Chapter 35

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Once the group have left the town, they enter into the forest, this is where Wei Wuxian will open a portal that will take them to their home in Yiling. "Alright everyone let's go," they all walk into the portal, when they are all gone the portal close up.


A portal open up in the garden outside of the house, "Shifu! Shifu! Shifu! Ning shushu! Qing Jie!"

From inside the main house Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, Wen Ning and Qing, hear, "Shifu! Shifu! Shifu! Ning Shushu! Qing Jie!" All four smiled at each other, they got up and walk out of the main room.

That is when all four see Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Sizhui, Zizhen and Jingyi, "welcome home everyone."

"Shifu! Ning Shushu! Qing Jie!" The boys ran over to where the other four is at. "You boys aren't hurt right? Did A-Ying take good care of you?" Xiao Xingchen asked his disciple.

"No, we are not hurt. Xian gege let us do all of the work," the boys turn around with a grin on their face. "Hey!" Wei Wuxian shouted with a amused in his voice.

"Oh that's right, we got present," they all walk inside the main room. "Shifu, Ning Shushu, Qing Jie, we got a lot of thing for you." Qing see girl thing in the pile, "wow, all of this hair pin and bracelet is very beautiful!"

"Since you help around the house, buying food and help take care of us, you deserve to get have beautiful accessories. I'm sorry that we couldn't buy you any clothes, we don't know what you like or don't like."

Qing putted her hand on top of Zizhen head, "is alright Zizhen, all of this right here, is enough for me." The boys smiled at Qing.

"Shifu, we got you something too. We hope you like it," Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen see many thing on there, from hanging tassel to Qiankun bag and sword stripe. "Shifu, do you like it?" The two smile as they nodded their head.

"Thank you boys. Now, how about you three go to your room, wash up, take a rest and then come out for dinner later okay?" The three step back, gave a bow, and then they left from there.

"A-Qing, why don't we go prepare for dinner?" Qing take her accessories in her hand, the two gave a bow and left from there as well. Once the two left Lan Wangji stand up, gave a bow and said, "Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, it is nice to meet you again."

Xiao Xingchen smile, "have a seat Lan er gongzi," Lan Wangji did just that. "Song Xiong, Shishu, why don't you three talk to each other? I think I will head to my room to get some rest as well." He turn to look at Lan Wangji, "I will show you to your room later okay?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. Wei Wuxian got up, gave a bow and left from there.

Lan Wangji suddenly felt very nervous since he did hurt Wei Wuxian. "Lan er gongzi, you don't have to feel so nervous. Make yourself at home," Lan Wangji sigh, "okay."

"Lan er gongzi, you decide to stay with A-Ying?" Xiao Xingchen asked Lan Wangji.

"Yes, I decide to stay with Wei Ying. I know that he haven't fully forgiven me yet, if I stay by Wei Ying side, I know that we can go back to the way we were before. I hope that we can start all over again, from the beginning."

"Have you told A-Ying about this?" Lan Wangji shake his head no. Xiao Xingchen got up, he walk over to where Lan Wangji is at, and he put his hand on top of Lan Wangji head, "Then you should let A-Ying know. I am sure he will feel the same way."


That night they all sat around eating dinner together, "I miss Ning shushu and Qing Jie cooking!" The adult couldn't help but laugh at how silly Jingyi is. "Jingyi, are you saying that the food we eat in the road isn't good?" Asked Wei Wuxian.

"They are good but home cook food is way better," Jingyi stuff more food into his mouth. "I gotta agree with Jingyi, home cooking food is the best. If you were back in Cloud Recesse Jingyi, Hanguang Jun will tell you not to talk while eating." Zizhen pointed at Jingyi cheek.

"Good thing I am not or I will get punished by master Lan," Sizhui and Jingyi both looked at Lan Wangji. "Is alright Jingyi, you never follow the rule anyway."

"Hanguang Jun, you should do the same. Your not in Cloud Recesse anymore, you can talk while eating. It is fun to talk to those around you," Jingyi smiled at Lan Wangji. "I will try."

This somehow made Wei Wuxian smile, 'I always want Lan Zhan to do that. It look like Jingyi took the words out of my mouth.'

After they all finish with their dinner, Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen and the three boys sit in the main room talking to each other while Wen Ning help Qing with the dishes. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is taking a walk around the house.

"Wei Ying?"


"Wei Ying, I know that you haven't fully forgiven me yet but...." Lan Wangji stop walking, this also got Wei Wuxian to stop walking as well. "But what Lan Zhan?"

"But can we start over again...from the beginning?" Wei Wuxian turn around to look at him. "Is that what you want, Lan Wangji?" Wei Wuxian asked with a smile on his face, 'I was waiting for Lan Zhan to ask me this.'


"Then let's start from the very beginning, Lan Wangji." Wei Wuxian hold out his hand for Lan Wangji to take, "Mn, let's begin...again." The two shake their hand.

"Xian gege! Hanguang Jun!" The two let go of their hand, they turn around to look at the three boys. The two see Jingyi, Sizhui, Zizhen, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen walking toward them.

"What is it junior?" Wei Wuxian asked. Sizhui turn around to look at his Shifu, the two nodded their head. He turn back to look at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, who is rather very confuse at this moment.

"Xian gege, Han-I mean Fuqin, have a battle with us?" Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen pull out their sword as they pointed at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

"A battle? Why suddenly ask us this?" Wei Wuxian asked the three boys.

"A-Ying, since you two are also really strong, they want to see if they can win against you two."

Wei Wuxian have on a smirk, "What do you said, Lan Zhan?"

"Mn. Let's see how far they have grown over they year," the two summon up their sword, they unsheathed their sword as they pointed at the three boys.

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen move out of the way, they don't want to get hurt by the fight between the three Junior, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. Wen Ning and Qing who just finish with washing the dishes they also want to see the fight as well.

"Alright boys! Let see what you got!" And so the fighting have begun.

Wei Wuxian finally got his revenge against the cultivation world. They deserve what Wei Wuxian have done to them but now, Wei Wuxian is living in peace with his love one. This is all he needed because from now on...what happen to the other sect...he won't get involved with them anymore.

The end
Thank you everyone for following me along with this story of mind. I hope this ending is good enough. I am not that good with writing the ending to all of my story. Anyway, thank you for the vote and the comment. See everyone in my other story. BYE BYE!!

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