Chapter 3

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"I saw what you did," San Lang went to seat down on one of the chair on the right of Wei Wuxian. "Is it wrong of me to do that?" Wei Wuxian asked as he summon up a wine bottle and a cup for San Lang to drink.

"No, they deserve it."

"I thought you might said that."

"By the way, have you notice that Mo Xuanyu body is about to become weak?"

"I know. I sense it while I escape from the Lan clan dungeon."

"I have save your body. Come to the underworld, I will switch this body with your original one."

"Thank you. I'm waiting for Wen Ning to come back with Song Lan. I need your help with Song Lan, Wen Ning, Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing. Can you help them?" Wei Wuxian asked San Lang.

"Of course I can. I will see you there," San Lang vanish with butterfly all around the room.

*Sigh* "him and his butterfly." While waiting for Wen Ning to come back with Song Lan
Wei Wuxian decide to fix some furniture around the house. 'I won't let this go. Until I am satisfied, then I will let them go.'

About 3 to 5 days later Wen Ning came back with Song Lan. "Song gongzi, Wei gongzi will explain everything to you," Song Lan nodded his head since he can't talk. "Wei gongzi!" Wei Wuxian look up from his vegetable garden, "Wen Ning," he see someone else is behind him, "Song Xiong." 'He still the same.'

Wei Wuxian brush off the dirty from his hand, then he walk over to the two, "Let's go inside to talk," all three went into the big main room to talk. Wei Wuxian waved his hand, this make the talisman around the area activated. Wei Wuxian have put talisman all around the forest, this way no one will see the house.

"How is Shishu, Song Xiong?" Song Lan use his sword to write on the ground. "Xingchen is still the same." Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "You want to know why I ask Wen Ning to come find you?" Song Lan nodded his head.

"Let's go," Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning and Song Lan see a portal open up in from of them, 'it look like San Lang know that I am ready to go,' "this person will help you, come," they all walk through the portal at once.

All three soon arrive in a very big palace, "welcome my friend," they all look toward the thorn chair to see San Lang sitting there. "Quit with the welcome San Lang," San Lang let out a laugh, "not in a good mood today?" Wei Wuxian just sigh.

"Alright, follow me," San Lang lead the three into a room, "Isn't that my body?" Wei Wuxian asked. "Yes, Xie Lian and I help heal your body. This body of your right now, it is about to die. I will take your soul and put it back into your original body."

Wei Wuxian nodded his head. San Lang take Wei Wuxian soul out from Mo Xuanyu body, he put it back into his original body. "Lang gongzi, will Wei gongzi wake up?" Wen Ning asked as Mo Xuanyu body disappear into dust.

"It will take a while," San Lang turn to look at Song Lan and Wen Ning, "how about I get you two back to become a human?" The two looked at each other then back to San Lang. "You can do that?" Wen Ning asked.

A light circle appear from beneath their feet soon the two felt their fierce corpse body begin to turn back into their human form. Song Lan can feel his tongue is growing back as well.

The light die down, "now how about those two?" San Lang pointed at the two spirit bag hanging near Son Lang waist. Song Lan take it off, he handed it over to San Lang.

San Lang make two circle, the same one as the one underneath Wen Ning and Song Lan feet a while ago. San Lang then open the two spirit pouch, two soul flow out and into the circle.

The two soul soon turn into their human form. Song Lan eye begin to shine with tear in them, 'Xingchen.' When the light die down, the Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing open up their eye.

The first thing Xiao Xingchen see is, "Zichen," Xiao Xingchen then remember what he did. He avoid looking in Song Lan eye, "Xingchen."

San Lang can feel the tension in the room, "Your A-Qing right?" A-Qing nodded her head. "A-Qing, Wen Ning, why don't we leave the two of them alone to talk? I will show you two around here." A-Qing and Wen Ning follow San Lang out of the room, leaving Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen alone in the room.

Xiao Xingchen turn his back on Song Lan, "Xingchen, please turn around to look at me," Xiao Xingchen shook his head no. Song Lan step toward Xiao Xingchen, he put his hand on Xiao Xingchen shoulder, he turn Xiao Xingchen around to look at him.

"Please Xingchen," Xiao Xingchen shake his head no. Song Lan sigh, he put his hand on both side of Xiao Xingchen cheek, he lifted Xiao Xingchen head up to look at him. "Xingchen listen.....I never thought that I will get to see you again. I told myself that when I do get to see you again, I want to tell you....I'm sorry Xingchen. It wasn't your fault."

"It is."

"Is not! Xiao Xingchen! Xue Yang take his revenge on me to get to you! He use you!"

Xiao Xingchen lifted his head up to look at Song Lan with tears running down his face, "That is because he used me to kill you! To kill everyone in Yi City! Do you know how devastated I was when I lost you!"

"Xingchen." Song Lan pull Xiao Xingchen into his arm, "I never hate you. I will always forgive you. Because...." Song Lan pull Xiao Xingchen back, he wiped Xiao Xingchen tear with his thumb.

"Because I love you, Xingchen."

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