3| Obedience

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When I wake up, the reminder that I have to come clean to Adonis today seems to be fresh in my mind. I spent half of the night trying to figure out what to say but my creativity has seemed to betray me.

Before I can force myself out of bed, I hear two, sharp rasps on my door. Adonis of course.

I throw on my sweatshirt and slippers, taking a deep breath before opening the door. "Yes?" I ask, he pushes past me, letting himself into my room and pacing.

He's already found out. That I lied. That me and Luca whatever his last name aren't actually dating, we just met fighting over a piece of chocolate cake. He wants to punish me. Desperately. I can see it in his eyes. He hates when we try to "outsmart" him.

"You suprise me." He snaps, pulling me from my thoughts. I blink, not quite sure where this conversation is going.

"I didn't think you would be able to attract anyone, especially the Romano boy." He rambles, not even looking at me. "You cannot screw this up."

"What?" I ask, unable to hold my tongue. At this, his eyes flicker to me and he swiftly pulls out his phone, directing it at my face. My eyes squint to read the screen, and I quickly read: Allena Draknos and Luca Romano spotted TOGETHER.

What the actual fuck.

"I've already requested that Luca and his father arrive at the estate immediately." Adonis starts.

"Wait what?" I ask, taking a step towards him. "You can't invite him here!" I snap.

"Why can't I?" Adonis questions, taking a step closer to me, to remind that no matter what, he's still the one in control here. "They will arrive in an hour or so, Luca's father found it as I urgent as I did to discuss this arrangement."

"Arrangement?" I question, quickly starting to regret my decisions. "It's not an arrangement...it's barely even a relationship...it's more like a fling..." I start.

"Fling?" My uncle questions. "No Draknos has flings." He mumbles, clearly disgusted with my choice of words. "You either don't date, or you date to marry." He snaps.

"Then I choose to not date." I snap back. He chuckles, and shakes his head. Within seconds, he roughly grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"I want you to listen to me. Carefully." He whispers, as his hot, sticky breath floats down my neck. "You are the one who was spotted with the Romano boy. And now the entire world knows about it. So you will act accordingly when him and his father arrive. And you will agree to the arrangement that I plan for the two of you. Is that understood, my darling niece?" He whispers.

"No you..." I start. His fingers grasp around my chin even harder, digging into my mouth. I squeak out a painful grimace, but all he does is press tighter.

"I said, is that understood, my darling niece?" He repeats, more fury laced into his tone. My eyes narrow, and immediate rage seems to grow inside of me. He has controlled every aspect of my life. What kind of person would I be if I let him take even more from me?

My anger seems to take control as my right hand quickly latches onto his wrist, removing his hand from my chin, and creating a distance in between us. "No." I snap, my breathing quick and hot. "I won't let you do this to me. Whatever happens between me and Luca should be under my terms."

He laughs. And not his usual, dry chuckle. But as if he finds this situation hilarious. I stand there confused, as he wheezes, trying to catch his breath. "You find this funny?" I snap, trying to maintain my composure before my fear gets the best of me.

"Yes." He sighs, his hand resting on his heart. "Amusing, actually. All of a sudden you think you have control over your life."

"Do you even hear yourself?"

"Do you hear yourself?" He retorts. "Threatening me? Telling me that this is going to be under your terms? You forget that I control you. Your parents left you in my care, which means I decide what happens between you and the little Italian boy."

"You can't decide that for me." I argue, crossing my arms. "I won't do it."

"Now you sound like a little, spoiled brat." He snaps, clearly growing agitated. "An idiotic one as well. Fortunately for me, you love your sisters more than anything else in the world. And conveniently they happen to be under my care as well. And wouldn't it just be tragic if something were to happen to them?" He asks, a smirk starting to play at his lips.

Immediately, the already fragile shield that I had starts to crumble. And I'm sure the fear is evident in my now shaking voice. "Take that back." I demand.

"Say you'll give me your best behavior and obedience." He demands back.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and unclench my fists before looking back at him. "I'll do what you request." I whisper. "Just leave them alone."

He just scoffs and moves past me, slamming the door shut on his way out of my bedroom.

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