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Ever since that conversation with Zia,I be been avoiding her.Simply because I'm not getting off those pills.

They make me feel something..Wanted even.So I've been sneaking im them in.I highly doubt any of them were looking at me to see if I had got off then.

Zia had just taken my word for it.Big mistake on her part.And I thought I did get Zia out of my hair for a good minute.But of course nothing ever goes to plan.

Because a week later, I had come face to face with my girlfriend...who I was avoiding.I open my door to see Zia standing in front of it.I glare at her as she grunts.

"Why the fuck are you in a mood this early in the morning.Let me in"."Fuck off".

Her Silver eyes darken and she tilts her head.She narrows her eyes as if she's giving me a warning glance.

"Excuse me?"."Fuck off.You heard me".

Zia looks at me shocked before cracking a smile."Sathos"she warns."What?".

"You are this close to me socking you in your face.I don't know what the fuck your problem is.But you need to fix it.We have a meeting with the Irish in two days and I would hate to kill you because you fucked this deal up for us"."How about I don't come then".

"They asked for you so you are most definitely coming with us"."I don't want to".

"I don't give a fuck what you want and don't want to do".

I roll my eyes and go to slam the door in her face before she kicks her leg out."Try to slam a door in my face again and I'm going to kick you in the fucking balls".

I roll my eyes and she turns her body away.I shut the door and walk back over to my bed.

She will grow out of love for you.She will go to hate you won't she,Seven?She will find someone who will fuck her better than you.

I snap out of it and grab the bottle of pills.They make me feel better.They keep the voices of my insecurities out.I just need to shut them up.I willl always feel better when I shut them up.

Two days later

"Everyone all ready to board?!?"Giovanni asks.Sophia raises her eyebrow and as Giovanni looks around.

"Let's see here.Zia?"."This isn't a school trip.You don't have have to take Roll call"She snaps.

"Zia?".She growls and says "Here". "Angelo?"."Here".


"Seven"."Here sadly".

He gives me a look over before continuing."And last but not least my baby girl?Sophia?"."Here daddy".

Zia gags and Sophia pushes her

."Get to Ireland we go!".

Is this really the big and dangerous Italian Mafia Don ..reciting a Disney skit?God help me.

Me and Zia have been weird lately.I mean it's hot and cold between us and I understand why.I've been a asshole but what else can I do.

Knowing that I'm a waste of space in this family.I look down at my hands before closing my eyes.

"Scared of heights?"Angelo asks.I jet my eyes open and turn my head."No".

"You look scared.I think Dad has a pull to knock you out most of the flight if your scared"."Im fine".

"Are you-"."-Didn't I just fucking say that I was fine?"I snap.

His eyes go wide as Giovanni looks back.Angelo glares at me and says "Keep being a asshole and see what that gets you".

He gets up and sits down beside Giovanni.

Keep pushing them away and you won't have anyone left.No mother.And no father who likes you.

Shut up.I know this already.I clench my eyes shut before reaching I no my bag.The voices need to be silenced.These pills help with it.I take a deep breathe before calling over the flight attendant.

"Yes sir how many I help you?"."Can I get a water?".

"Ah yes.I will be right back with it".

She walks away and I look out of the window trying to calm the voices.

I look over to see Seven wide awake.I rub my eyes and say "You didn't sleep at all?"."Im not tired"he snaps back.

I frown and say "You should still rest your eyes"."Not happening".

"What is your problem?"Sophia asks."I don't have a problem".

"Obviously you do.You are acting way more moody than you usually are.Does Zia need to give you a blowjob in the back?"."Fuck you"Seven says glaring.

"Fuck me?How about I come over there and beat your ass"Dante adds."I'd love to see you try".

"Oh I'll give you a fucking black eye unlike Armando".

Sevens eyes darken at the name and I growl."Will both of you shut the fuck up.If we wake up Giovanni he will kill us all.So shut up".

They both close their mouths and I grab Seven arms.I lead him to the back of the plane.

"Get off me"."Im going to knock you out".

"Fuck you".

He pushes my hand off and I push him hard.He grunts as he lands on the seat.I climb on his lap and grab a hand full of his hair and lean him into me.He winces and I growl.

"Keep acting like this and someone is going to put a bullet in your fucking head"."Will it be you?Willl you finally realize that you can't take me anymore?".

"God Fuck you,Seven.We got in a argument.Couples get in arguments all the time.But this..You're pushing it"."Dump me then".

My eyes go wide and I wrap my hands around his throat.His eyes go wide as I wrap around them tightly.

"What are-"."-You don't understand how serious this is do you?If your little attitude fucks up our deal,I will be the one who ends you.I don't care how much I love you.Think about that everytime you want to be a asshole".

I remove my hand and he takes a deep breathe.I get out of his lap and say "I think you need to stay in here for the remainder of this trip.You might get Angelo to flip his switch and put you in the hospital".

"Whatever".I pause and turn around to face him."And whenever you want to stop being a dick and tell me what is wrong.I will listen".

He glares at me as I walk out and into the other section."What is his problem?"Giovanni asks."A moody asshole.I will deal with him.He won't mess up this deal for us".

"If he does,it will be your responsibility"Giovanni warns."I understand".

I sit back down and take a deep breathe before looking out of the window.This is going to definitely be a long trip.

Fatal Attraction(New Version) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now