18| Motherfucker

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"He's not dead, but...the doctors don't think he'll make it much longer." Gray's voice comes across my phone. I throw my suitcase onto my bed and start shoving my clothes in. "I'll be there by tomorrow. I had to finish some stuff up with Allena." I mumble, grabbing my shoes. "Ok, see you then." Gray sighs. "You too." I hang up the phone and set it on my bed, but it buzzes a minute later and Allena's face pops onto my screen.

"Allena, please try and sleep..." I start. "Luca?" Her voice is shaky and it sounds like she was just crying. "Luca...I..." I hear her shallow breathing and my heart starts to beat faster. "Allena are you in danger?" I ask, grabbing my gun. "No." She sobs. "Not anymore." What is that supposed to mean? "Did someone hurt you?" I growl. She whimpers and then talks again. "Yes. Kal..." of course it was him. Fucking dick. "Did he say something?" I growl, motioning for my driver to pull around the car. "He...he touched me." She cries. "Luca, he...he raped me."

My heart seems to stop beating for a second. All I can do is imagine a drunken, defenseless Allena with a pervert who she thought she could trust, hovering over her. I'm going to kill that motherfucker.

"Lock your door. Stay in your room." I say, running outside and into my car. "I'll be there soon. I want you to stay on the phone with me, ok?" I don't hear anything. "Allena?" I yell. "Ok." She cries. "You're going to be ok, alright? I promise everything is going to be ok."

I get to her house ten minutes later and to no surprise, it's locked. After a minute of slamming my fists into the door, her uncle opens it. "Luca?" He asks, groggily. I push past him and run up the stairs to Allena's room. I knock softly, already knowing it's locked. "Allena, it's me." I whisper softly. A few seconds later the door clicks open and Allena knocks into me, crying into my shirt.

I don't know what to do. Maeve has had episodes before but Gray has always known how to handle her. But this isn't an episode and I'm not Gray. So I hope I'm doing this right.

"We're going to leave, ok?" I ask her softly, rubbing circles on her back. "What?" She asks. "I'm not letting you stay here, until I know..." I trail off. Saying his name might only make things worse. "It's not safe here, right now." I whisper. She just nods and continues to cry into my chest. My eyes wander to her bed, and her blood stained sheets. There's even blood on the floor. What did he do to her?

I notice her empty suitcase on the floor and try to move towards it, but she grabs my shirt with her fist. "Please don't leave me." She sobs. "Please don't."

It just about breaks my heart to see her like this. She's always so cold, and rarely lets any happiness through, let alone pain. And now, seeing her like this, well it makes me want to torture Kal over and over again for an eternity.

"Hey, it's ok." I whisper, rubbing her back. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Slowly, I walk over to the door, with Allena still in my arms and open it, searching the hall for a maid, when I find one, I motion for her to come inside. "Pack her suitcase. Everything she'll need for a long time, understand?" The maid nods and quickly starts moving around the room.

Suddenly, her door slams open again and her eyes bulge as her uncle walks inside. "Allena, do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Adonis growls. She immediately lets go of me, and I can really see her face for the first time. Her lip is cut and she already has a large bruise forming on her cheek. "Why don't you ask the man you hired?" I growl, stepping in between them.

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