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"Welcome back bi-"."-Shut up!Zia is sleeping!"I whisper-tell to Angelo.

He looks at me and noticed Zia sleeping in my arms."Awww I've never see her let someone carry her in"."She trust me".

"I would hope so.But welcome back either way.How was meeting your parents"."Interesting".

"That's it?No sob story?No fighting"."Nope".


I narrow my eyes as he walks over to Sophia.Dante looks at me and tilts his head.

"She really had you whipped"."And I don't have a problem with it".

Dante smirks and before saying "Good luck with that.You will get bored of her"."Im nothing like you.I don't hop from women to women because of my mommy issues".

Angelo and Sophia freeze as Dante jets his head to me.Zia whistles and says "Damn baby..you really are turning into me"."The fuck did you say".

"Oh please Dante.No need for you to throw a hissy fit.Everyone knows"Sophia says."Though it is entertaining hearing it from Seven"Angelo adds.

Sophia nods in agreement and Dante growls."Don't be mad because it's true"Zia says shrugging."Always have your bitch on a leash".

"Don't call your sister that"Giovanni warns.

Dante rolls his eyes before walking away.Zia jumps down and claps her hands.

"Well it's all hands on deck people!We have some Russians to kill!".Zia turns to me and says "See you tonight Sevy".

I look at her amused as she kissing my cheek.I guess they would start getting business now that The Russians were allying themselves with the Greeks.This was.going to be eventful.

Three days later

"Good morning Idiots"Sophia says walking in.

Me and Leo grunt as I take a piece of toast and shove it in my mouth.

"Ahh breakfast the most important meal of the day"Giovanni says walking in.

He greets us before sitting down at the head of the table.He points to Leo and says "What is he doing sitting down at the table?Arent you a chef"."And also Sophia's boyfriend"I add.

Sophia glares at me as her father jets his head to her."I thought you were dating Romeo?"."We broke up weeks ago.That doesn't matter because me and Leo are dating now".

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Seven then.You break my daughters heart and I will put a bullet in your head"."That's a nice joke".

"Im not joking"Giovanni says seriously.Leo gulps and nods his head.

"You keep bumping into me.Did Seven fuck you that good?Or can you not walk in a straight line?"Angelo asks."Fuck you,You are always in my way".

"Here they go with the bickering again"Sophia says.

The rest of the DeLuca siblings walk in and Zia kisses her fathers cheek before walking over to me.She kissses me sweetly before sitting down beside me."Ooh French toast my favorite"Dante says.He sits down and Giovanni clears his throat.

"I just want to thank you all for working so hard.We are really starting to get through to the Russians.Those pussies are losing men left and right".

They all nod as my phone rings."Really?"."Sorry it's.I should take this".

I answer the phone and say "Hel-"."-So uh..I may have made a biggg mistake".

"Im sorry?This how you answer the phone?"."Hi Seven.How's my baby brother doing?".

"Oh I'm doing good-"."-Let's get to the really...Really bad stuff okay?!?".

"And that would be?"."You remember Cameron Kieser?".

"Uh..from college yea why?"."I may..or may not have told her how you are totally in Venice,Italy right now living it up with your future fiancée.And I also may have told her how you were free a lot".

"Where is this going,Noir"."Im sorry.I needed her to help me and Mia out with the whole baby stuff sooo I was able to cut a deal with her"."Noir get to the fucking point".

"Wow you are cussing a lot!Have you been -"."-Noir"I growl.

"Right right.You remember her older sister..North?"."Remember her?!?She was my arch nemesis in High school!The bitch followed me to MIT just so she could mess up my ranking!Wait.Noir you did do what I think you did".

"Cameron told me how North has been super stressed about her PA quitting so I told her how you have so much free time on your hands!So I may or may not have told her that you would be Norths PA for two months?!?".

Sevens eyes go wide and he says "WHAT!?".

"Im going to kill you.I'm going to get on a flight from Italy to London just so I can personally wrap my hands around your neck and choke you out!How could you do this to me!?!?My own brother Would betray me like this!I thought we were brothers!".

Sevens groans loudly and says "You are asking me to PA for the most bitchiest ,self-centered,Arrogant and moody CEO?!?Have you lost your mind.Mia needs to kick your ass for me.There is no fucking way I'm doing this for you.No way!".

Sevens eyes go wide and he freezes."Did you say..a puppy?You know I love puppies.How dare you manipulate me into doing this so you can buy me a puppy.You're evil.Mia is rubbing off on you.I can buy a puppy myself!".

"Im hanging-"."-Did you just say what I think you just said.You would let me have it if I did this for you.Oh fuck you.You manipulative piece of shit.I'm a sucker tradition.Fine.Fine.Fine.I'll do this.I will PA for that fucking Devil and you are giving me a puppy as well.I hate you.I hope you choke on your Pizza l.Goodbye".

He hangs up and puts his head in the table."Uh..you okay?"Leo asks."Of. Course not!Im going to be the Assistant for North fucking Keiser!That evil diabolical..woman!".

"A woman?"I ask."Oh didn't worry.If she was the last woman on earth I would off myself before I hear her bitch and whine about getting three points off in her test.She is a kiss-ass who I have to assist for the next month".

He turns to Giovanni and says "I also might need a car?"."You know this is perfect!This will get you something to do and get you out of danger!".

"Wouldn't he be in even more danger away from us".Giovanni narrows his eyes and says "Not exactly.I will have men tail him while he is there".

"The last place he worked out,he also died"I warn."That was my mistake.But I promise you nothing will happen to your fiancée,Zia.I will make sure he is in great hands".

I grunt as Giovanni smiles."So when do you start?".

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