Chapter 18

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The two arrive outside the Nie clan front gate, "Here put this on," Wei Wuxian gave a black cloak to Nie Zongui. Wei Wuxian look up at the guard, "we would like to speak with Chifeng Zun and your gongzi please? Tell them Wei Wuxian want to see them."

A minute later Wei Wuxian and Nie Zonghui enter into the Nie clan. "Wei Xiong," the person behind Wei Wuxian stiffed, he know who this person is. "Wei Xiong, who is this?" Asked Nie Huaisang.

"Nie Xiong is your brother here?"

"I'm here, Wei Wuxian." Nie Mingjue went to stand next to his didi, "As a thank you for helping me, Nie Xiong, Chifeng Zun, this is my gift for you two." Wei Wuxian step aside, "You can take the cloak off."

When Nie Zonghui take off the cloak, Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue eye went wide, "Zong...Zong...Zonghui!" Nie Zonghui smile as tear run down his face, "Er gongzi, Sect leader."

"Zonghui!" Nie Huaisang went to hug Nie Zonghui while crying his eye out. "Chifeng Zun, I will leave you three to talk. I am sure you have ton of thing to talk about." Nie Mingjue gave Wei Wuxian a bow, "thank you Wei Wuxian."

Without saying anything else Wei Wuxian disappear from there leaving a very emotional scene.

"Er gongzi, you have grown into a fine young man. I miss out on your growth." Nie Zonghui pull back a cryjng  Nie Huaisang. "Zonghui," Nie Zonghui gave a bow to Nie Mingjue, "Zonghui, I...."

"Is not your fault Sect leader. There must be a reason behind it all," Nie Huaisang take Nie Zonghui hand, "there is, come inside and we will explain it to you."

Wei Wuxian arrive in the spiritual realm, "Long day?" Wei Wuxian lean back against the chair behind him. "You have no idea."

"I see that you let all of the greedy cultivators leave cloud Recesse?"

"You don't approve of it?" Wei Wuxian ask San Lang while drinking the cup of wine in front of him.

"They did saw everything that has happen to them, they see what Jin Guangyao, Su She and Jin Guangshan did to you and what they did to Jin Zixun. So it is your decision. What about Nie Zonghui?"

"It was a very emotional scene. I didn't want to stay. It look like the Nie brothers and Nie Zonghui were close. By the way, thank you San Lang. Thank you for bringing Nie Mingjue and Nie Zonghui back to the living world. I never though that will make Nie Huaisang that happy."

"Your too kind, Wei Wuxian."

"Only for family and friend, San Lang." San Lang shake his head at how silly Wei Wuxian is.

By night fall Wei Wuxian arrive back home. The first thing he see is Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan is sitting in the main room waiting for his return. "Song xiong," Song Lan put his finger to his lips to tell Wei Wuxian to not make a sound.

"How long have you two been sitting here?" Wei Wuxian asked as he went to sat down next to Song Lan on the other chair. "Since this afternoon. He want to wait until you come home."

"Shishu, i'm home now."

"I will take Xingchen back to our room now," Wei Wuxian have on a mischievous smile, "our room" when will you ask Shishu to marry you? Song gongzi?"

Song Lan blushed at Wei Wuxian question, "hush up Wei Wuxian!" Song Lan stomped away from there leaving a giggle Wei Wuxian.

When Song Lan left with Xiao Xingchen in his arm Wei Wuxian smile disappear. 'I am not satisfied with what they did. Even if they said sorry to me, even if my name is clear....I'm still not satisfy. They did nothing to stop the event from happening.'

Wei Wuxian eye turn red, the resentment energy surrounded him, 'I will let you all fight until it is time for me to tell them to stop.' He disappeared from there, he went from one clan to the next. The only clan he spare is the Nie clan, Jin, and Jiang.

As for the Lan clan they suppose to find the evidence before accusing someone. There clan is known for righteous but right now, 'They aren't righteousness at all!' If they were then they should at least help out the remnant Wen clan!'

Many corpse appear outside of each clan, especially in the wood where they all go for their night hunt. Wei Wuxian see that every thing is in place he went back home.

For the next few month or so each clan have some of their citizens come to tell them that they are being attack by died corpse. The sect of each clan doesn't understand why this is happening.

All they know is that Wei Wuxian doesn't appear anymore, Jin Guangyao is gone, same with Xue Yang. They don't know who is doing this, "everyone sect is the same?" This kind of confuse Nie Mingjue, Jin Ling (who is a sect leader now) and Jiang Wanyin.

"You all mean there is corpse attacking your citizens while they are in the wood?" Asked Nie Huaisang who come along with his brother to the Lan clan discussion Conference.

"Do you all think..."

"No! Is not Wei xiong!" Shouted Nie Huaisang. "Huaisang calm down. We all know is not Wei Wuxian," Nie Mingjue patted his didi hand to tell him that he will stand up for Wei Wuxian.

'He did help us reunited with Zonghui. I never thought that I will get the chance to said sorry to him.'

"Nie Er gongzi, we don't mean that. How come there so many corpse left?"

"Da ge, our people didn't come to tell us about it," Nie Mingjue nodded his head.

"It is the same for the Jin, no report either." Come Jin Ling who is sitting next to his uncle Jiang Wanyin. "Same for the Yunmeng town."

"The Lan clan got it the worst," come one of the Lan elder. "Many people can't come or go. They are all afraid to leave their home and the town."

Wei Wuxian who is watching this have on a smirk, 'you all deserve it.'

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