20| Whipped

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I don't leave the window until I'm convinced  Allena and Maeve are safely out the driveway, then I walk into the kitchen where Gray is at the counter with the twins playing candy land.

"You little gremlins are cheating." Gray grumbles, shaking his head. "Nuh uh you're just stupid." Callie smirks, sticking out her tongue. "Yeah!" Eleni giggles, nodding her head.

"Is she ok?" Gray asks me, while the girls are distracted. "No. She's not. She hasn't left her bed in days and... I knew he was bad. I fucking knew it. I can't believe he fucking touched her..."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Gray asks, amusement laced in his tone. "I'm going to fucking destroy him..."

"Actually, I don't think you have to worry about it." Gray smirks. "Allena already did." He flips his phone towards me which shows Allena talking into a camera.

"Kal Leeman raped me." She states, confidence laced into her tone. She says something else and then tilts her head, smirking towards the camera. "Have fun rotting in hell."

"What does rape mean?" Eleni asks. Gray and I both turn towards the twins, our eyes bulging. "She said grape, little gremlin." Gray quickly says ruffling her hair. "Go back to playing candy land and beating my ass."

"If you insist." Callie hums.

"She's fucking insane." Gray smirks. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. "Who's that?" The girls asks, tilting their heads.

"Just stay here, girls, ok?" I ask. They nod and I grab my gun before walking to the door. Quickly, I pull it open only to see...Mia.

Apparently she's Allena's best friend.

She smirks and tilts her head. "So you're the guy who hurt my best friend." She whistles. I stutter, not quite sure how to answer it. "But then you helped her. And called me so...I guess you're forgiven. Partially."

"Mia!" The twins shriek, running out from the hall and into her arms. "Oh my gosh, you guys are so big." Mia smiles, kneeling down to their level.

Gray walks out into the hall and stops dead in his tracks. "Who...who is this?" He asks, his face turning a light shade of red. Mia straightens herself up, and makes eye contact with Gray. And then they just...stare.

"Luca?" Eleni whispers. "I think Gray and Mia are having a seizure."

"Me too." Callie chimes.

"Guys." I snap. They both turn to me. "Could you stop staring at each other and focus, please? Allena will be back any moment. Mia, you have to hide."

"Hide?" She asks. "Allena hates suprises. She will kick your ass, and mine if I hide."

"Fine." I sigh. "But just look excited at least."

"Yeah, no shit." Mia smirks.

"Yeah." Gray mumbles. "No shit, Luca." I give him a confused stare, wondering why the hell he suddenly isn't on my side.

"Well, I can take your bags." I sigh, trying to break out of the awkwardness.

"No, let me." Gray snaps, quickly pushing in front of me, and grabbing Mia's suitcase. "There's a guest room right across from Allena's."

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