11| Relax

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Luca's house that he shares with Gray and Maeve is beautiful. The walls are made of glass, and the sun seems to be hitting into the rooms at the perfect angle.

"You look like sleeping beauty." Eleni whispers to Maeve. "Why thank you, but..." Maeve kneels down to the twins height. "I don't need a Prince to save me, do I girls?"

"Hell no." Callie smirks. Maeve looks up at me. "I like this one." She mouths.

Suddenly, the door opens and Luca and Gray run inside. "Yay!" Maeve squeals, running to Gray's arm. He smiles and kisses the top of her head, before pulling away. "Did you take your meds..."

"Yes, Gray." She groans. "I'm not five you know. Did you bring the champagne I asked for?" He laughs and motions for the garage. "I love you!" She shrieks and then kisses Luca on the cheek before running outside. "You ok, bellissima?" Luca asks me.

"I'm fine." I mumble, barely able to keep eye contact with him. He walks over, and we're so close that if I took another step, our bodies would be touching.
"You're pale." He mumbles, and then he reaches his hand out to fix my stray curl, and I can't.

Before I can flinch, I back away, turning to my suitcase. "Can you just show me, my room? It's been a long day."

"Sure." He mumbles, walking away from me. I slowly follow him down a long hallway, and towards a winding staircase. When we get upstairs, he stops at the first door and nudges it open.

The room is somehow bigger than mine. The first thing I notice is the massive window, facing the most beautiful body of water I've ever seen.

"That's the Adriatic Sea." He mumbles, from behind me. "I thought you might like it."

"I do...it's...its really beautiful." I whisper. "Well I'll uh leave you to yourself then..."

"Wait. No. The twins I...that's not fair..."

"Relax, bellissima. Maeve can watch a movie with them, there's endless things to do in this house."

"But, they shouldn't go outside. Because of the paparazzi and the press and I really don't want them..."

In a couple steps, he's now so close to me that he reaches out and lets his hands hold onto my face. I expect myself to flinch away, or for him to hurt me, since just hours ago that's all Adonis' hands could do to me, but he doesn't. His hands are soft. Gentle. Protective even.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to them. You rest, and then when you wake up they'll be waiting for you."

"I can't..." I whisper. "Allena." He snaps. "For once let yourself relax. Even if it's just for a moment." A part of me doesn't want to let him go, and then I remember that this, this feeling of being loved, protected, and safe, is exactly how Adonis made me feel before the abuse started. And I can't let that happen to me again.

"Fine." I snap, pulling away from him. "You can go." He arms drop to his side and I can tell he's confused, but he still leaves anyways, softly closing the door behind him.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I see it's Mia. "Hey!" She squeals. "So, I think I can convince my parents to bring me to New York tomorrow because they have a meeting and if I come then they'll be happier because I'm obviously their favorite child and..."

"Mia." I chuckle softly. "I'm in Italy. With um...with Luca." There's a moment of silence before she answers. "You guys are totally fucking, aren't you?"

"No, we're not. Ew Mia, no." I groan, flopping onto the bed. "I just don't get it! I stalked him for a straight five hours on every social media platform to exist, he is the playboy of playboys and you're telling me he hasn't asked to fuck you yet?"

"Uh huh." I mumble, staring outside. "Al, this is crazy. He hasn't even posted a scandalous picture of you, and he followed you on every single social media platform ever. Even your fan pages."

"I have fan pages?" I groan. "Yes, idiot. But that's not the point."

"Look Mia, it's barely been two weeks. Maybe this is just the honeymoon phase, and if it is, I might as well enjoy it, right?" I sigh.

"Sure, whatever. But I'm telling you there is something different this time." She hums.

"Fine, either way I'm going to go sleep." I mumble. "I'm exhausted."

"Ok, I love you. Promise to call me tomorrow ?" She asks. "Yeah promise." I mumble. "Love you."

When I wake up, the sun has already set and the house seems impossibly quiet. How long could I have slept for?

Groggily, I get up and notice my suitcases are already unpacked and placed perfectly into the closet. I change out of my black dress and into my silk linen set and then walk downstairs.

In the living room, the twins are stretched out on a couch with Luca, all three of them asleep. Callie is snuggled underneath his arm and Eleni is laid across his chest.

"Get a good nap?" I turn around to the other couch where Gray and Maeve are sitting. Gray asleep and Maeve is wide awake.

"Oh yeah." I mumble. She jumps up and grabs my arm leading me to the kitchen.

"Wine?" She asks. "I always find that's the best after a long day." Before I can even answer she takes out a glass and pours me some, sliding it over to me. "It's from France, so it's the good stuff. Let's go outside."

She pulls me again, this time an empty glass and the bottle in her hand, towards the sliding doors that lead to their backyard, overlooking the water.

"It's good to have a couple more girls in the house." Maeve sighs, taking off her shoes and sitting on one of their chairs. "I love Gray and Luca, but they can be overwhelming sometimes."

She glances at her glass and then tosses it aside, so that it shatters and starts drinking from the bottle instead.

"Sleep tight." She mumbles, closing the bottle.

I wake up in the room Luca gave me, with my silk set still on. My comforters are pulled back and it looks like someone tucked me in. I slowly get up and my eyes adjust. Then, they land on a sleeping body sitting in my chair.

I scream only to realize it's Luca.

He jumps up looking around my room and then his eyes land on me and his lips turn up into a smirk. "Did I scare you, bellissima?" He asks.

"What are you doing here?" I snap. "This is the room you gave to me." He runs a hand through his hair, his smirk turning into a full on smile. "You were so drunk last night, that I had to carry your ass back up here, and when I tried to leave you cried out for me to stay. I think you were having a nightmare..."

"I don't get nightmares." I lie, getting out of bed. "You're breaking the pact."

"What pact?" He chuckles. "You told me that we would barely have to see each other. And this," I snap, pointing at each of us. "This isn't what we agreed on."

His smile immediately vanishes off of his face, and for a second im scared because I've never seen him without it before.

"You're right." He mumbles, standing up. "Next time I'll leave you outside." He then storms out of the room, slamming my door closed.

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