39| When Pigs Fly

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I'm not a good person. I've never been a "good" person. I call people names to their faces, treat the majority of people in my life like shit, and push everyone who is anyone out of my life.

Ive hurt people before. Physically, mentally. Usually because they pissed me off, and I wanted to put them in their place.

But this time was different.

I killed someone.

I, Allena Draknos, murdered my own uncle, my own blood, Adonis Draknos.

I shot him. I fucking shot him.

"Allena, you did out of self defense." Luca says for the thousandth time. I ignore him, and just crack my knuckles instead.

The past twenty four hours have been a blur. I wake up with a stupid nurse touching me, then I realize I murdered my own fucking uncle, then Luca explains that he doesn't in fact want to kill me, but France does.

Did I mention I killed Adonis?

"Let's go over it again." Gray snaps. I groan. "Stop whining. Let's say it. If..." He coaxes. When I say nothing he continues. "If you hadn't killed Adonis..."

"He would've killed me." I mumble.

"And then?" Gray asks.

"I'd leave Callie and Eleni alone with him." I mumble.

"Yes. Very good. Another gold star." Gray smirks, sticking a fucking sticker onto my forehead. "Besides he was a bastard. You hated him."

"I know that." I mumble, playing with the ring on Luca's finger. "I shot him with the gun you gave me." I whisper.

"I know." Luca sighs, giving me a slight smile.

"But he's dead." I whisper. "I won't ever see him again."

"Did you want to see him again?" Luca asks.

"No." I mumble. It's hard to explain. I feel relief that Adonis is gone. No more of his threats, or abuse, but for some reason I don't feel free. At least not completely.

I always thought...or felt that there was something separating me from Adonis. Something that made me slightly better than him. He was a monster, and I wasn't. At least not as bad as him.

But now things had changed. I had won. Adonis was dead. The power was in my hands now, and it felt absolutely sickening.

"I'm gonna go pick up Maeve and the twins. I'll see you two later." Gray smiles, grabbing his stuff. "Call me if you're in deep shit."

Luca sighs as the door closes behind Gray, and gently lays down beside me. Our bodies squished together in the little bed.

Old me would've absolutely freaked and shoved his ass off, but this me doesn't care. She's happy he's so close to her.

I glance at Luca's face noticing how unusually pale he looks. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." He hums. "I'm alright."

"You're a shit liar." I smirk. He chuckles a bit and then sighs.

"I'm sorry for not being honest with you." He says gently.

"I get it you were trying to protect me." I whisper.

"No...that's not...that's not an excuse." Luca whispers gently. "I really care about you." He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, opening them back up and shaking ever so slightly. "And knowing that you ended up here because of me..."

"Stop." I snap. "The only reason im in this bed is because of Adonis. You didn't put me here, Luca."

"But I was apart of it..."

"Well I'm a part of it too. I should've confronted you about it instead of running." I sigh. "But running is what I'm good at." We both sigh, staring at the ceiling.

"It sounds like we both could use some work on our communication skills." I whisper. "Especially if we want this relationship to work."

"Relationship?" He whispers. "We're still pretending?"

"Pretending?" I smirk. "Luca, I think we both stopped pretending a long time ago." He smiles, practically beaming.

"So you want this?" He asks. "You want me."

"Duh." I whisper.

"And all of the insanity that comes with my life?" He asks.

"Don't tell me you forgot already. You and I...to insanity."

At this his smile somehow gets impossibly larger and within the next two seconds he's kissing me.

"When can you come home?" Eleni asks me, her me and Callie squished into my hospital bed.

"Whenever the doctors say I can." I whisper, pressing a kiss to her head.

"Do you still hurt?" Callie asks.

"She has like a million drugs pumping into her body." Maeve mumbles from the corner. "She feels better than all of us."

"True." I nod.

"Laney, where are we gonna live now?" Eleni asks, tilting her head. "Are we going back home?"

"No we're not... we're never going back there again." I mumble.

"Damn right." Gray smirks, walking into the room. "Luca is trying to get you released...it's not working very well. Maeve pills."

"I am so tired of fucking pills." She whines from her spot on the couch. "I hate them more than I hate men. And I hate men."

"Ouch." Gray chuckles, sitting next to her. He hands her the pill bottle and she just glares, not moving.



"Take your pills please."

"Shut your mouth please."

"I'll take you to one of Luca's clubs tonight if you take them."


"No. Take them."

"You lied to me!"

"So? You lie to me all the time."

"Well you're older than me so you can't lie. Duh."

Gray stares at her, not knowing what to say. "Just take them...please."

"When pigs fly I will gladly take them." Maeve smiles, handing Gray the pills. He just groans, but gives up.

"Can you get us food?" Maeve asks. "We're hungry."

"I'll get the bagels from the car." Gray grumbles, walking back out.

Luca walks in right after, grinning from ear to ear. "You are hereby freed from the hospital. Thanks to me."

"Thanks." I smile.

"You guys want to help me pack up this stuff?" Luca asks the twins. They both nod, eagerly jumping off the bed. Maeve hops into my bed, snuggling into the open space.

"You're not going to help?" Luca asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope. I'm giving Allena emotional support by laying here. Get back to work soldier."

Luca just smirks and helps the twins get the stuff into my suitcase before Gray walks back in, handing each of us bagels, and Maeve one with strawberry cream cheese. Then he sits back, smiling.

"Why are you so chipper?" Maeve asks, finishing the last bite of her bagel.

"Just glad you took your pills." He shrugs.

"I didn't! I said when pigs fly, remember?"

"Yep, that's why I crushed them into your cream cheese. So yes, you did in fact just take your pills."

Maeve's jaw drops open. "You fucker!"

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