Chapter 28

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After they have their breakfast at that town, they left that town to head to a different town. "It has been a while since we went on a night hunt together," Lan Wangji walk behind the junior while Wei a Wuxian walk behind Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian walk with both of his hand behind his back as he look at the back of Lan Wangji, 'what will Shishu said if I tell Lan Zhan where we live?' Wei Wuxian turn his attention to the junior, 'At least the boys is having fun talking to one another.'

"Xian gege it look like we arrive in Langya," Wei Wuxian look around the town, "didn't you said that you guys went on a night hunt here in Langya?" He asked Sizhui. "We did. It was about time when we found a dead cat hanging outside of our door and the sound of Qing guniang stick tapping on the ground."

"I wonder who was it that put the dead cat hanging from the top of our door?" Asked Jingyi as he too think about what happen when they were in Langya last time.

'I guess they still doesn't know it was Nie Huaisang who did all of that. I wonder why he did all of this to the junior? Did he want us to find them or just want us to save them? I do want to ask Nie Huaisang but don't know how to ask him?' "It is in the past now, no need to think about it. Right Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji stop walk, he didn't turn around to face Wei Wuxian all he did is, "Mn." After that he begin to walk  again. Wei Wuxian sigh, "why don't we all take a rest?" While saying this Wei Wuxian went to take Lan Wangji hand and pull him away from there.

Sizhui tell the other to get some rest since he know that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji need to talk.

Once Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is a little bit far from the junior Wei Wuxian let go of Lan Wangji hand, he turn around to look at Lan Wangji. "Okay, what is wrong with you? What is it? Just said it."

"You said the past is the past....why can't you let go of your revenge, Wei Ying?"

"I am just giving them what they deserve. It is not like I am hurting them or anything. Did you see me hurting your family or your clan?" Wei Ying asked with his arm folding in front of his chest. "Beside, I am not the only one to decide what to do with the sect and their clan. It is also up to Sizhui and my uncle Xiao Xingchen. Ah, not to mention Wen Ning as well."


"I am sure that Sizhui don't want anything to happen to your clan. You did rise A-Yuan after all, am I right?" Lan Wangji gave a nodded to his head. "Any other question? I know you, Lan Wangji."

"Please let me know where you live? You know that I have waited for you for 16 years. I have always believe that you are not gone, I know that your alive somewhere out there, and I'm sorry, Wei Ying."

"Sorry for what?" Wei Wuxian asked Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian can tell that Lan Wangji doesn't want to said it, that is until he remember what he asked Lan Wangji when he was drunk.


'Why do you help me?" Asked Wei Wuxian.

"I have my regret," answered a drunk Lan Wangji.

"What kind of regret?"

"At NeverNight, I wasn't by your side."

End flashback

'Ah right.' "No need to said it, I understand."

"Xiao gege!"

"Hanguang Jun!"

"Wei Qianbei!"

Shouted Jingyi, Zizhen, Sizhui and the Lan disciple, the two looked at each other, they rush back to where the junior is at.  When the two got there, the junior is been surrounded by many bandit.

Wei Wuxian threw his sword in the middle of the circle, everyone look up, and they all see a massive dark energy surrounding a person. The only thing that show through the dark energy is a bloody red eye.

"Don't you dare touch the Junior!" Wei Wuxian sent his dark resentment energy toward the bandit as they knock them all backwards and away from the junior. "Sword out Junior! Is time to get out of here!"

The junior did as they were told, they got out their sword, step on it as the maneuver up into the sky. "How in the world did the see you guys like that?" Wei Wuxian asked one of the junior.

"We didn't know that they were surrounding us until one of the disciple see someone sneaking around the wood. When he come running to us, telling us that there are people out there we got ready to battle. We didn't know that there not just one but ten or eleven people around the area."

"Good thing you all call out to us. We shouldn't fight them, as a cultivator, we save life even if they are bad people."

"Wei Qianbei," come Zizhen who is riding next to Wei Wuxian. "Then can we forgive those who have hurt you?" Wei Wuxian ruffled Zizhen hair, "that is up to you, Zizhen. I will let you, Jingyi and Sizhui to decide. Sometime, it is best to let the younger generation to decide for themselves."

"I understand Wei Qianbie."

"I understand too!" Jingyi who also flew next to Zizhen heard the whole thing. "Good." Wei Wuxian flew up right next to Lan Wangji, "Hanguang Jun, we should let the junior rest now. Even though their level of cultivation is high, they need their rest."

"Okay," Lan Wangji turn around, "let's land down near a lake, it will be night time soon."

"Okay Hanguang Jun."

Wei Wuxian went over to the three boys, "Why don't we go find a town nearby? We need to buy food for everyone, are you three up for it?"

"We are!" Wei Wuxian smile as he turn to look at Lan Wangji, "Go find a place to settle down Hanguang Jun. The rest of us will head out to see if there is a town or a village nearby or not. This way we can get buy food for everyone to eat."

"Okay, just be careful and look after the three of them."

"Don't worry, they are strong. Let's go boys!" All four of them went in different direction while Lan Wangji and his disciple went into the other direction.

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