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"Who The fuck does she think she is?"."Your fiancee?".

"What fiancée doesn't check on her significant other?!?"."One who has problems already".

I grunt and lean back on my hospital bed."You know that if it wasn't for me getting here as fast as I did,I would be dead!But of course she wouldn't care"."Hey you two have fights relationships are like that".

I frown and lean back.There is a knock at our door and I say "Come in".The door opens and my eyes go wide.

"Leo!Call the-".The women shoots the phone out Leo's hands before smirking at us.

"Hi Sevy".My eyes darken and I say "Artemis".

"It's been a minute has it my beautiful Curse"."Who the fuck is his?"Leo asks.

"Crazy bitch who stalked me in college"."Sadly I wish I was head for more..happier news".

"What?"."Noir Ambrose is dead".

"What?"."It was Ivan's parting gift to you.Car crash orchestrated
By his lovey wife.Though it was so lovey after all.Since she was using him from the beginning".

"Mia would never do it"I warn."Don't believe me?I figured that.You see the Russian were working with the Cubans this whole time.Ivan set up a..back up plan just in case he died.Kill Noir bride to piss off the Pierre Alistair and send Seven Alistair to insanity.Crazy right?".

My eyes widen and she tilts her head."Let's see here shall we..You don't have to worry though.You have a half brother right beside you".

I jet my head to Leo and he looks at me confused."What?"."Why do you think the Russian didn't kill you?Because you are his best friend..No.You are Pierre's son with a fling he had.That's why he kept you alive.But hey..Brothers unite".

"Why are you here?"."I will help you destroy the Cuban Mafia as well as the Russian mafia that will be building up until Aleksei Orlov command".

"Why would we go?".She smiles and says "You want to be strong for Zia right?And you for Sophia?Well..you won't do that here moping will you?No.Become the two men Giovanni DeLuca said you would be.Be good enough to marry his daughters?".

Me and Leo look at each other and I frown."We don't have much of a choice"."Sure you do.You can keep being a bunch of pussies or you can change".

"Who do you work for?".She smiles and says "Yakuza".

"The Japanese Mafia?!?They have been quiet through all of this"Leo says."Well..We always like to sit and watch how things play out before we make our moves".

"Why do you want to take out the Cubans?".Artemis smirks and says "They killed the Yakuzas wife last week.Now we are out for blood.Simple as that.You found yourselves in this word indirectly..How will you make it direct?".

Me and Leo look at each other and I nod."We will come with you"."Great!Reese did you kill everyone on this floor!?".

"Yes ma'am!".

All of a sudden a huge Japanese man with tattoos steps out and looks at us."One for each shoulder"."Im sorry?"We both say.

"Oh come on.I want to piss some Italians off.Let them know who kidnapped you.And try to play the part will you?".

We both look at Reese as he holds duct tape in his hand."Oh hell"Leo says.

I frown as he looks at me."Green eyes first"."We both have Greens eyes though".

Reese ignores Leo and starts walking over to me."Bloody hell".

"Are you sure that He will be fine?"."Zia shouldn't you be more worried about Seven".

I frown and say "Of course I'm worried about that asshole".

As we pull up at the Hospital I get out as we walk in.There was a bunch of police officers in the front.My eyes go wide as I push my way through the crowd.

"What happened here"."A young women and what looks like her bodyguard shot up the place before taking two hostages".

"What did they look like?".The nurse looks up and says "They both had bright green eyes.One looked Middle eastern while the other was white with brown hair".

"Did one have a British accent and the other French?".The nurse nods and I growl."That's my fiancée.Can I please see the cameras".


I look at the cop and I'm guessing he realized who we were."Uh yes Ms.DeLuca".

He leads us to the back and we follow his to the security room.

"Everyone out"The cop says."Here you are".

Angelo walks over and sits down at the chair and looks around."Alright stop me when you see Seven".

We all nod and I look around the screens."There!"Dante says quickly.

Gelo focuses on that screen and plays it with sound.Seven and Leo were tied up with duck tape on their mouth as a huge Asian men with tattoos carried then on each shoulder.

The women..Asian with black hair and brown eyes shakes her head.

"I don't understand what the DeLuca sisters saw in either of you idiots.Smart and Beautiful yet stupid as hell.No wonder your brother died being a fucking idiot".

Seven glares at her and starts kicking"
."I wouldn't kick him if I were you.I would hate to ruin that pretty face".He flips her off and she smiles.

"You really are Zia DeLuca's fiancée.But let's be honest she hasn't been treating you right has she?I heard you got beat up so bad you had to go to the hospital by her ex,Suffered a broken arm from her brother,Sexually assaulted by her enemy,Shot in shoulder and now kidnapped.You really have bad luck don't you".

Seven sighs and hangs his head low."It's fine.Then Im done with you,You will have some much hate for the DeLuca family that you will kill her the next time you see her.She crushed your dreams.Broke your innocence and you still tend to protect her.She really doesn't deserve you, Sathos".

She grabs his duct tape and rips it off."Fuck you whore".

That's my treasure.

She smiles and says "And you act just like her.Let me tell you a secret, Seven".She leans closer and says "Happiness,A wife,A child..you're whole life that's the only thing you have ever dreamed about.You want to be happy.And being with Zia DeLuca will only waste your time".

"A child?With her?Even though you were kidnapped by those peoeopem you used to call your parents,You still wanted to follow their tradition didn't you?Have a daughter first then a son.Move back to Egypt.Start a tech company.Those were your dreams.They will never happen with Zia".

He looks down sadly and I grunt."She will never have time for that so called child of yours together.She is a whore at heart so she will keep cheating on you left and right.And eventually you will keep feeling as though you are worthless.And you know what happens then?You will end your life".

Fatal Attraction(New Version) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now