16| Threats and Other Words

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It's been two weeks since Allena left. Two weeks of beating myself up.

She and Maeve left, the girls went to watch a movie and my father told me I had a meeting with one of his associates. She came over, dressed in a tight dress and tall heels. I thought it was odd, but didn't stop her. We met in my office and I got us drinks. Water to be exact.

Everything else is a kind of a blur. It felt like I was out of my body. And then I realized she might have drugged me. So, I took a blood test. And I was right.

And there was only one real solution. My dad sent her to drug me and sleep with her. Why? I have no idea. He's the one who was excited about me and Allena in the first place.

"When are you going to talk to him?" Gray snaps, grabbing my attention. "He fucked you over and now Allena hates you. Don't just sit on your ass all day." I just give him a glare and shake my head. "He's a powerful man." I mumble. "Ok and?" Gray asks. "So are you."

"In my opinion you're way cooler than your dad." Maeve smiles. "Maeve, you've never even met him." I mumble. "And I plan on keeping it that way." Gray snaps. "Don't do anything irrational, Maeve." She gives him a playful pout and then turns back to me. "Stop being a pussy, Luca. Get your shit together." Then she gives me a hug and runs towards the garage.

"Woah, Maeve where are you going?" Gray yells after her. "To the market!" She tells back , running out the door. "Shit, she's going to see that dick again." Gray groans. "I'll see you later. Listen to Maeve." He says, running after Maeve.

I know the both of them are right. Nothing was worth losing Allena over, not after the way she made me feel. So, I got dressed, fixed my hair and got a car to his office. One thing I'll always like about the mafia, is the power it gives me. The way people look at me instantly and know not to give me their shit. Even if my father is still in charge, I still have power.

"Ah, son." My father smiles, ushering me into his office. "Good news I'm hoping. Did you impregnate someone?" It takes everything in me not to throw his ass outside. "Not that I'm aware of." I smirk, sitting down. "Although I have to say, that was a nice effort by you." He tilts his head and smiles. "So you've figured it out then. I assume that's why you're here?"

"You sent an innocent girl to fuck me when I'm already with someone else." I growl. "How many times do I have to tell you that girls are just pawns? That's all that slut is. A pawn. She's the number one model of her age, do you really think she isn't sleeping around with every guy who lays eyes on her?" My father demands

"I know for a fact she isn't. She's not a fucking pawn. She's a person. And one with self respect. And under no circumstance will I force her into something she doesn't want." My father gives me a disgusted look before scoffing. "You don't have a choice." He growls, slamming papers onto my desk.

"What is this?" I ask grabbing the envelope. "Read it yourself." My father growls. I open it and start.

Dear Luca Romano,

I realize it has been awhile since we last talked. But it seems you've forgotten where your loyalties lie. I've noticed you've been dating the Greek girl, Allena Draknos especially after her ties with the Greek mafia, France's biggest enemy.

I hope this is not what I would think it is...betrayal. After all, you wouldn't war...would you?

Shit. The Italian and French mafia have been allied since I was seven. Losing our alliance would be shit. But Allena...the Greek mafia...

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