17| Hurt Me

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The past two days had been hell. Allena was apparently supposed to have a break, the only break of the week, and Kal scheduled her for photo shoots and interviews and even more events. And so she took the majority of her anger out on me, I can't blame her.

Now we were squished in a car and she was angrily staring out the window, mumbling words in Greek.
"I have an idea." I say out of nowhere. She slowly turns her head to me, a look of annoyance plastered onto her face. "Stop talking." She growls. I ignore her and keep talking. "You and I are going to a club."

"The last time I went to a club one of your enemies almost murdered me." She snaps. "I own this club, so you don't have to worry about that." She just rolls her eyes. "You've had a shit week. I own a club, it's the perfect solution." I smirk.

"And why do you care about how shitty my week has been?" She asks. "Or do you just want to have girls dance all over you." I want to tell her it's because I care about her, but I know it's pointless. "Fine." She says suddenly. "Give the driver the address." I blink at her, suprised. I was expecting to have to haul her ass out of the car, but now she's already taken her hair out of its intricate updo and reapplying her lipstick. God she looks hot...

"The address sir?" The driver asks me. "Oh right." I type it into his phone and then he starts driving in that direction. Allena quickly throws her slippers into my lap and snaps back on the heels she was just wearing. She fixes even more of her makeup and then turns to me. I know she's doing this on purpose, to make me mad. And it's working. Very well.

We sit in silence for what feels like an eternity until the driver pulls over and I see the entrance to the club my father gave me when I turned seven. He's a shit gift giver, but it turned out well in the end I guess.

Luckily, there isn't paparazzi like usual. Allena quickly gets out of the car, and quickly starts walking towards the club. I have to almost run to catch up with her. She brushes through the line, ignoring comments from people until she gets to the front.

"Excuse me miss..." an employee says. "Wait." I mumble, stumbling over to them, partially out of breath. "Ahh Mr. Romano, what a pleasure it is to see you." Allena rolls her eyes. "So are you going to let us in our not?" She snaps, crossing her arms. The employee looks over at me and give him a slight nod. Slowly, he pushes open the door and Allena rushes to get inside.

"Wait." I snap, grabbing her arm. She reluctantly lets me pull her back to my side, not without giving me a death glare though. "Are you going to say anything?" She snaps. "Or just stare?" I look away from her for a second, before returning my gaze. "We leave at one, ok?" At first she looks like she wants to retaliate, but then her face softens. "Fine. At one." And then I let go of her and she disappears into the crowd.

I try to never take my eyes off of her. I convince myself it's because I'm making sure she doesn't drop dead from alcohol poisoning, but I know that isn't the real reason. I'm jealous. A feeling I have little experience with. If I desire something, I get it. But I desire her. A lot more than anything I've desired in my whole life.

At first she takes a couple shots, then dances with a random guy. It takes everything in me not to kill him right here, but I manage. That is until she leaves to go the bathroom, and I tell my men to make sure he doesn't ever come back here again.

"What did you do to my man?" I flip around to see an angry Allena. Well, a drunk angry Allena. "I'm supposed to be your man remember?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. She scoffs. "You're a shitty man." She shrugs. Before I can say anything else she turns away, going back to the crowd

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