36| Dying

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I slam my phone onto the ground after attempting to call Allena for the twenty seventh time. I was notified the moment she left the house and went to the plane, and somehow my idiot men missed her going to the warehouse and talking to Kal which means she probably knows everything.

I left right after her, and now am in the car on the way to her uncle's house. I doubt she'd go there, but I need him to sign the marriage papers before Allena ends up with a bullet in her head.

"Find her yet?" Gray calls as I pick up my phone.

"Nope." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"She'll turn up." Gray sighs. "Just give her some time."  I go to tell him he's right, but I'm interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number.

"I'll call you back." I sigh. I hang up, and answer the random call. "This is Luca Romano speaking..."

"Luca?" A tiny voice cries. I immediately recognize that it's Eleni's voice, and I stop the car.

"Eleni, it's Luca. Sweetheart, where are you?" I ask gently.

"At- a-t home." She sobs into the phone. "Luca help us. She's bleeding."

"Eleni, who...who is bleeding?" I ask.

"Allena." My heart constricts, and for a moment I think I lose my breath. What did he do to her?

"Luca?" A new voice asks. "It's Callie. Allena has a knife in her chest." She says rushedly. "She told me to call you if there was ever an emergency."

"Yes...yes good...that's..." I stumble, putting my car back in drive and speeding in the direction of the manor. "What happened Callie?" I ask.

"We heard yelling. He was hurting her, Luca. Really bad. But then we heard a shot. When...when we came in they were both lying there..."

"Callie...did she get shot?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"No." Callie says quickly. "Allena shot Uncle. He's...he's dead."

A flood of relief washes through me. Allena killed him. She fucking did it...

"But he stabbed her." Callie mumbles into the phone. "She's... the whole floor is red." I hear thuds next, and all of a sudden Eleni is screaming.

"Lock the door!" Callie screeches, and the phone disconnects. Fucking hell. I speed up faster, not caring which red light I pass, and make it to the
house two minutes later.

I don't bother knocking, I just force open the door and make my way upstairs where the staff is crowded around Allena's closed door.

"All of you get the fuck away from the door." I growl angrily. "Or I'll shoot."

The majority of them have the brains to move, but one stands not moving, crossing his arms.

"If she killed Adonis..." he starts. But he doesn't get the chance to finish before the bullet is lodged into his head. The rest of the staff gasps, while I lower my arms and step over the body before knocking on the door.

"GO AWAY!" Eleni's voice comes.

"Eleni it's me. It's Luca. It's just me I promise."

The door clicks open a half second later, and I freeze. Adonis and Allena are both sprawled onto the floor, neither moving. Adonis has a bullet lodged in his head, and Allena has a knife just below her chest, her body covered in blood. Next to Allena lies the gun I got her for her birthday, her fingers barely clutching onto it.

It saved her.

"Luca what do we do?" Callie asks, tears brimming in her eyes. I gently pick up Allena, relieved to hear her shallow breaths.

"It's gonna be ok girls." I say softly. "You stay by my side." They both nod, each clutching some of my shirt in their little fists before we leave the room. The staff just stares, looking past us and at Adonis.

"I suggest you all run. If I get a hand on any of you who let these girls be abused in this house...I can promise you no mercy." I snap.

With that, I turn, all three of the Draknos girls attached to me, and hurry to the car.

I set Allena in the backseat and squish both of the twins into the passenger seat, strapping the seatbelt as tightly as I can before starting the car.

"Luca is Laney going to die?" Eleni asks, tears streaming down her face.

"No, the doctors are going to take very good care of her, sweetheart." I honestly have no idea what the fuck is going to happen, but I don't think I could tell them how I truly felt. How she had lost so much blood I was surprised she was still breathing. How their uncle was now dead, and Allena was at fault. Or how much I loved their sister and the thought of her dying absolutely wrecked me.

"We tried to go faster, Luca." Callie mumbles fiddling with her fingers.  "I couldn't open the door."

"Callie, it's not your fault." I say softly, using my free hand to grab hers. "You did the right thing by calling me. You're a really good sister, sweetheart."

She doesn't say anything, just squeezes my hand.

We get to the hospital seven minutes later and I quickly pick Allena up carrying her inside. The room feels dizzy as they take her from me, setting her onto a crash cart and wheeling her away.

Someone is doing CPR, others are trying to check her vitals, and if it wasn't for the twins I'd chase after them.

"Why are they taking her?" Eleni asks, tears streaming down her tiny face.

"They're gonna make her better." I nod, trying to hold back my own tears. "Come here." Gently, I bring both twin into either arm and make my way to the waiting area.

"You two wait right here I'm gonna call Gray, ok?" I ask. They both nod, holding onto each other as I move to the side.

"Did you find her?" He asks.

"I...he almost killed her." I manage.

"What are you talking about?" Gray asks.

"He stabbed her." I whisper. "Adonis stabbed Allena.
There was so much fucking blood, Gray. She was covered- Oh god. She looked half dead-"

"Luca, where is she now?" Gray asks, his tone calm.

"She's at the hospital. The twins...they're ok."

"Good. Maeve and I are going to fly over, ok? But in the meantime I need you to stay strong. Those girls are five years old, and if they see you crumble so will they. We'll be there by tonight and I'll take them to a hotel."

"Ok." I nod. "But Gray what if..."

"Don't." He snaps. "Allena Draknos is the strongest person I know. That girl is not dying."

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