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"Are you sure you are okay out there?"Noir asks."I told you that I'm perfectly fine here,Noir.It's been only four weeks and I have found a job.And on top of that,I have a date tonight".

"Oh really?Well damn.I guess you are doing good little brother.When  you told me four weeks ago that you were moving to Italy..I thought you were crazy.But this is a offer you can't refuse"."Exactly!Look I have to go.I'm pulling up to my job".

"Look at my baby bro.Corporate is all you!We will talk later okay?"."Yea.Bye Noir".

He hangs up and I frown.This was supposed to be my corporate coming.

That was before they laid me off only three days in.How the fuck does that even happen?

I mean granted I'm only 23 years old.I'm sure there are a bunch of companies to look at.

But not in Italy!

Macesom was the best Tech company and I thought I hit the jackpot when I got a internship from them.But obviously they weren't look for someone so young.

So I was fired and my dumb ass signed a lease for three months.But yea that doesn't get worse since the place I paid a thousand dollars for turned out to be a scam.

That's great right?So I've been living out of a hotel for the 3 weeks.And let's not even talk about how I had to take on a full time job at a Italian restaurant.

"There you are Seven!"Hugo says.

I look at up at my boss and he smiles brightly."Why are you giving me that creepy smile"."You want to get paid double tonight".

"Uh..sure?"."Great!You will serve that table right there".

I look over to where he's pointing and my eyes go wide."That's 25 people!You expect me to serve that whole table with no help?"."I'll pay you triple".


I do need the money but this was too good to be true."What's the catch?".

My coworker Carter walks over and says "The catch is that you are serving the mafia"."Im sorry?".

"That is the DeLuca mafia family.The most ruthless Family in all of Italy.You see that blonde girl in the black dress?".

I look over and my eyes go wide.She's breathtaking.She had long blonde hair with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.They were silver and it looked like there was another color in them.

"That's Zia DeLuca.The top assassin for the DeLuca family.And apparently she is insane"."I'll split it with you"I say to Carter.

"You're joking with me right"."Dead serious".

He sighs and says "Fine.But if you fuck up.It's on you"."Got it".

"Where is our waiter!"A man yells.I gulp and Carter sighs."That's Giovanni DeLuca.The Mafia head.Let's go before he kills us".

We walk over and I clear my throat."My name is Adrien and I will be your waiter.This is Hunter who will be helping.Can I get you started on drinks?".
"See so far so good huh?"Hugo says.Me and Carter glare at him and he gulps.

Fatal Attraction(New Version) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now