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A week later

"so Seven still snappy as ever?"Giovanni asks.I give him a look and say "I want to snap his neck".

"Well that isn't usually the words you have for your boyfriend"Angelo says walking over.

He leans against the wall as I grunt."I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him but he's plucking my nerves".

The doctor knocks on the door and says "Hey Zia!"."Callum what is it".

"I was wondering if I could put in another order for the medicine for Seven?It seems like his stomach pain is getting better"."That's good.Maybe he will stop being a dick"Angelo says.

Sophia nods in agreement  as I nod my head."Go ahead.Put it on the card".

He nods his head before walking out.My phone rings and I notice it was a unknown number.I raise my eyebrow before answering it.

"Hello?"."Zia?Its Noir".

"Oh I guess I don't have your number saved.What's up?"."Did you..and my brother break up?".

"No..why are you asking me that"."He's a lot more moody than usual.Asshole-ish".

"Well glad we aren't the only ones noticing it"Giovanni says."You know I would think that ever since was taking that medicine he would be a little bit better".

"Medicine?What medicine"."Seven said his stomach was still hurting so the doctor got some medicine that was recommended by Seven".

Noir takes a deep inhale and says "Recommended..Zia what's the name of that medicine?".I look it up in the computer and say "MIK".

"No..No..Fuck not again.MIA!We need to call up Doc Henry!Zia how long has he been on them?"."A week or so?".

"Okay good we can catch it early"."What exactly is wrong with those pills".

"Seven suffered with depression most of this life.And we thought those anti-depressants would make it better.But turns out those pills do quite the opposite.He was talking then after the incident with our.parents.Well who we thought our parents were".

"Either way those pills..they make him suicidal.Fuck Zia you need to get him off those pills.He's going to say a bunch of shit he doesn't mean ,Zia.It will be hurtful but remember that he loves you okay?"."What does that mean?".

"you will see". He hangs up and I look at Giovanni confused."Go talk to him".

I stand up and grunt."Hopefully I don't put a bullet in my boyfriends head".

They laugh as I walk out of the office.

I walk over to his room and knock on the door."Fuck off!".

I grunt and open the door.I open the door to see him watching tv.He ignores me and says "What is it that you want, Zia".

I I walk over to the tv and turn it off."What the fuck-"."-Do you feel like you should be in the DeLuca family".

He looks at me confused before breaking into a smile.He starts laughing and says "I see now"."What?".

"It was only a matter of time you guys realized that I wasn't apart of your family".My eyes go wide as he shrugs.

"So you're kicking me out huh?Im sure only way to leave a mafia family is dying right?"

I walk over to him and grab the back of his neck."I love you"."So you say".

I raise my eyebrow and grab a handful of his hair.He winced and I say "Don't ever doubt my love for you.When I say I love you,I fucking love you"."Sure".

My eyes soften and I climb in his lap.He looks at me as I cup his face.


."I don't tell guys I love them.You are the only person I've ever said it to.You know why?"."I don't really care".

"Because you're special to me".

His eyes soften and I rub my thumb on his cheek."And I'm telling you right now.I don't care what anyone thinks.You are a DeLuca.You belong in our family.And nothing will change that.Seven".

He closes his eyes as I plant soft kisses around his face."I love you so fucking much.Nothing will change that baby"."I'm not good enough for you".

I start laughing and he glares at me."Good enough?Seven,your perfect for me.You keep me human baby.If I didn't feel the thing that I feel for you,my life would be a  miserable".

I look him in the eye and say "Seven.You are perfect for me.I love you.And don't ever think that you aren't good enough for me"."But you need-".

"-I need you.And all I want is you.You.I don't need a stronger guy.I don't need a guy who is tough.I want you".

His eyes start to water and he looks down."Armando said I would only drag you down".I sigh and trail kisses to his ear.

"Fuck him.You're saving me from myself"I whisper in his ear.I move back and stare at him.

"I'll make you a deal"."Deal?".

I nod my head and trail kisses down his neck."I'll get you addicted to my sex.I'll make you fucking crave me every fucking day.I'll fuck you so much you look forward to our sex ever day in your dreams.You're desire for me will run in your head all the time".

"W-what do I have to do".I move back out my forehead on his."Stop taking those pills".

His head jets back and he says "What?"."I'll make you happy.I'll make you feel love Seven.You won't ever need those with me.I swear on my life".

"Zia.."."Come on baby.Do it for me.I don't want to lose you".

"You won't-."-Please".

He blinks a couple of times before gulping."Zia..it's not..it's not easy to get off them-"."-I'll help you.oll be there for you.You are more important.You're my future, Seven".

He looks down as I cup his face and kiss him sweetly.He deeps the kiss as I pull myself closer in his lap.

"Promise me,Seven"."I promise.I'll stop.I'll stop them for you".

I smile brightly and kiss his cheek."Thank you".His widen and I get off his lap."We will talk later".

He looks down before I walk out of the room.

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