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"So?What does it mean".

He pauses and says "It's a..word of play"."For?".

"My uh..My first love".

My eyes go wide and my eyes darken."You had me kissing a tattoos that resembles your first love".

He gulps and says "She.she used to call me her Beautiful loser so it was a word of play.And my mother used to call me angel so I decided to have the tattoos resemble both of them"."Why Damaged".

"Because..I felt damaged without them".My eyes widen and I say "So you still feel that way with me?".

He gives me a look and says "You do Damage to me"."Oh shit.You know I'm hungry! How about we get something to eat".

I glare at him so hard and he flinches.I push past him and walk over this brunch diner I love.I walk in and the owner smiles.

"Zia!Its great to see you again"."You too Luca".

I sit down and Seven goes to sit beside me."Don't sit right there".

He frowns and did across from me instead.Sophia sits down beside me and he looks down at the menu.

"I can't read any of this"."Relax.I know exactly what to order for you"Sophia says.

He nods his head and the waiter takes out drinks."You're mad"."Of course I'm fucking mad!".

"I don't know why you are mad.You are overreacting.I got the tattoo when I was 17 years old.I didn't even know you existed.Besides she played a crucial part in who I am today.If not for her I would've never moved to Italy.I would've moved to Australia"."Lucky me".

He rolls his eyes and says "You're being childish".

My eyes flare up as I grab a knife and put it to his throat so quickly he couldn't react.He looks at me scared as Sophia rolls her eyes.

"Put the knife down, Z"."Don't call me fucking childish, bitch".

"And don't call me a Bitch".

We glare at each other and he shakes his head."What was I thinking?How could you understand.If you must know I don't have this tattoo because I'm still in love with her.I have this tattoo cause she played a crucial part in helping me realize how much I love cooking".

My raise my eyebrow and remove the knife."The fact you can get jealous over a tattoo shows how childish you are".I growl as he rolls his eyes.

"Wait until you find out the shit I did in college"he murmurs.

"What was that?".The waiter comes back over with our drinks and he takes our order .He walks away and I tilt my head.

"So what was her name"."Why do you care?".


"And where was she from"."California.The US".

"What was she like"."Im not having this conversation with you right now,Zia".

Fatal Attraction(New Version) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now