15| All Good Things Come to an End

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We stayed in Italy for another week. Everything was perfect.

But all good things come to an end.

So now, here I was sitting on a plane, trying not to cry in front my sisters. Telling myself that I was an idiot.  A fool. Hell maybe I even deserve it.

Twelve hours ago

"Morning, bellissima." Someone sings into my ear. I sleepily turn over and see Luca hovering over my bed, a twin in each of his arm, still asleep. "Luca it's five in the fucking morning." I hiss, looking at my clock. He nods and motions for me to get up anyways. "I'm murdering you the moment you set them down." I growl, reluctantly getting out of bed.

"Oh, come on you'll love it." He whispers in a teasing voice. I just groan, and roll out of my bed, tying my curls into a low bun and sliding on my robe and slippers. "This way, m'lady." He smiles, leading me out the door. He's such a child.

I follow him outside to the patio and immediately smile. The sun is rising, right over the water.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asks. "Yeah." I mumble. "It is."

"Look who's awake." Luca hums. I turn to face him and see both of the twins, rubbing their eyes with their fist. "Do you see the sunrise?" I ask them softly, pointing towards the sky. Luca lets both of them down and they sit next to each other on one of the lounge chairs.

"It's so pretty." Eleni giggles, turning towards Callie. "It's pretty, isn't it Callie?" Callie tilts her head and shrugs. "It looks like a famous painting." She grins. I turn to Luca who is staring at the both of them, a look of pride and amusement on his face. "Do you think they like me?" He whispers. "Just a bit." I whisper back. He smirks and crosses his arm. "I'll go make breakfast."

The girls had spent the entire day playing in the pool. I watched them for awhile and then Luca offered so I could go shopping with Maeve. I agreed.

"I should tell you something." Maeve hums, as we walk along a store isle. "Luca is a fuck boy." I chuckle, shaking my head. "I know that, Maeve. I've been inside his bedroom."

"And he doesn't settle. Ever. That's just the way he is. He's different around you. He's happier. He hasn't gone into work this entire week just to stay at home with you." I can practically feel my face turning red. "And so I know he feels about you, but the real question is how do you feel about him?" She asks.

For a moment I feel nauseous. Because the real answer is that I don't actually know. When I'm around him, I don't just want him to kiss me, I just want him to be close to me. Impossibly close. And when he does kiss me it's like igniting a feeling, a warmth, that I've been missing all my life. But now, at times when I'm away from him, I can't help but wonder if I'm hallucinating. If maybe I'm just yearning for attention from anyone since it's been an eternity since someone has actually cared for me the way Luca does.

"Is it complicated?" She asks softly after I don't respond. "Yeah. Yeah I guess it is." I mumble. "I get it. I loved someone too. Except it was my brother, not like a boyfriend or anything. He...well he wasn't always the nicest to me. We both had to deal with a lot of shit. But, when he was nice...and sober things were different. A lot different. He protected me. Always. Even when he was drunk, he never laid a hand on me. Which yeah, I guess is the bare minimum, but..." she pauses. "My point is...love can be complicated, Allena. And shitty sometimes. But that doesn't make the love any less special. Actually, love might be the only real thing we have left in this world."

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