Chapter 10

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"Huaisang, I need your help," Nie Huaisang look up at Wei Wuxian, "help with what?" Nie Huaisang asked. Wei Wuxian make Nie Huaisang clothes vanish from his body, leaving only his inner clothes.

His outer clothes appear in front of Wei Wuxian, "come out, find what lies inside of Nie Huaisang clothes." A string of resentment energy come out from inside of Wei Wuxian. It went inside of Nie Huaisang clothes.

"Wuxian, what are you looking for?" San Lang asked as he look at the resentment energy swirl around Nie Huaisang clothes.

"Wei xiong, suddenly I felt something lifted off from me when you take my outer clothes from me."

"What did you feel?" Nie Huaisang thought for a while, "ummm let see...hatred, anger, hate and many other hate emotion. Especially toward you."

The resentment energy pull out many talisman from within Nie Huaisang clothes. Wei Wuxian snapped his finger again, Nie Huaisang outer clothes appear on him again. San Lang take the talisman into his hand.

Wei Wuxian walk down to where San Lang is at, "San Lang, what kind of talisman is that? Or what it saying?"

"These look like talisman of hatred."

"Hatred? Can you explain it a little more?" Wei Wuxian asked San Lang. "One of them say to believe this said Jin Guangyao and this other one is said to hate and walk away from which is you, Wei Wuxian."

"Nie gongzi, do you know who give these clothes to you?" San Lang asked Nie Huaisang.

"Yes, it was Jin Guangyao but I never noticed anything about it. Is this the reason why I have this feeling of hatred toward Wei xiong?" San Lang nodded his head.

"The only people who was there is Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Jiang Wanyin, Jin Ling, Nie Huaisang and me, but how come the other sect begin to hate me too? Even Lan Qiren hate me. When he wasn't there." This got Wei Wuxian and San Lang to think about it.

"Wei Xiong, you don't know?" Wei Wuxian just looked at Nie Huaisang, "don't know what?"

"Sect leader Yao, Sect leader Ouyang and other sect leader believe in everything that Jin Guangyao said to them, thing about you. That is why they went against you. Wei xiong, I'm sorry if you believe that I hate you too. I couldn't go against the feeling inside of me."

"Is okay Huaisang," Wei Wuxian patted Nie Huaisang on his shoulder. "I will look more into this talisman. Sect leader Nie, why don't you come with me? There something or someone want to see you."

Nie Huaisang look at Wei Wuxian, he gave Nie Huaisang a smile and a nodded, "okay."

'I hope you will like it Huaisang. You deserve to have your brother back,' Wei Wuxian went back to torturing the people inside of his resentment field as he make his resentment energy take over cloud Recesse again.

'Well, what will your answer be? You all already saw what Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao and Su She did. I am sure you have your answer by now.'

"Where did you take sect leader Nie?" One of the sect leader asked Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian sigh, "he isn't your problem, I won't tell you where Nie Huaisang is at. Why don't you worry about your own problem or should I take you all back to see what actually happen at the Qiongqi path?"

"Or would you like to see where Wen Qing cut me open to give my golden core to you....Sect leader Jiang?'"

"Cut...cut you...cut you open?" Come Lan Wangji weak and nervous voice.

'Yes Lan Wangji. That is why I cultivate demonic energy. Without a core I can cultivate dark energy. Without me, none of you can defeat Wen Rouhan nor his puppet.'

'I'm guessing when Wen Ning tell you about it. You didn't believe him right, Sect leader Jiang?'

Jiang Wanyin is shaking, 'do you know how long I have to stay awake for Wen Qing to do this? It take her 2 night and one day to cut me open and put it into your body. Do you know what the chance is was 50/50 percent chance. Jiang Wanyin, this is where I cut my tie with you and your clan. I already pay my debt to Jiang Fengmian.'

Then Wei Wuxian voice disappear. Wei Wuxian sigh, 'the thing I don't want Jiang Wanyin to know. He already know. He didn't believe in what Wen Ning said to him. He so much like his mother.'

"Zichen, why won't you talk to me? Why are you angry at me?" Wei Wuxian left his room, as he open his door he see Xiao Xingchen following a upset Song Lan. "What is it now?"

Wei Wuxian then see the other watching this, "hey Junior, A-Qing, Wen Ning," the Junior, A-Qing and Wen Ning walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at.

"Xian gege," Wei Wuxian look up and down at Sizhui, "I think this color fit you better then the Lan uniform." He see that Lan Jingyi have on the same outfit but different style.

"So what is going on here?" Wei Wuxian asked the group, "we don't really know."

"I did hear Song gongzi asked Xiao gongzi what is his answer, something like that," then Wei Wuxian remember. 'Ah, I got it.' Wei Wuxian used his resentment energy to grabbed Xiao Xingchen around his waist and pull him where back to where Wei Wuxian is at.

"A-Ying!" Wei Wuxian sigh when Xiao Xingchen gave him a teary expression on his face. "Shishu, do you remember Song Xiong confess to you?" Xiao Xingchen nodded his head, "you said to give you some time, now he want your answer."

Xiao Xingchen finally understand now, "zichen!" Xiao Xingchen run after Song Lan. Xiao Xingchen wrapped his arm around Song Lan waist when he finally caught up to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget. I also love you Zichen."

Xiao Xingchen felt Song Lan hand on his, he turn around and pull Xiao Xingchen into a kiss. "Get a room you two! We have children here," Wei Wuxian teased the two famous cultivator.

Xiao Xingchen hide his face in Song Lan chest, Song Lan only glared at Wei Wuxian which it didn't faze him. "Alright children let's leave them alone. How about we go make dinner together?" The other agree so they left the two love bird alone.

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