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"And this will be your desk.As Oliver Russia's intern you will be doing great things"."thank you Mia".

She smiles and I set my bag down.A tech job just as I wanted.I should really thank Giovanni for giving me this offer.

I think this will really help me besides Olivier Russo was a ally of the DeLuca Mafia family.So Giovanni wanted to keep tabs on him.So it was a win win for the both of us.

I get to work for the second biggest tech company in Italy and he got someone to keep tabs on his new ally.Win-win situation.

"So You're the new intern"A guy says.I look up and he smirks."Uh yea".

"I'm Wade and this is Hunter.You from the states?"."London".

He nods and says "Well welcome to the company.You know some of us interns are going to a party this weekend.You want to come?"."Uh sure".

He nods his head and the two of them walk away."I wouldn't mess with them if I were you"A girl says.

I turn my head at the redhead.My eyes go wide and I point at her.

Her eyes go wide and she says "Seven?!"."Ryen?".

"Well This is a surprise.I didn't know you worked in tech.You never called me?".Because Zia ripped the paper in a million pieces.

"I kinda lost it"."I see well if you need it again I'd be happy to give it to you again"."Just put it in my phone".

Oh yea Giovanni gave me my phone back again and now it was mind to keep.He still had people monitoring it at all times.She hands me the phone back and smiles.

A guy with brown hair and green eyes as well as a girl with Black hair and hazel eyes walks over.

"Oh this is the new intern, Ryen?"."Yep.Seven These are my best friends Sadie and Theo".

"Seven"."Nice meet you mate".

Sadie points at me and says "I've seen you before.At the club!"."Yea that's me".

"Well welcome to the company.You know some of us are going to this diner after work?Do you want to join"."Actually I have a second job after this so I can't".

"Oh really?What do you do?"."Im a private chef for a family".

"Wow..That's amazing"Theo says.

"Ms.DeLuca I wasn't aware that we had a meeting".My eyes go wide and I stand up.

"We don't.I'm here for.him"

Oliver looks at me and nods his head.He walks back in the office and Zia walks over to me.

"Hi I'm Ryen-"."-Don't care.Ambrose with me".

I roll my eyes and follow her to a empty hall.She pushes me against the wall and says "What is your problem?"."Me? Im good".

"You left the mansion"."No..I got another job.I haven't left the mansion".

"Why did you take the job"."Isn't it obvious?".

I remove her hand from me and say "I did it to get away from you".Zia frowns and says "Seven ,This isn't funny.You know you're mine and your still-".

"-I'm not yours though"."Yes the fuck you are".

"No I'm not.We broke up remember.I'm done with you doesn't ring a bell?".She freezes before laughing.I look at her confused as she shakes her head amused.

"You are so fucking cute, Baby.You are never done with me.I'm in your heart more than you think, Ambrose".

"You're delusional"."For you?Maybe.But this thing we have,It isn't ending".

I look at her confused and she moves back."You want to play this game ,we can play it"."Im not playing any games with you anymore Zia.That's why I said I was done".

"Let me rephrase it then".

She plants a soft kiss on my neck before bringing my head down.She puts her forehead on mine and says "Congratulations, Seven Ambrose".

"And what am I being congraluted for"."You will be the first person to be heavily pursued by me".

I look at her confused and she smiles."Have this job.But it starts tonight.I'll be waiting for you in your room to cuddle.Every fucking night.And you will wake up to breakfast in bed by Me.Every morning".

"I'll send blue roses to your desk every day.I'll send a car to pick you up after work so you won't have to take a Uber".

My eyes go wide and she kisses my cheek."And when I hear you had a bad day,I'll flood your phone the next day with naked pics and videos of me masturbating to you".

She grabs my face and puts her forehead on mine again."I won't touch another man other than you again.You will be mine Seven.For real this time.I won't fuck Adonis.I won't fuck Dante.I won't fuck anyone but you".

"I'll wait and wait and wait for whenever you are ready for us to have sex.I'll be yours.I'll be Sevens girlfriend.His to own.His to fuck.His to kiss and cuddle.I'll be yours"."And what is with the sudden Change?"I ask.

"I thought of you dating..kissing someone else.I can't have that.I thought about it all last night.I want you.I"m not going to beg.I'm simply going to show it with my actions".I move back and say "I will believe it when I see it".

She smiles and says "That's it baby.You're right I didn't treat you right.But now?I'll treat you like you deserve to be treated,il suo Tesoro"."What does that mean?".

She smirks and says "Look it up".

She walks away and I follow behind her back to my desk.I thought she would leave when I sat down but instead she walks over and kisses my forehead softly.I look at her shocked as she smiles.

"See you tonight".She walks away and Theo moves back."Uh who is that hottie?".

"My crazy ex"."Shit she's fucking hot as hell..How did you bag her?".

"I didn't know you were dating someone"Ryen says.I ignore him and turn to Ryen.

"When we were at the club I wasn't.You know how I said I worked as a private chef for a family?".She nods and I continue.

"That's their daughter.We locked eyes for the first time and the rest was history.Though she is a player..gets her looks to get any guy she wants.I caught her last week..having sex with another guy"."Im sorry to hear that"Sadie says.

"Yea but in her defense 'We aren't dating'.So when I told her how much she broke my heart,she decided to show up here and claim that she isn't going to give up on me.And how she's going to win me over for real"."That's bullshit.Players say that all the time"Ryen says.

"Yea..But maybe she's right.Who knows".

I pull my phone out.I type in the phrase and look at it shocked.

My Treasure.

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