Chapter 34

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"Have you boys got everything you needed for our journey to head back home?" The three boys looked at the thing in their bag and Qiankun pouch. "Don't tell me you boys got your Shifu, Ning Shushu and A-Qing gift as well?" They nodded their head.

While they are eating, Sizhui ask WeiWuxian, "Xian gege, are we waiting for someone? I thought that we will leave once morning come."

"We are waiting for your Hanguang Jun." the three boys looked at each other then back to Wei Wuxian, "Hanguang Jun!" They said at the same time.

Everyone in the inn is looking at them, "Quiet it down boys," the three boy got embarrassed since they were being very loud. "Is Hanguang Jun coming with us as well?" Asked Sizhui.

"Mn. It is a promise. You and Jingyi, should know how the Lan always keep their promise right?" The two use to be Lan nodded their head. "I will let Shishu and the other know that Lan Wangji will be staying with us." Wei Wuxian pull out a piece of paper and a brush pen. He begin to write down his message.

Once Wei Wuxian is done he turn the message into a red bird. "Go on now." The bird flew up, then it disappear.

Cloud Recesse

"Wangji," Lan Wangji turn around, he see his brother standing right behind, "Xiong Zhang."

Lan Xichen walk into his didi room, "your not taken all your thing with you," he look around Lan Wangji room. "You and Shifu did ask me to come back for a visit every now and then right?"

"That's right."

"I will ask Wei Ying once I meet up with him. Xiong Zhang," Lan Wangji gave a bow, "Xiong zhan, you and Shifu, please take care of yourself."

"Wangji," Lan Xichen went up to his didi as he lifted Lan Wangji hand up, "don't worry Wangji, we will. I just hope that Wei gongzi won't do anything else."

"Wei Ying won't do anything else, I did ask him to remove the dome after all."

"You should go meet with Wei gongzi now. Also, give these to Jingyi and Sizhui, we already change our protection array. The two of them are always welcome back here," Lan Xichen handed the two new Jade token to Lan Wangji.

"I will make sure to give it to them," Lan Wangji gave his brother one last bow, then he left his room and cloud Recesse to head down to Caiyi town to meet up with Wei Wuxian and the other.

Jingyi, Zizhen and Sizhui is out walking around the town, they soon bump into Lan Wangji who is walking toward them, "Hanguang Jun!"

Lan Wangji look here and there around the place, "Hanguang Jun, if you are looking for Xian gege. He is back at the inn where they have Tianzi Xiao, he let us walk around Caiyi town until you arrive."

"Just the three of you?" They nodded their head. "Alright, I will go meet up with Wei Ying. That's right Sizhui, Jingyi, Xiong Zhang want me to give you two this," Lan Wangji take out two new Jade token, he hold it in his hand.

"But Hanguang Jun, we are no longer a Lan disciple," Jingyi have on a down cast expression on his face. "Xiong Zhang said that you two are always welcome back to the Lan clan."

"But..." Sizhui take one of the Jade token, he take Jingyi hand and put the token into Jingyi hand. "Take it Jingyi, you were born into the Lan clan remember? I was save by Hanguang Jun, and he adopted me into the Lan clan. Cloud Recesse will always be our home even if we don't live there anymore."

Lan Wangji couldn't help but smile at what Sizhui just said, "then thank you Hanguang Jun."

"You three don't go and cause trouble okay? Come back as soon as possible before we head....where are we going after this?" Lan Wangji asked the three boys. "Well....I think you have to ask Xian gege, Hanguang Jun. We will go now." They ran away from there since they want to look around before heading back to meet up with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji finally found Wei Wuxian sitting at the top of the inn, he walk into the inn, up the stair and into the room that Wei Wuxian is in. "Wei Ying," Wei Wuxian turn to see Lan Wangji.

"Oh Lan Zhan took you long enough. Did you tell Zewu Jun and that old man about you leaving Cloud Recesse?" Wei Wuxian asked while drinking down his wine.


Wei Wuxian glanced between his cup and his hand, 'he is holding something back,' he sigh, "What is it Lan Zhan? You want to ask me something? Don't hold back on what you want to ask me."

"Okay." Lan Wangji breath in then out, he looked at Wei Wuxian, and asked, "Xiong Zhang and Shifu want me to come back to visit them every now and then. Will that be okay with you, Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuxian put down the cup, "Is that all?" Lan Wangji nodded his head. "Of course you can. I'm not going to stop you from going back to Cloud Recesse to see your family."

"You mean it?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Xian gege!" The three burst into the room, "can we go too?"

"Go where?" 'They don't mean the Lan clan.'

"Cloud Recesse of course." Answered Jingyi. "That Jingyi, Sizhui, you need to ask your Shifu about it. You three should know how protective Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen is to the three of you right?" They nodded their head.

"Wei Ying where are we going after this?" Asked Lan Wangji as he glanced at the three boys. "Home, it is time to head home. Right junior?" Wei Wuxian sigh as he looked at the three boys, "I am sure they will let you go."

"Now, how about we go pack up and get ready to head home?" The three got up, went back to their room and begin to pack their thing.

"Since they want to visit cloud Recesse try not to punish them, Hanguang Jun. The three of them aren't part of the Lan clan. I know that they won't cause trouble for you and for Zewu Jun."

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on them." 'I just hope that Xiong Zhang will change thing around in Cloud Recesse.'

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