43| I Do

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"You look absolutely gorgeous." Maeve smiles, helping me with my veil. "You know that right?"

I give her a slow nod, still observing myself in the mirror. I do look beautiful. Bellissima.

"You look like a princess." Callie smiles, standing beside me. "Except you're prettier than all of them."

"Yeah." Eleni adds. "You're the best princess, Laney."

"Thank you girls." I smile, kneeling down to them. "Let's put on the flower crowns now so you can show Luca, yeah?" The two of them nod, both beaming in their identical light pink dresses with their long, black hair curled and a unicorn lip gloss dabbled on their lips.

Yesterday, Maeve took them to help make my bouquet while Luca and I sorted through mafia stuff. They ended up making flower crowns for all of us, and Mia of course which basically made up my bridal party. Of course we had to hire fake people so the press didn't think the wedding was super last minute, and that I actually had friends.

"Ok, be still." I whisper, as I move to Eleni. She bites her lip, trying her best not to squirm as I set it on her head. "And done!"

"I wanna see! I wanna see!" She squeals, moving to the mirror. She gasps when she sees her reflection.

Next I put on Callie's and she runs to the mirror, standing next to Eleni, the both of them smiling at their reflections.

"You two are the prettiest flower girls I've ever seen." Maeve smiles, moving over to them.

Both of the girls smile, making poses in the mirror and Maeve pretends to take pictures of them as I finish doing my makeup.

Suddenly the door clicks open, and Mia walks in wearing a dress identical to Maeve.

"Mia!" The girls squeal running over to her.

"Hi babies." She smiles. Her eyes float up to me and she gasps. "Holy shit, dude. You look stunning."

"Thanks, Mia." I smile, walking over to hug her. "And thank you for being here so last minute. It means the world."

"Uh duh, there's no where else I'd rather be." She smirks, hugging me back. "Hey, Maeve."

"Hi!" Maeve smiles, from her spot on a chair.

"Oh im sorry about your uncle by the way." Mia says quietly. "I know you guys weren't like close or anything but im sure that was hard."

I suck in a breath, remembering Mia doesn't know very much about Adonis. Just that he wasn't my favorite.

"Thanks." I force myself to say. "Yeah it's been...difficult but we've all managed."

We hear three quick knocks on the door before Gray opens it.

"Wow, Allena you look beautiful." He says softly. His eyes look around the room, and his smile grows larger. "So do the rest of you."

"Do you like our flower crowns?" Eleni asks.

"We made them ourselves!" Callie adds.

"You two almost don't look like little gremlins anymore." He chuckles, then he takes a deep breath, and smiles. "It's time."

"Ok, grab your baskets girls." Maeve says, jumping up and handing each twin their basket. "Remember you two first, and then Mia and I will be right behind you. Just like we practiced yesterday."

"We'll see you when you walk down the aisle." Mia smiles. "You got this."

"Good luck." Maeve smiles, hugging me. "We'll be right in front of you."

I nod, watching them go.

"You ok?" Gray asks.

"Yeah...it just doesn't feel real." I sigh, patting down my dress. "I never thought I'd get married."

"Well, sometimes life has a way of surprising us." He says gently. I nod, but he can still tell im nervous. "What is it, Allena?" He asks.

"I...I just feel like I don't deserve it." I whisper, tears threatening to fall. "I killed my uncle. Do I really deserve to be happy?"

Gray sighs, moving forward, and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Allena yes, you killed Adonis. You killed your own uncle. But you did it out of self defense. He was going to kill you, and we both know he would've done the same to the twins after. You saved them. Because of you they have the opportunity to live a life, a safe one. And you...you have the chance to be happy now, Allena. You're free. The beginning of your life...it starts now. You want to be forgiven? I'll give that to you. You are forgiven, Allena. I forgive you."

I smile as it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. "Thank you, Gray." I say, wiping a tear away "Thank you for everything."

"You don't have to thank me, Allena. That's what family does. We watch out for each other."

I throw my arms around him, and he hugs me back. Family. I have a family now. A real family.

"You ready?" He asks, extending his arm for me.

"You...you're walking me down?" I ask.

"Family, remember?"

"Yeah, but you're Luca's best man..."

"And you're just as important to me." He says gently. "I can be both, Allena. I'm not going to let you walk down by yourself."

I smile, grabbing his arm. "I'm ready."

The doors swing open, and everyone in the pews turn to look at me, but my eyes on land on Luca.

His eyes are already glistening, and when we make eye contact, he smiles, practically melting my heart into pieces.

Gray leads me down, and I watch as the twins scatter their little flowers, smiling at each other as they go, occasionally looking back at me, and then waving to Luca before he waves back at them.

Finally, we make it to the groomsmen, and Gray let's go of me, as Luca steps forward.

"Hi, Bellissima." Luca whispers leading me up the stairs.

"Hi, Luca."

"You look beautiful." He smiles, holding my hands.

"And you look very handsome." I smile back.

"Not sexy?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I give a small laugh, shaking my head.

"Very sexy."

The pastor starts talking, and I mostly tune him out, just focusing on Luca who seems to ease all my nerves. I don't focus on the press, and what they're saying, just on Luca. Only him.

"Luca Romano do you take Allena Draknos as your wife?"

"I do." He says quickly, grinning from ear to ear.

"And Allena Draknos do you take Luca Romano to be your husband?"

"I do." I smile.

"You may kiss your-

Luca pulls me to him by my waist and cups my face in his hands, bringing us impossibly close.

"To insanity?" He smiles.

"To insanity."

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