Chapter 8

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Jingyi and Zizhen arrived at the place where Wei Wuxian is at. Wei Wuxian can see the sad, hurt, and betray in both Jingyi and Zizhen eye. "Jingyi, Zizhen," the two look up, they see Wei Wuxian walking down toward them.

"Let's get you two a room to rest in," they were quiet, they don't feel like talking right now.

After Wen Ning got Sizhui to fallen asleep, he went out to see Jingyi and Zizhen coming his way. "Gongzi," Wei Wuxian shake his head no. "Help me get the two of them into a room?" Wen Ning nodded his head.

"Wei gongzi, I will head out to buy more groceries."

"Why don't you wait for Wen Ning? I don't want anyone to go out there alone."


A minute later Wen Ning came back, "Wen Ning go with A-Qing to the market. It is safe with two people." Wen Ning nodded his head. The two left the house and went into Yiling to buy more food.

Wei Wuxian eye turn red, 'it is time to see how those good for nothing cultivator is doing?'  Wei Wuxian summon up his resentment energy, it turn into a  big mirror, 'how does it feel to have your own family member and clan disciple turn their back on you? Just Lan Sizhui said, you all can fix this on your own. They won't help you. There is one thing that the Junior is good at, they know how to tell what is right and what is wrong. Who is black and who is white? This is something you older generation doesn't understand. Isn't that right old man Lan ?"

"Your nothing but a demonic, evil, monster who corrupted the cultivation world!"

'Hahahahah demonic, evil, monster? You haven't change one bit. You still haven't let go of the hatred inside of you against demonic cultivation. You will never be as good as your brother Qingheng Jun."

"What do you know about him?!" Shouted an angry Lan Qiren.

"Qingheng Jun is more righteous then you are Lan Qiren. He doesn't judge who they are or what they have become. He help to find the truth before accusing someone. As for you, you have a grudge against me just because I am Cangse Sanren son. Your just like Sect leader Jiang Wanyin pathetic mother."

"Don't you dare call my mother pathetic Wei Wuxian." Shouted Jiang Wanyin.

'Oh and why not? Have you ever thought about that time at the boat? Both your parents tell me to protect you and Jiang Yanli. What am I to them?! How come no one ask about my safety?! I am just a shield for their children!"

Jiang Wanyin never thought about that, 'it is true, Die and Niang tell Wei Wuxian to protect me and Jie. They didn't even tell Wei Wuxian to be careful or protect himself.'

'Nothing else to said? That's right. Your mother and Lan Qiren is the same held a grudge against someone who is already pass away. And this is how they repay her son by capturing him, never find the truth, banish him from the cultivation world and other thing you accuse him of."

"Wei Wuxian, why can't you let go of this grudge? Aren't you the same?"

'Ah? A grudge? Your right about that Sect leader Yao. You and other sect leader know how to do is slander other people and make other people believe in what you said?"

The other clan leader went silent, 'that is how sect leader Jiang fell for your slander at Jinlintai. Jin Guangshan is afraid that Sect leader Jiang gain the upper hand because he have me by his side since I have a tool that is more powerful then Yin Iron.'

They all went quiet, "Oh so I was right. Sect leader Lan, did you know that Jin Guangyao want to get his hand on a piece of Yin Iron? He even try to use it on Nie Mingjue."

"How come you aren't letting us go? Are you having fun doing this?" One of the sect leader asked Wei Wuxian.

'Of course I am. Especially, trying to let you all know what you did is wrong. I won't let you all off that easily.'

They don't hear Wei Wuxian voice anymore. "How are we suppose to get out of this dimension? He still have all of the event up here. It is like he trying to torture us."

"He want you all to see what you did wrong and who is suppose to the one to blame for that happen 16 year ago!" They all turn to see a very angry Nie Huaisang. "Sect leader Nie, your not on his side are you?" Asked one of the sect leader.

Nie Huaisang stand up as he stood his ground, "What if I do believe in Wei Wuxian?! What I did want to go to the war to stop you all from fighting against him?! And yes,I am on Wei Wuxian side! No one understands him better me because I am his friend!"

Nie Huaisang glared at Jiang Wanyin, "And you!" Nie Huaisang pointed at Jiang Wanyin, "You grew up with Wei xiong! How could you betray him like that!? Aren't you suppose to be his sworn brother?!"

Wei Wuxian is watching this in front of him, 'Nie Xiong have a point there.'

"I told my brother that Wei xiong would never kill or hurt anyone. He wouldn't listen. He end up going to war against Wei Xiong. How come no one try to find the truth before ACCUSING WEI XIONG!? ISNT THERE ANY JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD!?"

They were all silent once more, all they hear is the sound behind them. They turn to watch the scene in front of them, the scene where Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning is at Qiongqi path.

Wei Wuxian wave away the resentment energy, "A-Ying!" Xiao Xingchen burst the door. "Xingchen, are least knock on the door before opening."

"Ah hahaha sorry." Wei Wuxian put on a smile, "Your back, how is everything at Baixue temple?"

"We were able fix a few thing. Zichen also gather the item that got left behind by his Shifu. How is everything here?" Wei Wuxian begin to tell Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan what has been happening when the two of them aren't here.

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