Chapter 11

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The next morning Jingyi, Sizhui and Zizhen enter into the main room, "Xian gege."

"Wei Qianbei."

"Hello boys, what are you three doing here? Aren't you suppose to be training with Xiao Xingchen?" Wei Wuxian asked as the boys take a seat to get something to drink. "We were until Song Lan take Xiao Xingchen away from us."

*Sigh* "they are at it again." Wei Wuxian shake his head at this.

"Wei Qianbei, what were you doing? We saw a big massive of circle in front of you."

"You three want to see?" They nodded their head. Wei Wuxian bring up the resentment energy again. It turn into a big mirror, the Junior went to the front, they sat down on the floor to watch what is going on in front of them.

The first thing the Junior see is everyone trap inside a field of resentment energy. Then each clan is being tortured by the die Wen remnant. Sizhui who is watching this tighten his fist on his clothes.

Wei Wuxian put his hand on Sizhui head, "A-Yuan, don't worry, this is also my revenge for your family."


Zizhen see his father and disciple is being tormented by the Wen that he have kill. "Zizhen."

"I'm okay, my father and the clan deserve it. They shouldn't kill innocent people like Sizhui family. Why didn't they forgive Wen guniang and Wen Qianbei? They even come to get their punishment but in the end, the Jin clan and the other clan murders Sizhui family."

Wei Wuxian who is listen to this believe that the younger generation understands the difference between what is right what is wrong whose black and whose white. They understand this better then the older generation.

And then they see the Lan clan is getting tormented by the die Wen as well. "I always thought that the Lan is known for their righteous. Always taught the younger generation about it. It look like it is all a lie. They didn't bother to help the Wen clan, they didn't bother to find the evidence about the accident at Qiongqi path."

Wei Wuxian see Lan Jingyi taken off his Lan clan forehead ribbon, "the Lan clan is a disappointment." He let the ribbon fall down to the ground. Jingyi turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "Wei Qianbei, why are we even a cultivator anyway?"

Wei Wuxian went to sat down behind the Junior, "Jingyi, what is your thought on a cultivator?" Wei Wuxian asked Jingyi.

"Cultivator help people who house or family is been haunted by ghost, Yao and other entity. We also help the innocent even if they have that clan surname like Sizhui surname is a Wen. Sizhui is not related to Wen Rouhan, his family study medicine, they aren't part of Wen Rouhan branch. That's what a cultivator protect the innocent and find the truth."

Now, they are watching how the Jiang clan is getting massacred by the Wen clan. They watch the reaction on both Jiang Wanyin and Jin Ling face.

Spiritual world

"Nie gongzi, please wait here," Nie Huaisang nodded his head. 'So this is the spiritual world. It is not a bad place.' Nie Huaisang look around the place while San Lang went to wake up the spirit of his brother Nie Mingjue.

San Lang went over to where Nie Mingjue is laying, "Nie Mingjue of Qishan Nie clan. It is time for you to wake up, someone is waiting for you."

Nie Mingjue opened his eye, he look around the place until his eye landed on San Lang. He sat up, "Who are you? Where am I? Aren't I suppose to be dead?"

"My name is San Lang. This place is call spiritual world. Yes, your dead but someone ask me to bring you back to life. Someone is waiting for you out there." San Lang pointed to the door.

"Someone? Who?" San Lang can only smile but said, "Why don't you go see them for yourself?" San Lang turn around and walk over to the door, Nie Mingjue follow right behind San Lang.

San Lang push open the door, "go on," Nie Mingjue walk out into the big throne room where San Lang sit. There he see a guy in green and black looking around the place, "Huaisang?"

Nie Huaisang went stiff, he slowly, slowly, slowly slowly, turn around until he see, "Da ge?" Nie Huaisang begin to have tears running down his face. He run over to his brother and throw himself into his big brother arm.

"Da Ge!"

Nie Mingjue couldn't help but smile at how much his little brother have grown, "You grown Huaisang, your still the same though."

"I miss you so much!"

Nie Mingjue sigh, "I miss you too. I'm sorry I left you behind to deal with our sect." Nie Huaisang shake his head at this, "I got help from Xichen ge and Jin Guangyao. Da ge, there something I need to tell you?" The two pull back, "what is it?"

Nie Huaisang tell Nie Mingjue about how he know it was Jin Guangyao who murdered him, he want to take revenge on Jin Guangyao by releasing his saber Baixa to go on a rampage. He even went on to tell his brother how he tell Mo Xuanyu to use a summon ritual to summon Wei Wuxian back to the living world to help him find the truth and why did Jin Guangyao kill him.

"Wei xiong didn't get to expose Jin Guangyao when he make everyone turn their back on Wei xiong. Da Ge, I think Wei xiong ask San Lang to bring you back. Also, I killed Jin Guangyao."

"Huaisang, you never hurt or kill anyone."

"I know but he murder you...he doesn't deserve to live. When you were gone, I don't know what to do or who to turn to. If I tell Xichen ge, he won't believe me so I take this case into my own hand."

Nie Mingjue pull his brother into his arm again, "I think I have a lot of apology to said to Wei Wuxian. He gave me another chance to live again."

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