Chapter 27

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While Lan Wangji and the other Lan disciple is sleeping Wei Wuxian went to get Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui. When Wei Wuxian see the three boys sleeping separate from the Lan disciple, he went to wake them up.

"Sizhui, Jingyi, Zizhen, wake up," Wei Wuxian wake the three boys up quietly. They woke up while rubbing their eye, "Xian gege, what's wrong?" Wei Wuxian pointed at the shield around them.

The shield is flashing red light, "something big is trying to get in." Wei Wuxian look at Zizhen, "Zizhen, go put the Lan disciple and Hanguang Jun to sleep. We don't want to wake them up. They can't handle this, I know that we can. Get ready okay?" The three boys nodded their head.

Zizhen went to put a spell to keep the Lan disciple to sleep, he went to do the same for Lan Wangji. When he is done he went to meet up with the other, "Wei Qianbei, I'm done."

"Alright make sure you all don't get hurt okay?" The three boys nodded their head. "Okay, let's go!" They disappear from there and reappear outside of the shield. "Sizhui and Jingyi you two go together. Zizhen, you go with me, if anything happen make sure you two come find us okay?"

"Okay Wei Qianbei/ Xian gege." Jingyi and Sizhui went to take care of the other monster while Wei Wuxian and Zizhen went to the other monster. "Alright Zizhen! Let's go!" Wei Wuxian and Zizhen went to attack the big monster.

On the other side Sizhui and Jingyi fight from two direction, Sizhui fight from the right while Jingyi fight from the left. "Jingyi!"


Sizhui sword light up bluish white, while Jingyi sword light up dark blue. "Let's Go! Jingyi!" Shouted Sizhui. "Roger!" The two jump into the air, and with one slash they sliced the monster into many pieces.

With Zizhen and Wei Wuxian

"Ready Zizhen?" Zizhen nodded his head, "Show me everything that Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen have taught you. Let's go!"

Zizhen sword light up red. Wei Wuxian pull out his sword as his sword also light up red. The two dodge the attack from the monster, just like Sizhui and Jingyi, they jump high into the sky and then with one slash, the two cut the monster into many piece.

"Nice job Zizhen." Zizhen gave a big smile, "Let's go find Sizhui and Jingyi," Zizhen nodded his head so the two went to go find Sizhui and Jingyi. As the two went to go find Sizhui and Jingyi, the shield around the area has broken.

"Our shield is strong! How come it got destroyed that so easily?!" Shouted a irritated Zizhen. "Zizhen! Wei Qianbei/ Xian gege!"

"Zizhen this isn't the time for that! The Lan disciple and Hanguang Jun is in danger!" Shouted Jingyi.

"We will get the Lan disciple!" The three went into other directions. 'Lan Zhan!' Wei Wuxian went in the other direction to get Lan Wangji. When Wei Wuxian got there he see one of the monsters is about to grab Lan Wangji, "Hey! Don't you dare touch Lan Zhan!"

Wei Wuxian throw his sword toward that monster, when the sword went through the monster it got destroy into million piece. Wei Wuxian went to gather Lan Wangji into his arm, 'if anything happen to you, Lan Zhan, I don't know what to do.'

Wei Wuxian went to meet up with the other, "Wei Qianbei!" Wei Wuxian see the junior already put the Lan disciple in a protective shield. He went to put Lan Wangji inside the shield as well.

Once he done, Wei Wuxian turn to look at Zizhen, Jingyi and Sizhui, "can you three handle? Your Shifu show you how to do it, right?"

"Let's go, Zizhen, Jingyi!"


Sizhui, Jingyi, and Zizhen, multiplied their sword from three sword into one hundred or a thousand sword. "Go!" All three sent their sword toward the monster all around them, one by one each monster vanish into dust.

When all of the monster is gone Wei Wuxian look at the sleeping Lan, "let's all teleport to the nearest town," the three boys nodded their head, so Wei Wuxian teleported all of them to the nearest town.

Once they have arrived to the next town, Zizhen look down at the sleeping Lan Clan, "Wei Qianbei, we can't carried all of them into town. What should we do?"

Wei Wuxian sigh, "why don't we camp out here for now? The town wood is safe, no need to be on guard. Just to be safe, let's all stay together. Get some rest. I will keep watch."

Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen all went over toward the tree, they lean against the tree as they begin to fall asleep. Wei Wuxian smile at how close the three of them are, 'you boys did a great job. You will be a great cultivator.'

The next morning Lan Wangji and his disciple woke up, they look at their surrounding, "where are we? How did we get here?!" The loud voice woke Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen up.

"Since your up, we should head into town," Lan Wangji went to pull Wei Wuxian to the side. "Wei Ying, what happen last night?" Lan Wangji asked.

"All I can said is we were under attack. The shield around us got broken," was all Wei Wuxian said.

"Why didn't you wake us up?" Asked Lan Wangji. "There no need too. We can take care of it."

"Wei Qianbei!"

"Xian gege!"

"Hanguang Jun! We are ready to go."

"Don't let your disciple know," with that saying Wei Wuxian walk back over to where the junior is at. 'At least wake me up so that I can help you,' Lan Wangji sigh as he too walk back over to where the other is at.

Soon they all arrive in another town, "why don't we all go get something to eat? Then we will head out again?" The junior nodded their head as they walk to find a restaurant to have their breakfast.

When they have found a restaurant, they went up stair, the junior sat at one table together while Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian sat together at the other table. "Wei Ying?"


"Can you tell me where you are staying?" At this question Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji.

"I'm sorry. I can't."

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