Chapter 22

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That night when Lan Wangji is sleeping a dark mist enter into the room. A figure appear beside his bed. "To let you see me again Lan Wangji, I need you to see what I see. To feel what I feel. To feel what is like to have the person you love betray you."

Wei Wuxian let his dark energy into Lan Wangji mind. "Have a sweet dream my Hanguang Jun. Feel what I feel. Then I will let you see me." After saying that Wei Wuxian disappear from there.

Dream world (in this dream world Lan Wangji is Wei Wuxian. He is looking through Wei Wuxian POV. So I will put it like this Wei Wuxian (LWJ) I hope this make sense)

Wei Wuxian (lwj) woke up in a cell, he look around the place, "why am I here?" Wei Wuxian (lwj) heard his voice sound very different, "isn't this Wei Ying voice. What is going on here?"

Wei Wuxian (lwj) continues to look around the place, "isn't this cloud Recesse prison?"  'Wait am I looking through Wei Ying POV?' "Wei Ying, what are you trying to do?" Wei Wuxian (lwj) heard someone is coming.

"Wei Wuxian, how does it feel to have everyone turning their back on you? Especially, the person you trust the most." Wei Wuxian (lwj) glared at that person. 'Jin Guangyao! Did he come down to the jail to taught him? What else did he said to you Wei Ying?'

Jin Guangyao keep on saying mean thing to Wei Wuxian and said many other thing that Lan Wangji never heard before because he never went down to the prison to see Wei Wuxian.

'Wei Ying, is this how you feel?' "Why don't you just get lost Jin Guangyao?" Wei Wuxian (lwj) said in a angry voice. Jin Guangyao left from there while laughing.

The next day, they take Wei Wuxian(lwj) to the orchid room. There Wei Wuxian (lwj) see Lan Wangji glaring down at him. 'Is that what I look like when I look down at Wei Ying? Is this how he feel when I did that to him?'

What Lan Wangji about to heard will make his heart felt like a thousand knife stabbing it. "I won't ever forgive you, you demonic cultivator!"

End dream

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji woke up with sweat running down his face. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Wei Ying.'

Wei Wuxian who is watching the whole thing can see the terrify expression on Lan Wangji face. "Now, do you understand what is like to be me? What you said to me? What you did to me? My soul and heart got shattered into million piece because of you."

Lan Wangji clenched his chest where his heart is at, "Wei Ying, I know that you are the one who is doing this. You want to make me feel what you feel. Make me feel what is like to get betrayed by the person you love, the person who you call soulmate. I shattered your soul and your heart. Wei Ying, I'm sorry."

"A-Ying," xiao Xingchen walk over to where Wei Wuxian is at, "Shishu," Xiao Xingchen is seeing what Wei Wuxian is seeing. "Did he see what you see? Feel what you feel?" Xiao Xingchen asked.


"After watching it, what will you do?" Wei Wuxian put his head in his hand, "I don't know Shishu." Xiao Xingchen put his hand on top of Wei Wuxian head. "A-Ying, I know is hard but think about it. He see what you see, he hear what you hear, he feel what you feel. I don't like the ideal of you seeing or talking to him again. He won't give up until he see you again."

"I know. I will find a way to show myself to Lan Wangji."

"Then, go get some rest. Zichen said that you have been awake for two days now," Xiao Xingchen help Wei Wuxian to stand up.

Once they arrive at Wei Wuxian room Wen Ning is waiting for them, "Ying ge, I got the soup that Jie Jie always make for you when you couldn't fall asleep." Wen Ning handed the soul for Wei Wuxian to drink.

When Wei Wuxian finish drinking the soup he felt very sleepy. Wen Ning and Xiao Xingchen help Wei Wuxian to get on the bed. "Wen Ning, why can't A-Ying fall asleep?" Xiao Xingchen asked as the two walk out of Wei Wuxian room.

"Every singe night Ying ge always dream about fallen into the burial mound. He hear many different voice calling out to him. Even when we live in the burial mound Ying ge still hear voices as well. When that happen either me, Jie Jie and my nephew A-Yuan will stay by his side until he fall back to sleep."

"A-Ying went through that much?" Wen Ning nodded his head. "Jie and I owe Ying ge for saving our family. I will always stay by his side."

"Thank you Wen Ning." Xiao Xingchen turn to look back at the room. 'I will do the same for Shijie and Shixiong sake.' "Let's also head to bed as well Wen Ning," Wen Ning nodded his head.

Xiao Xingchen return back to his room, the one where he share with Song Lan. "Xingchen?" Xiao Xingchen walk over to Song Lan as he put his head on Song Lan shoulder.


"If we have stay with A-Ying, then he wouldn't end up getting throwing down into the burial mound. He is my Shijie son and I can't even protect him." Song Lan wrapped his arm around Xiao Xingchen shoulder.

"Is alright Xingchen, we are here right now aren't we? We can stay by Wuxian side and protect him. I am sure your Shijie will understand why you didn't stay with Wuxian back then."


"Now, we should go get some rest as well. Tomorrow, make sure to not have on a sad face. You don't want Wuxian to get worry right?"

"I know."

That night Song Lan hold Xiao Xingchen in his arm to comfort him. 'Shijie, I promise you. I promise you that I will protect A-Ying. I will always stay by his side.'

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