Chapter 30

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The next day, they are all ready to head to the next town. Lan Wangji and the Junior is talking to one another up ahead while Wei Wuxian walking behind them. 'It look like Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen is beginning to warm up to Lan Zhan again.'

Lan Wangji who is talking to the Junior, he noticed that Wei Wuxian isn't around them. He turn around to see Wei Wuxian is walking behind them, he turn around to walk backward to where Wei Wuxian is at.

"Wei Ying, is there something wrong?" Lan Wangji asked. "Mhmm....there is but no need to think about it," Wei Wuxian said this without looking at Lan Wangji. "Why did you come back here?" He asked Lan Wangji.

"I didn't see you up there with us, so I come back here to see if there is anything wrong."

"So your worry about me?" This cause Lan Wangji ear to turn red, he turn his face to the left to avoid looking at Wei Wuxian.

'Same old Lan Wangji,' "not gonna give me an answer?" Wei Wuxian teased Lan Wangji. All Wei Wuxian can get out of Lan Wangji is a "Mn."

"Can I get more word then an "Mn" Hanguang Jun?" 'It has been so long since I tease Lan Zhan.'

"Yes....yes.....I was worry about you."

Wei Wuxian held back his giggle, "Wei Qianbei! Hanguang Jun! We have a problem up ahead!" Shouted Jingyi.

The two looked at one another, they rush toward where the junior is at. "This is a problem," they see a bunch of villagers is being surrounded by bandit. "Well Junior, can you take care of it?" Wei Wuxian turn to look at the junior standing behind him.

"Of course we can!" They all pull out their sword, jump on it and ride toward where the villager and the bandit is at. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji watch from afar as they see how the Junior can handle a situation like this.

"It look like the Lan Junior is getting good at fighting. If you continue to train them, their cultivation will grow even more. Just tell your uncle to drop the rule and the ancestors thingy, that doesn't help the Lan disciple."

"I will let Xiong Zhang know....." Wei Wuxian notices the way Lan Wangji is talking, "Something wrong, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"I....I really don't want this journey to end," Lan Wangji turn to look at Wei Wuxian. "I don't want to leave your side...Wei Ying!" This shock Wei Wuxian as his eye went wide. Wei Wuxian eye soften, "Ask me again?" This confuse Lan Wangji, "Ask you what?"

"What did you want me to do with the other sect? Ask me again."

Lan Wangji understand what Wei Wuxian mean, "Wei Ying, are you going to release the dark energy around all of the clan?"

Wei Wuxian walk toward Lan Wangji, each step make Lan Wangji walking backward. That is when his back hit the tree, this block them from the view up ahead. Wei Wuxian put his hand under Lan Wangji chin, "if I released the dark energy around the clan. What do I get in return, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji can see the serious in Wei Wuxian eye. He closed his eye, open them up again as he stare straight into Wei Wuxian grey one, "What do you want in return Wei Ying?"

He can see the smirk on Wei Wuxian face, "I want you to come live and stay with me. What do you said?" Before Lan Wangji can said anything else Wei Wuxian suddenly closed their distance, this shock and surprise Lan Wangji.

The two wrapped in each other arm, when Wei Wuxian hear the junior is about to come back he pull away but before that he gave one last kiss on Lan Wangji lip. He putted his hand on top of Lan Wangji head while saying, "Take your time to think about it. I am serious about it, Lan Zhan."

With that last saying Wei Wuxian went off to meet the junior half way. When Wei Wuxian is gone, Lan Wangji touched his lip with his hand. 'That night, I felt like someone kissed me on my lips. This felt familiar....could it be...Wei Ying did you kissed me that night?'

"Hanguang Jun?" Lan Wangji came back to reality to see Sizhui standing in front of him. Wei Wuxian glanced back behind him, 'should give Sizhui and Lan Zhan time to talk to one another. He did raise A-Yuan after all,' "Come Junior, why don't we go in search for food? We will stay out here for the night."


When Lan Wangji and Sizhui look back, the two see that everyone is already gone. "Let's wait for them here," Sizhui nodded his head. While the two waited for Wei Wuxian and the other Junior to come back, it was silent between the two of them.

"A-Yuan," Sizhui is surprise to hear Lan Wangji calling his formal name, "A-Yuan, you know that everything that happen so far wasn't our doing right?" Sizhui gave a slight nod.

"Even though other clan have kill your family, but to me, I want to save them. I'm sorry I couldn't save them. Your the only one I can save."

"I know Hanguang Jun. I'm glad that you save me. I waited for Xian gege to come back but he didn't. After that I don't remember anything because of my fever."

"Will you give me another chance? Another chance to be a....."

"You mean to be my father?" Sizhui smiled at Lan Wangji. "Mn."

"You have and always be my father, Hanguang Jun, without you, I wouldn't never be here right now." Lan Wangji couldn't help but smile at what Sizhui just said.

"Sizhui! Hanguang Jun! We're back!" The two got up, they see many thing in their friend and disciple hand. "Xian gege, you got wine again?" Sizhui pointed at the wine bottle in Wei Wuxian hand.

"Sizhui, my dear radish, your Xian gege can't live without his wine. I do miss Gusu wine through." Sizhui sigh, "Can I have some as well, Wei Qianbei?" Asked Jingyi. "Of course! A-Yi, since you are not in the Lan clan anymore then is alright for you to have some."

"Wei Ying, Jingyi is like you. He doesn't like rule, doesn't listen in class, always messing around and worst of all he like to drink alcohol."

"Hahahahahah! Sizhui is like you while Jingyi is like me. Right Jingyi?" Wei Wuxian handed a cup of wine to Jingyi to drink. "Who would have thought that only Jingyi is the only person in our Lan clan can hold his wine."

"Oh, you boys noticed that too?" Wei Wuxian asked the Lan disciple, they all nodded their head.

"Wei Qianbei, can I have some too?" Asked Zizhen. "Okay."

"Wei Ying!"

"What? They will be adult soon anyway."

Lan Wangji sigh, he give up since he can't stop Wei Wuxian from giving the wine to the junior...well expect for his Lan disciple. Since he is there, they can't have wine anyway.

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