22| Friends?

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When everyone else goes to sleep, I can't. I stay awake in the living room waiting for Luca and Gray to get home.

"You basically murdered the guy." I hear a voice come from outside. I quickly jump off of the couch and move quickly towards the front door, immediately seeing Luca and Gray walk up the driveway. Seconds later, they push it open and both stop dead in their tracks when they see me.

"Allena..." Luca starts, each of them have blood on their knuckles and tiny droplets of blood on their shirts.

"What did you do to him?" I whisper, making eye contact with Luca. He looks concerned, worried even.

"I can tell you later, but it's really late and I..."

"What did you do?" I say again, although this time directing my attention towards Gray.

A smirk folds onto his lips as he shakes his head. "Well we beat the shit out of him that's for sure." He chuckles. Luca sends him a look, and he quickly walks inside, leaving me and Luca alone.

"It's late." Luca says softly, worry sketched in his eyes.

"I can't sleep." I mumble. "And I wanted to talk to you."

"About?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I...I was really mad at you." I mumble, not being able to look at him. "And I didn't think I wanted to talk to you, or even see you ever again..."

"Allena..." he starts, cutting me off.

"But I do. Really fucking badly. So please just...just tell me what happened?"

He sighs, "In the mafia heirs are important. It's a symbol of strength and importance. My parents had me when they were our age, and my father wants me to do the same. So he sent this girl into my office that day, she offered me a drink and I accepted, the next thing I know she's...on top of me. I wasn't in the right mind, Allena...I was fuck..."

"He did that to you?" I whisper. Luca nods, and suddenly my body is moving towards him and my arms are wrapping around his body, hugging him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," I whisper. He hugs me back gently, eventually pulling away.

"Come on," he whispers, "it's cold." I follow him inside and awkwardly stare at the staircase.

"Can you come with me?" I ask, not even sure what I'm saying. "It's just...it's hard to sleep with everything..."

"Yeah of course," Luca says quickly. "Or I mean...I don't mind." I nod, and quickly jog up the stairs into my room, shifting into the sheets, and waiting.

Five minutes later Luca quietly comes in, he's not wearing a shirt, just checkered, black pants.

"Hey," he whispers, slowly climbing into the bed next to me.

"Thank you," I say quietly. He gives me a smile in return, that's somehow so bright it almost makes all of the awkwardness float away. Almost.

"I have a hard time sleeping too," he sighs, staring at the ceiling. "It always seems like memories are plaguing my mind."

"What kinds of memories?" I ask softly.

"Hurting people. Killing them," he says bluntly.

"But before when I asked you..." I start.

"I lied. I know exactly how many lives I've taken," he mumbles. "Most of them weren't innocent, hell they were even shittier than I am..." he pauses, not saying anything for a moment before continuing, "and then they were some that didn't deserve to die." He says softly.

"No one is innocent," I mumble, "No one is truly a good person at their core."

"I think you're a good person, especially at your core." He says softly, "I just don't think you like to show it."

"It's just easier sometimes to not show it," I say softly.

"Trust me," Luca mumbles, his breath tickling the skin on my neck, "if there's anyone who understands, it's me."

"I have to go home tomorrow," I say suddenly. I don't look at him, but I feel the sheets shift around, signaling he's turned to face me.

"Allena, if you're not ready, you don't have to force yourself," He says gently.

"No, it's time. I can't escape reality for forever. Mia can come back with us, and you don't have to babysit me anymore, you can back to your life."

"Allena, you and the girls are part of my life," He mumbles, "A big part of it," he whispers. "And I know that maybe we started this relationship as fake, but I care about all three of you, and my feelings are very very real."

I finally turn torwards him, barely being able to make out his face in the dark. "I guess I care about you to," I mumble, a smirk growing on my lips. He chuckles, shaking his head. "Friends?" I ask him.

He doesn't respond for a moment, but then his voice comes out quiet and low, "Friends," he mumbles.

And for the first time in a long time, I sleep without any nightmares

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