Chapter 16

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Wei Wuxian appear in San Lang palace, "Wei Wuxian, what are you doing here?" Wei Wuxian turn around to see San Lang walking with Xie Lian next to him. "I need your help to look for someone."

"Someone? Are they gone?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "What is there name?" San Lang asked as he sat down on his thorn chair.

"Nie Zonghui. He was Nie Mingjue right hand man."
(If you don't know who Nie Zonghui is he appear in Fatal Journey)

"I think he died by Nie Mingjue it was more like an accident. Nie Mingjue couldn't control his Qi deviation because Jin Guangyao have been playing the wrong cleansing song for him."

"I will see what I can do."

"Thank you," Wei Wuxian gave a bow and then he disappears from there.

"Wei Wuxian is too kind," San Lang nodded his head. "That's what make everyone gather around him."

Wei Wuxian appear in his room back in Yiling. He slump down on his bed, 'I'm tire....I want to end this....if they accept there mistake then I will let them go.' With that last thought Wei Wuxian fell asleep.

"Sizhui, where is A-Ying?" Sizhui and the other is help putting the plate, spoon and chopstick down on the table, "Xian gege said that he is going somewhere. We don't know where."

"Song gongzi, may I speak with you?" Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan looked at each other, the two nodded their head, so Song Lan got up and walk outside to talk to Wen Ning.

"What is it, Wen Ning?"

"I think this whole thing is tiring Wei gongzi out. Even though our bond have cut off, I can still feel like he starting to become very tire and very weak from torturing the other sect. He just want to end this already. I want to help Wei gongzi but I don't know how."

"Don't worry once those cultivator accept their mistakes then Wuxian will let them go. The person who should accept his mistake the most is Lan Wangji."

"Your right. I'm worry about Wei gongzi though," Song Lan walk over to Wen Ning, he put his hand on Wen Ning shoulder, "If he need help, he will ask us. For now, let's leave Wuxian by himself."

"Zichen, Wen Ning, is time for dinner," the two walk back inside of the main room to have dinner with their family.

The next morning, everyone woke up they all walk into the main big room and when they do, they see, "A-Ying."

Wei Wuxian have his forehead on his hand. Everyone stay behind as Xiao Xingchen walk up to where Wei Wuxian is sitting. "A-Ying, what's the matter?" Xiao Xingchen move Wei Wuxian head onto his shoulder.

"I'm tire Shishu. I will have to use my last resort," Song Lan and the other see Wei Wuxian opening his eye, it turn bright crimson red. "If you want to use your last resort, I will support you. No one dare hurt my Shijie son."

"Xian gege, I will support you too. They need a good lesson. They need to see their mistake!"

"Wei Qianbei, I don't approve of what my father did but I also want you to give them a good lesson, let them know what they did wrong," Zizhen gave a approval as he nodded his head.

"Count me in! Count me in! I don't like the way the Lan clan is doing as well. Also, I do like what I am wearing. It is much better then the Lan outfit." Zizhen and Sizhui just laugh at how silly Jingyi is.

"Boys, what will you do once this is all over?" Wen Ning asked the junior. "Ning shushu, I want to stay here. I always thought that the Lan clan is a clan that known for there justice and righteous, it look like I was wrong. They didn't try to find the truth before accusing our clan and Xian gege."

"But A- Yuan, Hanguang Jun save you and rise you as his own son." Wen Ning looked at his nephew.

"I am grateful that Hanguang Jun have safe me and rise me but....he also hurt and betray Xian gege. Beside, I want to belong here. With you and Xian gege." Wen Ning just sigh at what Sizhui just said.

Wen Ning look at Jingyi and Zizhen, "What about you two?" Jingyi and Zizhen looked at one another, then back to Wen Ning.

"Of course I will stay here with Sizhui. I don't like the rule. We can't do this, can't do that, it is like that place is controlling our personality I think." Jingyi crossed his arm over his chest while continue saying, "beside we are still children, we should have fun, not follow the rule."

"Then I want to stay too. Can I, Wei Qianbei?" Wei Wuxian chuckled from Xiao Xingchen shoulder.

"Shouldn't that be your choice, Zizhen?" Wei Wuxian asked Zizhen. "I guess your right, it is my choice. Then I want to stay here."

"I'm glad they are staying. Zichen and I come to like the three of them. They are fast learner. To be honest, the Lan clan doesn't teach them much do they?" Wei Wuxian sat back up straight, "of course they didn't! All they teach the children is rule this, rule that, ancestors this and ancestors that. They didn't teach them about night hunting."

"I remember that one time where we thought that Wei Qianbei was Mo Xuanyu. Wei Qianbei taught us a lot about night hunting. Sizhui, we didn't really learn much about night hunting in  Cloud Recesse right?" Jingyi asked Sizhui.

"Your right Jingyi, all we do is write down rule and read book. Nothing else," Sizhui look at Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, "Xiao Shushu, Song Shushu, since you two are famous among us youngsters, can you teach us about night hunting?"

"Of course we can. When everything has settle down, then we will go on a night hunt together. For now, A-Ying, it is time to rampage Cloud Recesse. We need their answer right now."

Wei Wuxian eye turn red again, "Let's go."

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