from Song Lan. "Xingchen."

"I will only talk to you if we come back after fixing up your master temple. I know is a special place for you because you were raise there. A-Ying, A-Ying is my Shijie son. I am his only family member left."

Wei Wuxian smile at what Xiao Xingchen just said, "alright you win, we will come back here. I guess I don't have to fix up the temple."

"Why not Song Xiong?" Wei Wuxian asked as he went back to his chair which is in the place where master of the house sit. "No one is left alive. I only want to go back to get some of my Shifu thing and my thing."

Xiao Xingchen turn around to look at Song Lan, "then when do you want to leave?"

"How about tomorrow?"

"Okay tomorrow it is."

The next morning Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan stand in front of A-Qing, Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian, "you two take care, and take your time coming back." A-Qing grinned at her two most favorite people.

"And you, try to tell Wen Ning your feeling already," Xiao Xingchen teased A-Qing back. This got Wen Ning and A-Qing to blush, "Shishu, if you two don't leave now. She will start to yell at you."

Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan got on their sword, "we will be back soon." Wei Wuxian and the other two wave goodbye to Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, "how is the other clan doing Wen Ning?"

"They are shouting and yelling, no one around them could hear them. All sect are the same."

"Let them be, this is my revenge against all sect. Revenge for what they did to me, for what they did to Wen Qing and your family. I will torture them for as long as I want." Wei Wuxian turn to look at A-Qing and Wen Ning, "let's head back inside." The two nodded their head.

When they walk back inside, the shield activated themselves, turning the place invisible once more.

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