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I start pacing back and forth as Zia and Sophia rush in.

"Where is he?"."In the x-ray room.They are making sure that there are no Bone fractures in his face".

"What are his injuries?"."A broken nose,two black eyes, and a broken jaw".

Zia growls and says "I'm going to kill Adonis"."Go ahead.The Sokos family has gotten way too cocky for their own good"Giovanni says.

A nurse walks out and says "Family of Sathos Ambrose?".I clear my throat and say "That would be me.I'm his older brother.They are also his family.That's his fiancée".

Zia freezes before nodding her her.The nurse nods and says"Thankfully there are no bone fractures in his face.As I told you before he has two black eyes,mild concussion,A broken nose and a fractured jaw".

"He is currently in a hospital bed.We don't see a need to keep him overnight though.We have prescribed medicine for the pain and it is important that he eat soft foods for the next couple of weeks".

We all nod and she walks away.Minutes later,a nurse pushes Seven in a wheelchair.He had super dark sunglasses on and was holding a ice pack to his jaw.

All and all..my brother looked over it.I don't really blame him.Sophia bends down and says "Seven-".

He turns his head away and she groans."Oh he wants to be  asshole.Okay"."Let's take him back to the mansion".

"You know you can crash here"."I'd rather not.I have to get back to London for my wife.Just take care of my brother?".

I nod my head and he turns to Seven."Bye Baby gorgeous".

Seven flips him off and Noir laughs.He walks out of the door and I turn to Seven.

"Are you hungry, Baby?".

He grunts and walks away.Okay.Being a dick.Got it.

I follow him upstairs and he sits down on his bed.

"Are you going to be a dick?".

He looks away from me and I grab his face."Look at me when I am talking to me"."Stop..looking at me".

"I could look at you forever"."Even like this?".

My eyes soften and I take his sunglasses off."You are still fine as hell to me like this.You're still my baby.Your still my treasure.You're still my everything.Nothing is going to change that, Idiot.Does your face look a little fucked up?Well yea-".

He glares at me and I smile."But you are still the most amazing guy I've met.So it doesn't matter to me what you look like right now"."He tried to fuck my face up so you would leave me".

"Like I would leave you"I say rolling my eyes.I sigh in relief and say "You don't have to worry about Adonis anymore my love".

"Because..?".I look up and smile."Im going to kill him tonight!".

"What?Zia that's-"."-He touched a member of the DeLuca family.That is a big no no".

Fatal Attraction(New Version) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now