5| Immature

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To say I'm nervous, is an understatement. Adonis may be old, but underestimating his ability to call bull shit would be a serious mistake.

He and Luca's father are talking business, and Luca cuts in every here and there, and I'm too busy observing them to say anything. It's clear Mr. Romano wants to assert his power in any way possible, whether he realizes he's doing it or not, I don't know, but I have a pretty good feeling he does it on purpose. Adonis may be powerful, but all power can only go to an extent. Adonis deals with men in business suits, and Mr. Romano deals with men with guns.

"So how did you two meet exactly?" Adonis asks suddenly, his eyes turning to me. Immediately I turn to Luca, but before I can say anything, he talks first.

"I'm in New York often. For business. I handle a lot of my father's work here. And, about a month ago I saw Allena after one of her shoots. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her." Luca smiles, he glances at me when I don't answer, and I'm forced to push down my disgust and force something out of my mouth.

"Mhm." I nod. I quickly take a bite of my food, not making eye contact with Adonis.

"I saw you at the party." Callie says suddenly, glaring at Luca. All eyes turn to her, and immediate fear rises in my chest. I didn't have enough time to try and explain what was going on to the girls, and I forgot he probably wasn't their favorite person.

"Ah, yes. You're a hard one to forget." Luca smiles.

"Don't be demeaning." Callie snaps, her little eyes narrowing.

"That's enough, Calliope." Adonis snaps. "Go to your room." Callie's eyes turn to me, and I nudge her to before Adonis loses whatever is left of his limited temper.

"Oh, there's no reason to send the child, Adonis." Mr. Romano speaks. "Please, sit down." He motions for Callie to return to the table. Callie looks at me again, and I give her a soft nod. "Now tell me, how exactly did my son upset you, dear?" Mr. Romano asks.

"He tried to take my chocolate cake." Callie says quietly, still afraid of Adonis.

"Don't be ridiculous, Calliope." Adonis snaps.

"Oh, Adonis, no need to be harsh." Mr. Romano says in calm tone, making Adonis' face slowly turn red. "Now, Miss Calliope, did you get an apology from my son?" He asks, turning to Luca.

"Nope." Callie smirks.

Luca chuckles, and turns to Callie. "Will you please forgive me, Miss Calliope?" Luca asks.

Callie's smirk grows a little larger and she tilts her head. "I'll consider it."

"I'll take it." Luca chuckles, leaning back in his chair.

Adonis clears his throat, and suddenly all eyes are back on him. "What's next for you two, hmm?" He asks before taking a sip of his wine.

"Ah, yes." Mr. Romano nods. "You two are that age..." He starts.

"Allena and I were discussing that actually." Luca cuts in. I turn to him surprised, and also terrified he's going to fuck this up. "Before getting any further, we'd like to make our...relationship public to the press. And once that's settled we'd like to take the next step."

I turn to Adonis and Mr. Romano, both of them thinking.

"Very well." Mr. Romano sighs, clearly not entirely pleased with his son's response. "I'll be flying back to Italy tonight, but Luca is staying for the remainder of the week." He says to Adonis. "Business."

"Business indeed." Adonis nods. "May I invite you for a drink in my study?" He asks. Mr. Romano nods, and stands up before whispering something into Luca's ear. Luca nods, and the four of us watch as the two leave the room and disappear into the hall.

"Well that went well." Luca smirks, leaning back in his chair.

"It's time for bed, girls. It's way past your bedtime." I say softly, trying to redirect the conversation.

"Bedtime is overrated." Callie sighs, hopping up from her seat.

"For real." Eleni sighs, following Callie down the hall.

"You stay here." I snap, jabbing my fork at Luca. "Do not move an inch or I swear to God I'll..."

"God it's sexy when you're bossy." He smirks, resting his hands behind his head. I stop mid sentence, shocked. "Relax, bellissima, it's a compliment."

"Shut up." I snap, getting up from the table. "I may seem like a joke to you, but I can assure you I'm anything but."

"Oh, you don't have to convince me, sweetheart. I'm well aware."

"Stop calling me sweetheart."

"Stop pointing at me with your fork."

"I'm not." I snap.

"Well you were all of five seconds ago. It doesn't count if you put it down." He scoffs.

"Count? What are we in kindergarten?"

"One of us is."

"Says the one making sexual jokes."

"Calling you sexy isn't sexual."

"You're an idiot."

"Ouch." He sighs, patting his chest. "I'm so offended."

"Fuck you." I mumble, going to turn around.

"In front of the kids?" He smirks. "Now that would just be inappropriate."

Within two seconds I'm in front of him, shoving him back into his chair and grabbing his collar, my anger starting to get the best of me.

"I said shut up, and stop acting like a five year old." I growl, clenching his shirt even tighter. His smirk doesn't leave his face, his eyes just are trained on mine in amusement .

"Are we clear?" I ask.

"Crystal." He smiles.

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