28| Secrets

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When Allena falls asleep with the twins, I gently tiptoe out, moving to the living room where Maeve and Gray are.

"I'm fine Gray, ive said that a million fucking times!" Maeve hisses, pushing herself off of the couch and storming into the kitchen. Gray sighs, rubbing a tired hand down his face.

"If you're here to pester me, save it," Maeve snaps to me, "I'm leaving."

"Hell no you're not," Gray snaps, shooting up from his spot on the couch, and moving to the elevator door.

"Stop being so damn controlling!" Maeve shouts, trying to step in front of him.

"Fine. But I'm going with you," He snaps, letting her through.

"Oh, so you're going to go shopping with me?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"Well whose card are you going to use?" Gray asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Luca?" Maeve asks, turning to me. Gray sends me death glares and I quickly run back into the bedroom with Allena and the twins. I feel a hell lot safer in here.


I wake up an hour later my head pounding, and the twins gone.

"Look who's awake," Luca smiles, he's stretched out on the bed next to me, scrolling on his phone.

"Where are the twins?" I mumble, trying to sit up.

"They are in the kitchen with Gray and Maeve...and my doctor friend, Miles." He smirks. I groan, slamming a pillow onto my face.

"Hey, he's not that bad," Luca smirks, pulling the pillow off my face and depositing it onto the floor. I just such, glueing my eyes on the ceiling.

Everything changed so fast. A day ago only me and the twins shared this secret, and they barely knew just how bad things were. Now Luca knew. Gray knew. Maeve knew, and now some weird random guy was going to know too.

My secret. The one I promised myself to take to the grave, because if anyone found out I could lose the twins, or if Adonis got to me first...my life.

And now it was out. And although it brought me so much relief...it brought me just as much terror.

"Allena?" Luca asks softly, pulling me out of my thought.


"I...I just wanted to let you know it's gonna be ok," He says softly, his eyes looking straight into mine. "I will help you figure everything out...the way you want it to," Gently, he unravels my hand, I didn't even realize I had balled it into a fist.

"We made this...this insane deal because we were desperate. And we didn't care much for each other then, but I care a hell a lot about now, Bellissima. And I admire you, for your strength. But, sometimes it's ok to let people help you. God, if it wasn't for Gray I'd be probably half dead in an alley somewhere. Maeve keeps Gray in check, and you...you've brightened up my life in a lot of ways that I didn't think were possible..."

"Luca..." I start.

"No, please," He says softly, rubbing my hand. "I'm almost done...I just... I'm not letting you go through this alone anymore. I want to be here , and I want to help you. Not because I think you're a charity case, but because I care. A fucking lot actually."

I don't realize it now, but I'm smiling. More than I would care to admit, but I am.

"So please?" He asks, "please let me help you?"

"Yes," I say instantly, I quickly clamp my mouth shut wondering where the hell that came from, but I don't regret it. With Luca it this doesn't feel impossible. I can trust him. How, is beyond me, but I guess I care about him too. A whole fucking lot.

I bring Miles into Allena's room reminding him to be very very gentle. He's dealt with plenty of my guys before, so I'm not that worried. Although, I'm still not sure how Allena is going to react.

"Hey, Allena," Miles smiles, walking into the room. She eyes him, but doesn't say anything, but I notice her fingers digging into her palm again. "I was just here to take a look at your ribs..."

"I know," Allena says, her voice colder than usual.

"Right," Miles says, awkwardly moving closer to her.

"You seem nervous," She says as he gets closer. "I don't know how comfortable I feel with a nervous doctor."

"Allena," I sigh. She just gives me a glance, but then continues to stare at Miles who is now fumbling with his supplies.

"Any day now," Allena sighs, laying her head back down.

"Sorry," Miles mumbles. "Could you...could you lift your shirt up for me please?" I expect Allena to give him a hard time, but surprisingly she flips up her shirt, her stomach exposed once again. I've seen bruised ribs before, but the bruising on Allena almost covers the whole front of her body. It only reminds me of how much I want to kill that mother fucking...

"You looked at it for five fucking seconds you can't decide that!" Allena shrieks. My attention quickly goes back to the two of them, to see a raging Allena and a very nervous looking Miles.

"Allena, what's wrong?" I ask.

"He wants me to stay on bed rest for at least five more days," She snaps, her eyes glued on Miles.

"Well yeah, Allena, they're...that's the fastest way to heal."

"I have things I need to get done," She snaps again.

"Well I can handle it for you," I shrug, crossing my arms. "Maybe a break will be good for you."

"I don't take breaks," She scoffs, "And you can't handle everything. Unless you want to do a photoshoot for me?" She asks, growing more upset by the second. I quickly move to her, taking her hand and gently undo her fist.

"Remember what I said earlier?" I ask softly. She finally looks at me, her eyes softening.

"Mhm," She hums.

"So, can we please let Miles help you out? Then we can get everything organized?"

"Ok," She sighs, "But if you do anything wrong I will make your life hell," Allena mumbles to Miles. He just nods, and I give him a sympathetic glance.

An hour later, Miles is gone and I'm helping Allena with the ice he instructed her to do.

"Can we talk about the stuff now?" She asks.

"Yep," I hum, gently adjusting the ice on her stomach. "What's up?"

"Adonis is going to notice if I just...if just disappear." She sighs. "And then things will only get worse."

"I have that taken care of," I sigh, "Does that feel ok?"

"What do you mean?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.

"I'll be calling him this evening," I sigh, sitting down on the bed. "Gray and I figured it was...the smartest thing to do."

"Which is?" She asks.

"I'm going to tell him we're getting married."

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