Chapter 15

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"We know that Jin Guangyao send a spies to spy on the Jiang clan. The person who they are spying on is Wei Wuxian. That day, Jin Guangyao said that the other clan try to destroy the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin because with Wei Wuxian at Jiang Wanyin side, it will make the Jiang clan more powerful then any other clan."

Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen understand now, "Jin Guangshan want to break the relationship so that Wei Wuxian can be by him, so he doesn't have anyone to stand beside him.  Jiang Wanyin fell for it. He end up going against his Da Shixiong."

"I just remember something. When did Jin Guangyao and Su She meet one another? Or they just met at the banquet?"

"What else?" Lan Qiren asked Lan Xichen. "After Wangji and I have finish talking. We walk back to the banquet, we saw Jin Zixun is being aggressive toward Su She. Jin Guangyao step in to stop Jin Zixun from talking to Su She. It look like Jin Zixun doesn't like Jin Guangyao either."

"Then that mean the two of them have planned something ahead to get rid of Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixun and Jin Zixuan."

"I understand now, that is why Su she put the curse on Jin Zixun. It was Jin Guangyao who tell Jin Zixun that it was Wei Wuxian who cursed him. That is why Jin Zixun went to the Qiongqi path to ambush Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning."

"Then what about Jin Zixuan? Why was he there?"

"I assume that Jin Guangyao tell Jin Zixuan that Jin Zixun went to the Qiongqi path to stop Wei Wuxian from coming to his nephew 1 month. Since Jin Guangyao tell Jin Zixun that it was Wei Wuxian who cursed him, he went there to tell Wei Wuxian to lift the curse from his body."

"It look like all of this mess start with Jin Guangyao who want to get rid of  Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. But why?"

"To be the next sect leader, he want to get rid of Jin Guangshan son - Jin Zixuan and his nephew Jin Zixun, so when Jin Guangshan die. No one will step up as sect leader beside him."

"No wonder Jin Guangyao and Su she come together to get rid of the two of them. They used Wen Ning to kill them."

"We all saw that Su She was the one who was controlling Wen Ning. Even though Wei gongzi was the one who was controlling Wen Ning, he only want Wen Ning to fight them not kill them."

"That is when everyone blame everything on Wei Wuxian, making him an escape goat." Lan Qiren look at Lan Xichen, "what about the attack on the disciple at Jinlintai when Wen Ning was there?"

"According to what Wei Wuxian said, he was one hundred miles away from Jinlintai. How can he control Wen Ning when he is that far from there? Unless...." Lan Xichen understand now.

"Unless what Xichen?"

"Unless Jin Guangyao also was there to control Wen Ning. He will use any instrument to control Wen Ning. The only instrument he use is a guqin and a flute which we all saw in Wei Wuxian resentment energy vision."

"That mean while Wen Ning is at Jinlintai, Jin Guangyao was playing on his guqin. He is controlling Wen Ning with it. This cause Jin Guangshan to framed Wei Wuxian even more."

"Then at NeverNight, we all heard a difference kind of flute. Wei Wuxian show us Jin Guangyao memories, he was the one who was playing on the flute. He have altered Wei Wuxian flute, that is why the resentment energy went out of control. That is why the energy attack us."

"Since we know it was Jin Guangyao and Su She was plotted behind the scene at the Qiongqi path, Jinlintai and NeverNight. Why did we all suddenly come to hate Wei Wuxian? What happen at the Guanyin Temple?"

"Mingjue Xiong said that there is talisman inside of our robes."

"Talisman? What kind?"Lan Xichen shake his head at this because he doesn't know what kind of talisman is inside of their robes.

"We should check it out," Lan Xichen nodded his head, the two take off their outer robes.

The two use their spiritual energy to make a sharp edge, they cut the thread one at a time. Once they cut the thread, they search for the talisman. The two found three talisman inside of their robes.

"How did these talisman got inside of our robes?" Lan Xichen understand now, "that day, it was raining. We didn't went inside of the temple fast enough, we were all soak that is when Jin Guangyao give us new robes to wear....." Lan Xichen is speechless, 'how could he do this to me?'

"Xichen, we need to figure out what kind of talisman this is? This way we can show it to other sect leader as well." Lan Xichen nodded his head, he left to go find out what kind of talisman this is before telling the other sect leader.


"I can't believe those good for nothing cultivator! Especially the Lan clan! They should at least find the truth before accusing you!" Song Lan who is watching this let out a sigh.

"I think they are afraid that other clan will fight against them or slander them. Especially Lan Qiren, if Lan Xichen try to said something then his uncle will stop him. Then they are a coward, just like the Jiang clan!"

Sizhui, Zizhen and Jingyi hide behind Song Lan, "Shifu Xiao sure is scary when he angry. Shifu Song, aren't you scare that Shifu Xiao will hit you or fight you when he angry?" Jingyi asked Song Lan.

"Don't worry, I can tame him," Song Lan went up to Xiao Xingchen, he dragged Xiao Xingchen out of there. "Let's get you to cool down Xingchen. Before you go back to Cloud Recesse to kill everyone there."

"Of course I will!"

Wei Wuxian shake his head at this, "Wen Ning, A-Qing, boys, help the two of them to make dinner okay? There is a place that I need to go," after saying that Wei Wuxian disappear from there.

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