7| Monster

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When Luca walks out of the car I can hear confused shouts. To Italy, he's their golden boy, but here in New York not as many people are familiar with him.

I have feeling that will change in approximately five minutes.

He walks around the car, and opens my door, extending his hand for me to grab. I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch my wrist to bring myself to reality.

Then, I let my hand grab onto his and slowly step out of the car. There's shouting from every direction and my bodyguards move quickly to clear a path for us into the restaurant.

I turn to Luca who has a bright smile on his face, giving waves to girls shrieking his names. "You're not jealous are you?" He asks, whispering in my ear.

I ignore him and we walk up the stairs to the door of the restaurant where an employee opens the door for us. "Good evening Mr. Romano and Miss Draknos! We've set you up in our private room, so you two will have complete privacy."

"How great." I snap sarcastically. "Excuse her." Luca chuckles. "It's that time of the month."

Before I can even react, Luca wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in the direction of the romance room.

"You're such a..." I start. "Ssh." He whispers, rubbing his thumb on my back. "There's people watching." He's right. I snap my attention away from him and notice all the stares and cameras directed our way as we are ushered inside the room.

It's dimly lit with red hearts, everywhere. I want to gag. Luca pulls out a chair for me to sit in, and gestures for me to walk over.

I awkwardly do and when I go to sit, I fall right on my ass. Immediately I hear Luca's snickering as I turn around and see he pulled the chair out from under me.

"Ah, don't be mad, Bellisima. I was just trying to get you to smile."

"I hope it was worth it." I growl, standing up. "I never miss a chance at revenge." He chuckles, sitting in the chair. "I look forward to it."

Angrily, I walk over to the other side of the table snatching my menu. "Do you think they'll let me order vodka?" Luca asks. "No." I snap.

"Let's play a game." He says happily. "No." I mumble. "Yes. You can ask me five questions. I'll ask you five questions."

"Anything?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Try me." He smirks. Satisfied, I set down my menu and tilt my head. "How many people have you murdered?" For a moment he seems surprised at my question and then his smirk returns. "I don't keep count." He says simply.

"So human life means that little to you?" I ask. He chuckles. "Is that your next question?" I just roll my eyes and sit back in my seat. "What's your favorite color he asks. And don't say black because that's technically not a color."

"Color? You can ask me anything and you're asking my favorite color?" I snap. He just nods. "Red." I say simply. He just nods, looking straight into my eyes. "What do you do when you're not killing people?" I asks. He gives a big smile at this. "I go boating, actually. I love water."

"Like a sailboat?" I smirk. "Mhm. I'll take you some time if you'd like. It's really beautiful in Italy." I just shrug. I've never been on the water before. "Why do you live with your uncle?" He asks. I sigh. "My mother overdosed and died. My father had cancer and died. No other relatives. And don't apologize. Both of them were shit parents."

"Well that is one thing we have in common then." He chuckles. "My father is an ass." I smirk a little at that. "Your turn." He says softly.

Before I can ask my question, the waiter walks into take our orders. I look back down at the menu, quickly deciding on the chicken Caesar salad.

"We are dating." Luca says out of nowhere. I snap my head up, to see Luca and the waiter staring at each other. "So, I'd appreciate if you didn't eye fuck my girlfriend."

The waiter's face turns bright red and mumbles something incoherent. Then he takes our orders and quickly walks away. "Jealous?" I whisper in an amused tone.

He looks up. "No. Just keeping up the act." He shrugs. "He could be working undercover for the press."

"Uh huh." I snap, rolling my eyes. "Ask your question." He urges. "Are you excited to become heir? Like of the mafia." He pauses, licking his lips. "Yeah. I want to make a few changes. Stop recruiting children. Make alliances. Maybe even stop drug dealing." I blink at him surprised. "Who knew you were such the humanitarian." I whisper. "Oh don't get it fooled, bellissima, I still murder people."

"Are you a virgin?" He asks. I almost spit out my water, as I face him. "What?" He chuckles. "There's no shame in it." I slowly set my cup down and purse my lips before answering. "No." I mumble dryly. "No, I'm not."

"Woah. How did you get someone in your bed without scaring them off first?" He asks amused. I can feel my hands shaking under the table before I answer. "It's my turn for a question." I growl. "Right, my bad." He sighs. I open my mouth to say something, but then quickly close it. "I have to use the restroom." I mumble.

Quickly, I jump up and hurry to the bathroom, ignoring everyone calling my name. When I walk inside I see a girl and a guy making out.

"Get the fuck out before I make you both regret waking up today." I growl. The two of them look at me with wide eyes and run out. I slam the door shut after then and lock it, before staring at myself in the mirror.

I know people say if you've been raped, you can still identify as a virgin. Because virginity is something you choose to give away. But scientifically, I'm not a virgin. I was a ten year old girl who thought she could trust her uncle. Who thought he was going to help her heal. Protect her. And that was foolish. And I'll never forgive myself for that. So now, I stare into the mirror seeing my ten year old self. The girl with horror on her face as her uncle towered over her nearly naked body, ordering her onto the bed. And I can't escape it. I never will.

When my eyes refocus I finally see myself, except I'm pale and shriveled looking. I'm sure my dead mother is just about rolling in her grave right now. I turn on the water, and run my hands under the cool water, before splashing it onto my face.

Taking out my purse, I fix my mascara and reapply my lip stick, my cold expression slowly returning to my face. Because I promised myself something that night. I promised that I would never let Adonis take anything away from me again. He took my virginity, but I vowed to never let him get ahold of my spirit, or my power.

And so no matter how many times he beat me, or threatened me, I'd always come back stronger. He may be the man, but he has turned me into a monster.

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