Chapter 2

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Once they arrive in the house that use to belong to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, they settle down first before doing anything else.

"Wen Ning, take out the saber," 'time to show Lan Xichen what Jin Guangyao have done to Nie Mingjue,' Wen Ning unfolded the clothes that is holding the saber that belong to Nie Mingjue.

Cloud Recesse

"Lan Xichen Ah Lan Xichen, I will let you see something horrible, horrify and very devastated. Something that got to do with your so call A-Yao."

Wei Wuxian show a vision to Lan Xichen. He show him what happen at Jinlintai that night when Nie Mingjue come to find Jin Guangyao.

"You better watch carefully Lan Xichen. Your dear Mingjue Xiong was kill by Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang."

"Jin Guangyao!" Nie Mingjue walk into the room, "Da Ge, what's wrong?" Lan Xichen asked Nie Mingjue.

"Don't move," Nie Mingjue said this to Lan Xichen, he turn to look at Jin Guangyao with a very angry expression on his face, "Come out here!"

Jin Guangyao turn to look at Lan Xichen, he tell Lan Xichen to check the list of guests for the Flora Banquet for him. After that he went outside to talk to Nie Mingjue.

Nie Mingjue turn around to attack Jin Guangyao only to have him dodge his attack. The other Jin disciple pointed their sword at Nie Mingjue but then Jin Guangyao tell them to step down.

"Why act like this? We can talk nicely, can't we?" Jin Guangyao asked.

"Where is Xue Yang?!"

"He's been put in the dungeon, for the rest of his life."

"What did I tell you at My clan at that time? I want to kill him for what he did to the people at the Chang clan. Now, you put him in prison."

"As long as he is in the dungeon, he won't be able to commit anymore crime. I don't see the difference between life in imprisonments and earths sentences."

"Then tell me. When we were at Unclean Realm who on earth released Xue Yang, was it my captain or was it you?"

"It wasn't me, I would never let Xue Yang escape. Chang Ping had withdrawn his confession. No certain evidence can prove that Xue Yang had massacred all of the people in the Chang clan. Beside, my father insists on keeping him alive."

As Lan Xichen watch this he can see the way Jin Guangyao is talking to Nie Mingjue, 'He lying. Wei Wuxian said that A-Yao was talking to someone that night at Unclean  Realm. Was he talking to Xue Yang?'

"Why? Don't you know he got a shard of the Yin iron on him? You're trying to reclaim him now. I can clearly see what you have in mind."

"Da Ge, this was my father order I couldn't deny his order at all. If you want me to execute Xue Yang now, in which way can I report this to him?"

Lan Xichen watch at the way Jin Guangyao is talking to Nie Mingjue, 'he want Jin Guangshan to recognize him. Is that why he want Jin Zixuan to die so that Jin Guangshan can depend on him, so that he can become the next sect leader.'

The scene skip to where Nie Mingjue kicked Jin Guangyao down the stair way. When Nie Mingjue want to use his saber on Jin Guangyao, his chest  is starting to hurt him.

"Da Ge, it is time for cleansing music."

Lan Xichen can see Nie Mingjue starting to become crazy and out of control. He even see how Jin Guangyao isn't helping at all. He just standing there laughing and mocking Nie Mingjue.

That is until he heard, "Da Ge! Da ge!"

Lan Xichen see the change in Jin Guangyao, 'he faking!' This make Lan Xichen very very angry.

The scene skip to where Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang chain down a still alive Nie Mingjue.

"Xue Yang!"

And then he see Xue Yang cut off all part of Nie Mingjue body. This make Lan Xichen sick to his stomach.

"Well Lan Xichen, what do you think of Meng Yao now? He dissemble all part of Chifeng Zun body and buried them all over the place?" Wei Wuxian voice become angry at how Lan Xichen didn't know about this.

"No! No! No! No!" Lan Xichen fell down to his kneel, "you see that Lan Xichen. You should never believe what Jin Guangyao said to you." You want to know something else, Nie Mingjue didi already know who did it."

'Huaisang,' "if Huaisang know why didn't he said anything?" Lan Xichen asked Wei Wuxian.

"If he tell you, would you believe him? Or would you believe in Jin Guangyao more?" Lan Xichen think about Wei Wuxian question.

"Your mind is saying, believe in Jin Guangyao more. You better watch what he said Lan Xichen or he will said something else."

Then Wei Wuxian voice went silent, 'you better think straight Lan Xichen.' "Wen Ning," Wen Ning come into the room. "How is everything going? I will head out to buy more wood to fix thing around here."

"Don't worry Wei gongzi, most of the thing I already fix. But the strange thing is, everyone keep on talking about dark mist around every clan."

"That is me doing."


"They deserve punishment. They captured me, put me in the dungeon, and they even beat me up. I won't let this go."

"They did what?!" This got Wen Ning angry. "Beat me up, punishment me and even accuse me of something I didn't do. By the way Wen Ning, can you go help me find Song Lan. I think is about time to go see someone."

"See someone?"

Wei Wuxian nodded his head, "someone who can help me with this saber, help you, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, even A-Qing." 'Maybe even help me as well. Since I didn't finish Mo Xuanyu wish, this body will decay very soon. I won't be able to reborn again and near will Mo Xuanyu."

"Then I will go search for Song Lan." Wei Wuxian nodded his head. As Wen Ning left the house a voice said, "Coming to see me so soon, Wei Wuxian?" Wei Wuxian just smile at this.

"You don't mind right, San Lang?"

"Of course not," San Lang step out from the shadow.

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