38| Awake

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"Gray why did you order red balloons when i specifically asked for black?" Maeve asks, pressing her phone to her ear. "Well when you and Luca switch on your way back grab black balloons. Yes I'll take them. Bye." She hangs up her phone and turns to me, sighing.

"Look at the cards me and Callie made." Eleni beams, running into the kitchen. I pull her into my lap and she goes on and on about the glitter glue and pink markers she used.

It's been two weeks since the...incident. And Allena is still not waking up. I'm usually there every minute of the day, but the twins missed me, and I smelled like shit, so Gray offered to spend a few hours at the hospital. Everyone was on edge, so Maeve had the idea to set up a welcome home party for when Allena wakes up.

If she wakes up.

Things with the mafia haven't been good either. Word got out that Adonis died, and that Allena did it. People are worried that if she's willing to kill her own family , she'll do worse to them. They have no idea Adonis beat her almost every fucking day.

"Do you girls know if Allena likes cake?" Maeve asks, sitting down next to me.

"She likes vanilla." Callie mumbles, adding stars to her card. "That's her favorite."

"Vanilla." Maeve mumbles, scribbling it down on her hand. "Got it, thanks squirt."

Eleni sets down her coloring, and lays her head back against my chest.

Everyone has been on edge in their own ways, but the twins haven't been sleeping well at all. One of them wakes up with a nightmare, or they simply can't sleep at all.

"You wanna take a nap?" I whisper, softly rubbing her arm.

"Mhm." She mumbles. Her eyes shift to Callie who is still coloring, but clearly exhausted.

"Nap, Cal?" Maeve asks.

"Can we watch a movie instead?" She asks.

"That sounds like an amazing idea." Maeve nods. "What shall we watch today?" She asks as she takes the girls into the living room.

I exhale, numbly moving into the bathroom, and rubbing a tired hand down my face.

I usually don't cry. It's not something that's ever been tolerated by my father, let alone in the mafia. But I've cried almost every day since Allena's been hospitalized. Actual fucking tears.

It's a mix of everything. The fact that her own uncle wanted to kill her. That her baby sisters saw her half dead. That she was running from me.

None of this would have happened if I had just...told her.

And it's tearing me apart.

Before I can make it out of the bathroom, my phone rings and Gray's contact flashes across the screen.

"What's up?" I ask rushedly. "Is everything ok? Is she..."

"The paparazzi found us." Gray mumbles. "The hospital is on full lockdown. They're trying to see her. People are gonna start to put the pieces together."

"We need to get her out of there." I snap, grabbing my keys from off the kitchen counter.

"Luca I want you to be rational for one fucking second, k?" Gray snaps. "She's barely holding on. Barely. Do you know how dangerous it would be to try to move her to a different location. How risky that would be for her life?"

I sigh angrily, knowing he's right. "Well then what do you suggest?" I ask.

"I'll take care of it. Just get your ass here." With that he hangs up the phone.

When I get to the hospital, there's hundreds of people crowding around all the entrances. Police have shown up and are making sure no one can enter but im wondering how long they'll be able to hold everything down.

I step out of the car, adjusting my sunglasses before ducking my head and it making a total of three fucking steps before im stopped.

"Mr. Romano, do you know what has happened to Allena Draknos..."

"Is Allena pregnant with your child..."

"Did someone hurt Allena..."

"Did you hurt Allena..."

"Fuck no, I'd never hurt her." I spit angrily, trying to push past them.

It doesn't work and instead im just bombarded with more fucking questions.

It isn't until almost five fucking minutes later that Gray comes outside. The press starts shifting towards the front doors, and I spot him. He's looking around clearly for me, and then we make eye contact.

It takes exactly three seconds for me to realize what he's trying to communicate through his usually calm eyes, which are now wide open.

She's awake.

I start plowing through people, not giving a shit. I'm pretty sure I hit a grandma who just had a hip replacement but I really don't fucking care.

Allena is awake. That's all that matters.

I get to the doors a minute later, and Gray pulls me inside, police forcing the doors shut behind us.

"She just woke up, and she's responding." Gray mumbles, pulling us through the hallways. "She's confused. Really confused."

"The fuck do you mean confused?" I ask. Before he can answer, he pushes open her hospital door instead.

Allena is standing out of her bed, barely holding herself up, and pointing a syringe at a nurse.

"Did Adonis send you?" She growls. "Take one more step near me and I will fucking kill you."

"Miss Draknos, you're safe, if you could just let me help you into bed..."

"Do not touch me." She snaps, her voice shaking. The nurse ignores her, aiming a shot straight at Allena's arm. I push past Gray, positioning myself in between Allena and the nurse.

"Touch her and I swear I'll make your life a living hell." I snap at the nurse.

"Sir, she's not stable..."

"Yeah because you're coming at her with a fucking shot to send her to sleep." Gray snaps.

"So why don't you move your ass, and go get the doctor." I mumble. The nurse sighs, but gives up, quickly moving out the door.


I turn towards Allena, and immediately see the confusion etched across her face.

"I don't understand." She whispers. "Are you here to kill me?"

"Kill you? No Allena I-

"I read the..the papers...from France..." She mumbles, running her shaking hands through her hair.


"And then I went to Kal...he told Adonis. I freaked out."

"Can you please just-

"I left. I went back to New York...but he was there." She pauses, and then her face slowly morphs to horror.

"I killed him."

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